Tux Start Button (Updated)

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements

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Here's a tux start button I made for use with the kbfx applet for kicker. This is my first project on kdelook.org so hopefully I doing all this right. I based it on the xandros start button and the xp start button. For those who don't like the tux icons I also made a version with the xandros os icon but I didnt release it cause IDK if I would be breaking any copyrights, if not let me know and I'll upload that version to. To use it extract the images somewhere, select both images and drag it to the kbfx applet. Note: This button looks best with the "linspire inspired kicker background" which you can get from: http://kdelook.org/content/show.php?content=23765.
Last changelog:

6/14/2005: Added icons for the normal (size 46) panel. Also made the main button transparent to make it look better with the glow effect.

6/12/2005: Smoothed the side a little bit it looks a lot better now.

Ratings & Comments



Nice work, but I need help. I'm newbie on Linux. I'm runnig Suse 9.3 and just want to know how to change the appareance of the "Start Button"...


A bit offtopic, but could you tell me where I can get the wallpaper of the third preview. 10q


Not quite sure where I found it...All I know is the filename is The_Silence_Before_Storm_II_by_kalphegor.jpg and it's size is 1600x1200. If you cant find it I can email it to you if you like.


Got it :) Thanks again!


Thank you very much indeed for your job. Kbfx is really perfect. I was hating the former K button because of too small like any button. This is start button and it must be more attractive than other icons. And you did this. Thank you again...


Your Kmenu button kick ass!!! way to go dude!!!! but, I am trying to forget Windows so i will not install it, anyway is pretty good!!!! ;)


Could you please make a version for a normal kicker size of 32?


Yup, workin on it now it might take a little whiel to finish.


Yup, workin on it now...One thing though the normal size is on here is about 46 pixels so I'm geussing thats the size you want?


can you make the button smaller width wise it seems to be cut off!


Works fine now after I restarted X


Thanks and yes, I guess so. I mean the size that is used when I set the kickersize to "normal" and the icons on it are displayed in 32x32 and the taskbar uses two rows.


you really want to turn kde into windows?


Do you have respect for other's freedom of choice and liking? If you don't like windows, that's your freedom to hate it. But, If someone like windows then Again it is his/her freedom to do so! Don't try to force others what they should or shouldn't do! and what they should like or dislike! This freedom is guaranteed by GPL (freedom to modify, distribute, and share).


Preach Preacher! No but seriously you make a great point and I wish people would make a bar theme just like windows because then I could trick my family and friends into using it! It's GPL people one of the Best Ideas ever made into a reality, at last true freedom!


where do we put the images to be able to use them?


You can save them anywhere there's really no special place to make it work. Just put them in any directory you want then drag them over. Just make sure if you move the images to a different place you drag them over it again.


I'm ok on saving them & file structures & all, i just don't know how to get it in the list to choose at as the Kmenu start button.


ok i get it, it's fake. bummer


guess i'm confusing myself


Remember you need kbfx to get these icons work as kbutton! 1. extract the icons! 2. drag one of the image on the kbfx applet. Get kbfx from: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=24898


Thanks for you comments, glad you like it so far.


funny how KDE users (who hate windwos) over-react! Nice work!


I Like it that's what makes KDE so Great it can look like anything yet still be Linux!

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