It supports reading and writing of config entries.
Features beyond kread/writeconfig: ---------------------------------- - regular expression matching - key/group deletion - regexp based (mass) replacement - regexp based entry listing
Usecases: --------- a) kconfupdates: Whenever you've got legacy settings and you need to update them you end up either writing a cpp blackbox (to the user) or a complex ('bash' != 'sh' ...) and slow script for it (latter sometimes not even being possible - original reason to write this ;-)
b) user assistance: it is much simpler to ask a user to "kreadconfig --file kwinrc --group Compositing --key MaxFPS" than to explain the clickchain through the config GUI. If you need more than one key, regexp driven maybe grouplisting can be very convenient.
c) key deletion: right now the tool of choice for that is called "kwrite" ...
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