Zen suite GTK2/3
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The main goal of this theme is to keep it simple, consistent and being visually appealing.
news: Update for gtk-3.14 and gtk-3.16
- thin menubar and toolbar
- includes both gtk2 and gtk3 themes
- compatibility with Xfce widgets, Xfce notify theme
- eight pre-configured color schemes : Zen, Zen-bicolor, Zen-blua, Zen-griza, Zen-nigra, Zen-nokto, Zen-verda, Zen-papero.
- gtk2 engines: Murrine>=0.98, clearlooks, pixbuf.
- gtk3
The gtk-3 version is mostly tested on few applications under Xfce. Issues have to be reported on github repository.
Install: extract the archive and copy the theme folders you want into ~/.theme.
Arch users: "zen-gtk-themes" is available in AUR.
Extras: xfwm4 and metacity-1 windows decorator (see my others artworks).
Specific settings for libreoffice
Using small scrollbars in libreoffice 3.* cause sheet tabs too small. You can fix scrollbar width for LibreOffice two ways :
- run the script libreoffice-patch.sh. This script will add customs application launchers for libreoffice in .local/share/applications. The following command will be added in the application launcher:
# bash -c "GTK2_RC_FILES=$HOME/.themes/Zen/gtk-2.0/apps/libreoffice.rc application-command"
to uninstall and restore original files (if exist) run:
# ./libreoffice-patch.sh --uninstall
- edit Zen/gtk-2.0/gtkrc and change value of "GtkScrollbar::trough-border" from "2" to "3" for example. Last changelog:
news: Update for gtk-3.14 and gtk-3.16
- thin menubar and toolbar
- includes both gtk2 and gtk3 themes
- compatibility with Xfce widgets, Xfce notify theme
- eight pre-configured color schemes : Zen, Zen-bicolor, Zen-blua, Zen-griza, Zen-nigra, Zen-nokto, Zen-verda, Zen-papero.
- gtk2 engines: Murrine>=0.98, clearlooks, pixbuf.
- gtk3
The gtk-3 version is mostly tested on few applications under Xfce. Issues have to be reported on github repository.
Install: extract the archive and copy the theme folders you want into ~/.theme.
Arch users: "zen-gtk-themes" is available in AUR.
Extras: xfwm4 and metacity-1 windows decorator (see my others artworks).
Specific settings for libreoffice
Using small scrollbars in libreoffice 3.* cause sheet tabs too small. You can fix scrollbar width for LibreOffice two ways :
- run the script libreoffice-patch.sh. This script will add customs application launchers for libreoffice in .local/share/applications. The following command will be added in the application launcher:
# bash -c "GTK2_RC_FILES=$HOME/.themes/Zen/gtk-2.0/apps/libreoffice.rc application-command"
to uninstall and restore original files (if exist) run:
# ./libreoffice-patch.sh --uninstall
- edit Zen/gtk-2.0/gtkrc and change value of "GtkScrollbar::trough-border" from "2" to "3" for example.
Fix gtk3 scale widget
Fix gtk3 switch widget
Fix GtkPopover widget
Add gtk-dark.css for zen-nigra
Fix checked button state
Fix button border issue
Fix menu border issue
Fix flat button appearance
Update makefiles
0.10.15 : updates and fixes
- Last gtk2 version with the clearlook engine.
Ratings & Comments
I can not establish it is difficult to install. please get easier setup :)
Hi, in GTK 3.14 some buttons are cut off: http://106.imagebam.com/download/EN79pKXhf2J-g10FJ7Ym3w/40212/402114815/gtk_3_14_1.png Also, pull down menus (and even the windows itself) have a large border. Greetings Marcus
Tanks for the report. Fixed!
... work very fine together. Beautiful! Thank you very much and voted you up of course, Michael
too Ugly
I am accustom to resize along the right edge. I know I can use the resize grip, but am wondering if there is a way enable resizing along the right edge of gtk3 applications. Thank you for all you do, your work is appreciated.
It’s a window manager feature not gtk. Generally you can resize along all edges and corners but it can depend of your window manager and themes for window border you are using.
I am accustom to resize alone the right edge. I know I can use the resize grip, but am wondering if there is a way enable resizing along the right edge of gtk3 applications. Thank you for all you do, your work is appreciated.
Sorry for the double post, I was trying to correct the typo 'alone' to 'along'.
Hi: I am trying to use your theme in my xfce4.8 system, with gtk3.4. Everything works fine except for a java application Geogebra. There is a small gap between the xfwm4 windows and the application, which is visible especially when I try the Zen-bicolor theme. When I click the application menu, the gap somewhat narrows down but still visible. I am not sure if it is due to a bug in the system or it is a theming problem. Any suggestions?
Hello, I've tried geogebra in my system and it work fine. Does tis issue is present with others themes? It could be a problem with the xfwm4 theme too...
I am using xfce 4.8 in Debian Wheezy stable. I set up gtk integration for java applications myself, it was not configured by default. I tried the other themes including greybird, adwaita etc and all have the same problem with geogebra. I tried to upgrade geogebra but the new version also has the same issue. You have a gap between the application menu and the xfwm4 windows. When you click the menu with the mouse, the menus partially close the gap. I tried another java application Freeplane, it does not have this issue. It looks like a (mostly) gtk application.
Good themes. Voted up. I made a quick openbox to match nokto. If you want to look its here http://fav.me/d6mw37x
Thanks for your interest. I added a link to your contribution.
Greetings my friend. Just wanted to let you know that I took the liberty of making a variant based around your zen-nokto that I call 'Neptune'. I hope you approve. I love working with your GTK themes. http://fav.me/d6k1l55
No problem! Nice work
Thank you. Your GTK is a pleasure to work with.
The 0.12 version appears to work fine on Cinnamon 1.8, even though it is GTK 3.6. One issue (don't know what other desktop environments it might affect) is that the icon text is plain back and hard to see against a dark background. Any way it could be made as bicolor? (Maybe black with a white outline or vice versa, for example?)
I do not know very well what the problem is now. Does this issue is still present in 0.10.10.g36. release ? If it the case can you please send me more details or a screenshot. Even if 0.12 release seem to work for the most in gtk3.6 there is some warnings and I can't fully test it in this version. So it's better to use version 0.10.10.g36 for you as it includes updates and fixes from the 0.12 branch. So there are very similar except some few things.
There's a bug with Epiphany (aka "Web") -- which uses GTK3; all the scrollbars are messed up. I'm using the latest version of Zen. http://i.imgur.com/LVtCvZ9.png
There's a bug with Epiphany (aka "Web") -- which uses GTK3; all the scrollbars are messed up. I'm using the latest version of Zen. http://i.imgur.com/LVtCvZ9.png
Thank you for reporting this issue. This bug will be fixed soon in the next version.
this bug is now fixed since versions >=0.12.0 and 0.10.10.x. enjoy!
There's a bug with Epiphany (aka "Web") -- which uses GTK3; all the scrollbars are messed up. I'm using the latest version of Zen. http://i.imgur.com/LVtCvZ9.png
Really love this theme, especially nokto http://fav.me/d5z8c0l