1. Giving "Home" a permanent home in titlebar / or between titlebar and tool bar.
2. Moving menu bar to titlebar.
3. Title becomes footer

( Am I trying to make window up side down ? )
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Ratings & Comments
Wery excellent, I love idea of putting home or icon of folder you'r in in that place and, putting File... Menu in a title bar is so COOL idea, its space consuming and handy, and yet better its UNIQUE. I love unique thing and this esspecialy becouse it doesent tryes to copy Win or some other OS. Im hoping that this comes true :)
this is a really new look (and feel) and in fact, it might be very usefull too. on the one hand, you still have got the beautiful window-decoration, but you save a lot of spave if the usual menu is placed inside the window-decoration (the place of the usual window-title) now, the window-title needs a new place/handling, but, there should be more ideas about that.. ! menu inside the window-decoration looks very interesting, and saves space => great Idea !
The menu bar is rendered in seperate code than the window decorations, and it would be hard to combine them. You could make your title bar seemlessley blend to the menu bar tho. The home button probably won't be that useful and would require two buttons if you want it to cross from the title bar to the menu. If you move the buttons from the title bar to the bottom then you could make the top of the window decoration really short and then the menu bar would be where the title was.
Interesting concept. But why do I want a Home button on every application window? What does it do when clicked, open a kfm instance? I don't see why it's needed in every window's titlebar. But I like the look of the menus merged into the titlebar, that looks pretty cool.
looks very nice I love it but, no the title should be on top of the menu. with different alignement, problably center. and i'm not sure about the permanent home buttom. i think, that could simply be the application icon of the same size. what about zoom on mouseover ? nice nice nice
Hum... Seem inspired a lot from Longhorn explorer preview. Why not: it look nice to the eyes. But I'm too not sure it would be usable... Pity: not the titlebar on bottom (or allow to configure it). After this, it's OK for me: good eye candy.
I really like the idea of having the menu bar in the title, and I think that it could be a nice feature for KWin in KDE4! But I don't understand the home icon..it's meant to be in every window? Or maybe only in the Konqueror FM windows? In the second case, it would be cool. In the other case, I think it doesn't have sense.
I think this looks really good. It looks a bit like what Longhorn does. Implementing it shouldn't be harder than implementing the Mac OS X-style menubars and making "a few" changes to KWin and to each decoration. Of course it would only work in KDE applications... It would be perfectly possible to retain full compatibility with NetWM, there would just be extra features. - Simon
Current layout in kde is too cluttered to use. Too many toolbar icons menu entries... Something on this line is a good start as long as we have an option to go back...
1. making the menu part of the titlebar is not possible unless you decide to change major parts of qt and/or netwm or making kwin netwm incomatible. (actually you could include the MacOS style (top) menubars into the title - but they'd keep their look, dependend on the style, not the deco) 2. you could add as many buttons into the titlebar as you like whether you include that feature into the deco or the kwin client and maybe it would even possible to make them cover the application (while the latter could be a bad idea) but why? with kde 3.3 the user will be able to add about 9 (!!!) buttons into the titlebar, where imho 3-4 are right enough (close/min/max/ maybe "keep above") i think the titlebar really shouldn't become too complex and you can still have the home icon on your desktop and even as a sidebar button in konqueror (personally i have one as icon on an autohiding kicker panel on the left of my desktop) 3. moving the windowtitle to the bottom (or left or right) isn't a big deal at all, but again: covering the application may first be impossible and second not a very good idea at all. besides this most users expect window informations on the top of the window (as m$ and apple and most unix windowmanagers in the past did like this)
Hrm, seems to me that KMenuBar must be abstracted out enough to do this, considering the fact that you can have all menu bars along the top of the screen, a la MacOS. I once considered adding a NeXTStep style menu group option, but I never did anything about it, so I dont know what the code really looks like. However, this will cause a lot of confusion if you use any non-KDE apps that have menu bars, as they would not be able to do this (maybe GTK apps would, if you used the gkt-qt theme, I'm not sure though). Also, from a GUI perspective, it seems that this would be really hard to use: imagine trying to move the window and constantly hitting a menu instead. Also, I know I, at least, would never really look for the title at the bottom of the window (and I pay less attention to keeping the bottom of the window exposed than the title bar, which has several purposes, instead of just the one (displaying the title) that the bottom has with this scheme). All in all, it would be a really cool hack, but I kinda' doubt its usefullness.
the topmenu is done by making the menubar a toplevel widget (putting it into its own, but unmanaged window - similar to dockwindows or tearoff popups (while they're managed)) the inclusion into kicker is realized via xembed. while the titlebar could also embed the menu, it has no control over its look what would look freaky as long as the titlebar doesn't look like the style background (i.e. plain, or background pixmap) for instance, you cannot get a translucent menu within a translucent kicker (as the menu still belongs to another application - kwin cannot just take control over a foreign widget (that could also belong to another user!!!)) afaik gtk can extract menus as well (if they get the proper netwm tag, they'd also be includable) but please don't ask me how! (but tell me, if you know ;)
You can actually put the menu into the title bar. The menu kicker applet is doing this already. I really like this idea. It would save some space on my screen. But you should consider that some users have already the menu in kicker or on the top of the desktop. Then it would be redundent. I would like zto discourage you from putting the window title to the bottom of the window. The user's eyes are usually focused on the top. But again, this can be easily done by writing an own window decoration.
did you read my above posting? trust me, (ok, afaik) the only way to get this is to redesign the way menus work, e.g. by making use of dcop. the current solution from kmenubar does only replace the whole menubar widget on the screen - it does _not_ shift control to another application (while this should never be allowed...) if you know a piece of code that allows to reparent widget into different applications, please mail me - thanks
but wastes a lot of space.