Description: This is an improved "Run Command" Dialog. it adds "Create Shortcut on Desktop" or also "to Quick Launch" or "Kicker". Personally i think this is a little improvement but nice anyway. Also, it should be easy to add this feature to the CVS until release of 3.2
Could anybody do the "trick" ? Surely, just if some people find it useful. :-D
The download contains the .ui files created with QT-Designer.
Please leave a comment if you find it useful..Last changelog:
(but, Upload function doesn't work correctly.)
2. screenshot shows a selected "run as diffrent user" Option, but, honestly, i never used that and never need that.
Question: "Create Icon on Desktop" make more sense than "Create Shortcut on Desktop". find the reason for that in this disscusion.
Well, I guess the developers don't really think it's necessary to have "Create icon on desktop" option, it's no big loss for me, I don't have any problem makinga shortcut, however I was hoping it would be implemented for the newbies.
The bug was closed as a WONTFIX.
Ona more positive side this bug I reported about the Run Command was fixed.
Just as many of your bugs were fixed, existed or were already being worked on. ;)
ehm, i actually found 2 bugs closed. 1 i reopened with a screenshot showing the bug (about "new Tab") well, that bug isn't 100% reproduceable.
relating to the "shortcut-story"...
(-_- ) ( -_-) (-_- ) ( -_-)
*no comment*
I submitted the history bug too, please check them out from my bug list and vote for it, if you agree.
Making an account really is very easy, and you seem to find problems quickly and it would defintely help KDE.
But, one warning, don't post more than one problem in one bug report, it tends to get messy and people vote for it but nobody knows which part their voting for and closign the report would require each feature you mention to be resolved.. etc.
Please do not ask for votes like this. It doesn't help KDE at all.
The votes system is there so that developers can get some sense of which bugs and wishlists are most "popular" amongst users. If people keep posting their bugs on and, then they will get more votes for their own bugs, and other bugs will be neglected, even though those other bugs may be more urgent.
If you want to encourage people to use the bugs system, simply link to the main page, and encourage them to vote for wishlists that they really want.
If people continue to poll for votes like this, KDE developers will just start ignoring the voting system, which will be a shame.
That would be true if KDE did not have 5,000 wishes, nobody will search for the ones they want when there are so many.
This is just like a political campaign you, have to show it to people, the people, because most won't come after you.
MAN, What's YOUR Problem ?!
then, why do we need voting ?!?!
anyway, the bug/wish listing i made, is something realated to KDE, not to ME, for me it really doesn't matter, if i added the bug-report or someone diffrent, i also vote vor bugs that other people reported, i don't have got any problems with that, i just wish, KDE will be better and better!
Actually, the some bugs i added, are really important to fix, even if they are not crash-critical, but if fixing them, every KDE-USER, especially Users with slower machines (like P III class) will get a feeling of a smooth and complete Desktop Environment!
i am talking about the bugs relating to the KDesktop/Icon Handling!
i just need to move Icons on the KDE, and the feeling is really like i have a buggy-system !
Features are cool, but if features like a detailed Popup-Info (if it is correct) slowing down icon moving on desktop in 50% of cases, well, then it is important to fix that.
I would vote for a Major KDE Release (3.3 or 4.0) to only fix stability and Usability things like that. Then, you already have got the "blowing all away" Smooth Desktop on the Desktop-Market in the universe !
Sorry, I don't have a problem with you, and I wasn't saying that because I disagree with your feature request.
But my point remains. Every time someone polls for votes on, several KDE developers post pleading with people not to. If KDE developers don't want people to do this, why do you think it is a good idea to do it?
> If KDE developers don't want people
> to do this, why do you think it is a
> good idea to do it?
hm, i don't think that this is a good idea, posting the bugs on
but kde-look is really diffrent i think, here we have got a "KDE Improvents" section. and bugs relating to that.
Okay I submitted the bug for you, sicne I didn't find it in the database at
I also submitted a bug about including a "Known Applications" section like the GNOME Run Dialog.
Both can be found in my bug list here:
If you would like to add something or want to say something completely different please tell me and I will close it or you can leave a comment.
P.S: I agree that every option he listed except [ ] create desktop shortcut does not belong, but that one really does.
Most times when a user uses the RUn command is when he or she does not find the application in the menu or wants to run it as root or a at a higher priority.
Creating an icon on the desktopw ith those settings such as a higher priority or as root would make it much faster and easier for the user.
Again, great idea, I really hope ti can make it in 3.2.
Hi, winterwolf, you added this additional comment in the bug-list:
>"it should createa shortcut based on
>the settings in the "options >>"
> This way if the suer has the app set
>at a higher priority or to runa s
>root etc. when he
>clicks the shortcut it would be
>launched wth the configurations fromt
>he run menu that he
>made at the time.
I think, that this is a kind of security issue, that can be dangerous..
of course, people can "lock" the desktop, but they don't always do that.
My idea of "Create Shortcut on Desktop" was really just a simple shortcut to the application.
But if people really want it to be "based on the options section, then the passwort should be always requested if running a tool as root or with high priority.
Just imagine the case:
1. someone doesn't look the desktop, because he is alone at home with his/her cat or little son/daughter.
2. then the person went to toilette, with unlocked desktop.
3. the can takes a walk on your keyboard.. or the son/daughter just wanna play keyboard on your keys ^-^;
4. you have got important stuff/work running on the desktop.
5. the app (started by the cat/kid) that is running as root or running with highest priority is lagging and maybe freezing (because of any reason, noone knows) the computer.
6. "Big shock", mv cat* /tmp/trash or whatever :p
hm, i think, just a simple Shortcut would be easy and handy.
another *BUG* i request you to submit about "Run Command" is.....
Selecting an Entry from the History-Combo-Box should NEVER run the command immediately.
Think about many diffrent use-cases:
-> if people entered a command, and want to edit it, it is not possible if they selct it from the list. they have to type in the whole long command with all the options and parameters.. :/
-> if people make a mistake and selecting the wrong command from the list because they are in a hurry or have other difficulties ;) then it maybe very "unwanted" to start the wrong application. maybe the application is very big and/or the computer is verly slow, or the applications that is wrongly started have got security/private content or anything else.
THE USER expects to only select a Command from the list and "manually" click the "Run" Command. IT IS ALWAYS LIKE THAT, if there is no "Run" button, or a checkbox like "run automatically" is selected, then it is ok. (selecting Url's from the Browsers History-Combo is a diffrent thing.. ;)
and another feature i just got the idea right now..
"Is it possible to "remove the entries/clear the history Combo" from the "Run Command" Dialog ?
Because, if there are so many commands in the list. it might be even more simple to enter the command again..
or.. thinking about security issues.. it might be useful to clear the list, just like "clear History" in "Recent Documents".
ah, because MS Windows's "Run Command" doesn't have that too ? actually you didn't say any reason..
as Winterwolf said.. i also thought of it before (that's why i made diffrent screenshots): Add to "Quick Launch" or "add to Kicker" is not really important, but, of course "Create Shortcut on Desktop" can be really handy _especially_ for newbies (to kde or even computer).
sorry, i couldn't find any reason, why it is "doesn't belong to it".
Just think about this Use-Case:
1. installing any "non-kde-shipped-application" (or even compiled and installed something by your own.) them, very often, the executeable is in the "path", but the "make install" didn't add at least one icon on desktop/quick launch/kicker or kmenu. (that should be definitly STANDARD, at least 1, somewhere the user expects)
2. after long time of searching.. (even maybe Kappfinder didn't find it) people open an console/xterm or pressing "Alt+F2" for "Running the Application".
3. Found the Application using "Run Command" and then people can immediately "add/create a Shortcut on desktop".
in my point of view, very handy.
Sure. people also can right-click on desktop, and then they can start searching again... for the entry "link to application". but then, there is still a Dialog that they think about, they have to fill all the Inputfield's. (Really Anoying For Beginners! or for people with bad eys, who can't find out "link to application" between all other "new file.." items)
(kde-look wasn't reachable at the time i want to add this)
thanks, Winterwolf, i saw you just submitted.. well, the earlier, the better :)
MS RUN sucks the most and I find for example that their "Browse" button is a clear "does not belong here", all ti does is allow you to browse to a directory and than open it using the run command.
Anyway, IMO, I think the adding to quicklaunch and Kicker is going a bit voer board, but the add to desktop option is excellent and I can think of many times I've needed to use it.
Especially on SUSE which doesen't use the KDE menu and so it is often ahrder finding KDE applications.
I also think that the "add desktop shortcut option should be more powerful. The iconc reated should have all the options in the "Options >>" section of the run command set. So if I had my run command set to run that programa s root and "create desktop shortcut" was selected I want the desktop shortcut to also default to running as root and in the properties allow em to change this
Basically, the new desktop shortcut should have the same properties as the run command had when the "Ok" was pressed.
aaah, sorry. i GOT it now ;)
i see right now, that the Preference-Dialog of a Desktop Icon already has got a Tab-entry that allows to set the Command to "Run As Diffrent User" or "Run in Terminal".
so just forget about my talking related to that thing in the other reply..
Your Idea to use the Advanced-Options for the Shortcut is totally "appreciated" or expected :) :)
thanx :)
>> ah, because MS Windows's "Run Command" doesn't have that too ?
Who's talking about Windows here?
I don't, you do.
>> actually you didn't say any reason
Let me say it like this: adding options for everything that *could* be usable for once at some day is not worth it to add an option for.
And if options like these are allowed, more and more people will ask for such options, and the final run dialog will have at least 20 check boxes, 10 input fields, 6 push buttons and 4 combo boxes.
Well, that's nice..
We're talking about this option!!! Not a million other options!
Besides, this won't be used by someone some day, this is a very essential feature related to the Run Command and useful to a large number of people.
I dont see why the option should not be added. I think it would be a nice conveinence especially for KDE newbies. Now if you are refering to the advanced options, take a look at your run command....its already there. I had to go and look myself because I had never noticed them before and I will now use the run command more now that I see an easyer way to run programs as root when needed. All the user is suggesting is to add a box for makeing a desktop short cut.
I have to agree. One of the main pushes in KDE at the moment is to remove options in menus and dialogues that are unecessary because they are duplicated elsewhere.
Since it is already easy to add a shortcut to the desktop, the panel or anywhere else in KDE, you don't need it in this dialogue. It may be handy for some, but it is unecessary for most people, and is just another option that will confuse many.
NO, i bet, many people find it handy.
Too many Options, really now.. what about other Desktop Managers.. think about Icewm, or any others.. it's the same. definitly, KDE has got many Usability Problems, but the Problems should not be the reason, why this handy feature should not be added.
WHY people using "Run Command", because they didn't find the tool in the Kmenu, or it is not present anywhere.. so starting the application for the first time, makeing an Shortcut on Desktop can't be easier !
it cant't be easier (twice).
When i have a look at the Settings Dialog of Konqueror, i could just "through up"! it is so easy, to put some things together, that belong together. but no, You can find the "Cache-managing" as a single section on the left site. but, why not put it together with "Behavior-Section" and History-Section ?! i could tell you many things.. to reduce the "OVERLOAD-Feeling" in KDE !
and IF people really want to hide options.. then, it is also ok to put the "Create Shortcut on Desktop" into the "Advanced Settings"-Option of the Run-Command Dialog !.
Some People really have got a problem with Usability, that's why KDE is still like it is !
should i tell you, how many Times i already used the "Advanced-Settings" Options in the Run-Command Dialog ?!
Exactly 0 times !
(i should think about a wishlist-report to remove the Advanced-Settings Options from that dialog, and if it is not done, i'll patch it for myself).
I agree with you. One of the strengths of Gnome is that they focussed on essential functions instead of overloading them.
IMO KDE should be an "Advanced" and a "Beginner" setup that affects applications (especially konqueror) and the desktop.
The run command needs this option, it is not very hard to implement and I don't think it will confuse anybody, I've showed it to all 5 of my family members and not one was confused by the "Create desktop shortcut" command, they understood it perfectly and thought it useful.
Now, the problem is now with options in themselves, the problem is when those options are not implemented well and when they are in places that they do not belong. Usability != Fewer features It simply means that the features present are well implemented from both the user and developer perspective and that they are where they belong.
I am a strong supported of usability, check out my comments here: But, I really don't think this would be a problem.
Furthermore, this would do more than make a shortcut, it would make a shortcut, it would make one with the options from the run command.
yes, agree.
i just thought yesterday. if the "Create Shortcut on Desktop" should really be a shortcut, or should it actually be a "Create Icon on Desktop"
i think, maybe "Create Icon on Desktop" would be more appreciated, since, Shortcuts (with little arrow) are looking not so nice like Icons!
and, i also notice a problem now.. i can't edit the "shortcut's Permission tab". (i can only set a diffrent Ownership!).
Ratings & Comments
Well, I guess the developers don't really think it's necessary to have "Create icon on desktop" option, it's no big loss for me, I don't have any problem makinga shortcut, however I was hoping it would be implemented for the newbies. The bug was closed as a WONTFIX. Ona more positive side this bug I reported about the Run Command was fixed. Just as many of your bugs were fixed, existed or were already being worked on. ;)
ehm, i actually found 2 bugs closed. 1 i reopened with a screenshot showing the bug (about "new Tab") well, that bug isn't 100% reproduceable. relating to the "shortcut-story"... (-_- ) ( -_-) (-_- ) ( -_-) *no comment*
I submitted the history bug too, please check them out from my bug list and vote for it, if you agree. Making an account really is very easy, and you seem to find problems quickly and it would defintely help KDE. But, one warning, don't post more than one problem in one bug report, it tends to get messy and people vote for it but nobody knows which part their voting for and closign the report would require each feature you mention to be resolved.. etc.
thanks.. actually, i have got an account since long time already.. i wanted to post the feature-request about "Run-Command" Dialog, but you were faster..:-D today, i added at least, puuh, i think about 10 bugs/feature-requests to please also have a look at them and vote for them: (i will check later, if i have to spilt any bug-report) (or you also could give a hint if you like) vote for these: the Bugs are about: 62635: konqueror(->filebrowser): hang-up or freezes when selecti... 63865: Moving Maus-Cursor over Kmenu Items is significant slower... 63866: Arange Icons on Desktop: Option sort "by Applications" or... 63871: Moving Icons on Desktop in 50% of cases really slow and s... 63873: "New Tab" Icon doesn't work if Konqueror doesn't show any... 63874: Cannot create Bookmark from URLs -directly- pointing to a... 63875: Page-Layout problems on "" 63877: ALL "Save As" and "Open FIle" Dialogs: Need Sort-Option "... 63879: Need "Send To" submenu in Konqueror and maybe KDesktop! 63881: IMPORTANT: Need possibility to Clear/Erase previously ent... Thanks.. g'night
Please do not ask for votes like this. It doesn't help KDE at all. The votes system is there so that developers can get some sense of which bugs and wishlists are most "popular" amongst users. If people keep posting their bugs on and, then they will get more votes for their own bugs, and other bugs will be neglected, even though those other bugs may be more urgent. If you want to encourage people to use the bugs system, simply link to the main page, and encourage them to vote for wishlists that they really want. If people continue to poll for votes like this, KDE developers will just start ignoring the voting system, which will be a shame.
That would be true if KDE did not have 5,000 wishes, nobody will search for the ones they want when there are so many. This is just like a political campaign you, have to show it to people, the people, because most won't come after you.
MAN, What's YOUR Problem ?! then, why do we need voting ?!?! anyway, the bug/wish listing i made, is something realated to KDE, not to ME, for me it really doesn't matter, if i added the bug-report or someone diffrent, i also vote vor bugs that other people reported, i don't have got any problems with that, i just wish, KDE will be better and better! Actually, the some bugs i added, are really important to fix, even if they are not crash-critical, but if fixing them, every KDE-USER, especially Users with slower machines (like P III class) will get a feeling of a smooth and complete Desktop Environment! i am talking about the bugs relating to the KDesktop/Icon Handling! i just need to move Icons on the KDE, and the feeling is really like i have a buggy-system ! Features are cool, but if features like a detailed Popup-Info (if it is correct) slowing down icon moving on desktop in 50% of cases, well, then it is important to fix that. I would vote for a Major KDE Release (3.3 or 4.0) to only fix stability and Usability things like that. Then, you already have got the "blowing all away" Smooth Desktop on the Desktop-Market in the universe !
Sorry, I don't have a problem with you, and I wasn't saying that because I disagree with your feature request. But my point remains. Every time someone polls for votes on, several KDE developers post pleading with people not to. If KDE developers don't want people to do this, why do you think it is a good idea to do it?
> If KDE developers don't want people > to do this, why do you think it is a > good idea to do it? hm, i don't think that this is a good idea, posting the bugs on but kde-look is really diffrent i think, here we have got a "KDE Improvents" section. and bugs relating to that.
i think it would be nice if you added 'Empty Contents' from the run dialog to erase history, a great feature/common feature that's missing...
Okay I submitted the bug for you, sicne I didn't find it in the database at I also submitted a bug about including a "Known Applications" section like the GNOME Run Dialog. Both can be found in my bug list here: If you would like to add something or want to say something completely different please tell me and I will close it or you can leave a comment. P.S: I agree that every option he listed except [ ] create desktop shortcut does not belong, but that one really does. Most times when a user uses the RUn command is when he or she does not find the application in the menu or wants to run it as root or a at a higher priority. Creating an icon on the desktopw ith those settings such as a higher priority or as root would make it much faster and easier for the user. Again, great idea, I really hope ti can make it in 3.2.
Hi, winterwolf, you added this additional comment in the bug-list: >"it should createa shortcut based on >the settings in the "options >>" >section. > This way if the suer has the app set >at a higher priority or to runa s >root etc. when he >clicks the shortcut it would be >launched wth the configurations fromt >he run menu that he >made at the time. I think, that this is a kind of security issue, that can be dangerous.. of course, people can "lock" the desktop, but they don't always do that. My idea of "Create Shortcut on Desktop" was really just a simple shortcut to the application. But if people really want it to be "based on the options section, then the passwort should be always requested if running a tool as root or with high priority. Just imagine the case: 1. someone doesn't look the desktop, because he is alone at home with his/her cat or little son/daughter. 2. then the person went to toilette, with unlocked desktop. 3. the can takes a walk on your keyboard.. or the son/daughter just wanna play keyboard on your keys ^-^; 4. you have got important stuff/work running on the desktop. 5. the app (started by the cat/kid) that is running as root or running with highest priority is lagging and maybe freezing (because of any reason, noone knows) the computer. 6. "Big shock", mv cat* /tmp/trash or whatever :p hm, i think, just a simple Shortcut would be easy and handy. another *BUG* i request you to submit about "Run Command" is..... Selecting an Entry from the History-Combo-Box should NEVER run the command immediately. Think about many diffrent use-cases: -> if people entered a command, and want to edit it, it is not possible if they selct it from the list. they have to type in the whole long command with all the options and parameters.. :/ -> if people make a mistake and selecting the wrong command from the list because they are in a hurry or have other difficulties ;) then it maybe very "unwanted" to start the wrong application. maybe the application is very big and/or the computer is verly slow, or the applications that is wrongly started have got security/private content or anything else. Shortly: THE USER expects to only select a Command from the list and "manually" click the "Run" Command. IT IS ALWAYS LIKE THAT, if there is no "Run" button, or a checkbox like "run automatically" is selected, then it is ok. (selecting Url's from the Browsers History-Combo is a diffrent thing.. ;) and another feature i just got the idea right now.. "Is it possible to "remove the entries/clear the history Combo" from the "Run Command" Dialog ? Because, if there are so many commands in the list. it might be even more simple to enter the command again.. or.. thinking about security issues.. it might be useful to clear the list, just like "clear History" in "Recent Documents". :)
@WinterWolf @others i corrected my point of view a bit in the other reply of Winterwolfs Reply, please have a look there too.. :)
Sorry, but options like that do not belong in the run dialog..
ah, because MS Windows's "Run Command" doesn't have that too ? actually you didn't say any reason.. as Winterwolf said.. i also thought of it before (that's why i made diffrent screenshots): Add to "Quick Launch" or "add to Kicker" is not really important, but, of course "Create Shortcut on Desktop" can be really handy _especially_ for newbies (to kde or even computer). sorry, i couldn't find any reason, why it is "doesn't belong to it". Just think about this Use-Case: 1. installing any "non-kde-shipped-application" (or even compiled and installed something by your own.) them, very often, the executeable is in the "path", but the "make install" didn't add at least one icon on desktop/quick launch/kicker or kmenu. (that should be definitly STANDARD, at least 1, somewhere the user expects) 2. after long time of searching.. (even maybe Kappfinder didn't find it) people open an console/xterm or pressing "Alt+F2" for "Running the Application". 3. Found the Application using "Run Command" and then people can immediately "add/create a Shortcut on desktop". in my point of view, very handy. Sure. people also can right-click on desktop, and then they can start searching again... for the entry "link to application". but then, there is still a Dialog that they think about, they have to fill all the Inputfield's. (Really Anoying For Beginners! or for people with bad eys, who can't find out "link to application" between all other "new file.." items) (kde-look wasn't reachable at the time i want to add this) thanks, Winterwolf, i saw you just submitted.. well, the earlier, the better :)
MS RUN sucks the most and I find for example that their "Browse" button is a clear "does not belong here", all ti does is allow you to browse to a directory and than open it using the run command. Anyway, IMO, I think the adding to quicklaunch and Kicker is going a bit voer board, but the add to desktop option is excellent and I can think of many times I've needed to use it. Especially on SUSE which doesen't use the KDE menu and so it is often ahrder finding KDE applications. I also think that the "add desktop shortcut option should be more powerful. The iconc reated should have all the options in the "Options >>" section of the run command set. So if I had my run command set to run that programa s root and "create desktop shortcut" was selected I want the desktop shortcut to also default to running as root and in the properties allow em to change this Basically, the new desktop shortcut should have the same properties as the run command had when the "Ok" was pressed.
aaah, sorry. i GOT it now ;) i see right now, that the Preference-Dialog of a Desktop Icon already has got a Tab-entry that allows to set the Command to "Run As Diffrent User" or "Run in Terminal". so just forget about my talking related to that thing in the other reply.. Your Idea to use the Advanced-Options for the Shortcut is totally "appreciated" or expected :) :) thanx :)
>> ah, because MS Windows's "Run Command" doesn't have that too ? Who's talking about Windows here? I don't, you do. >> actually you didn't say any reason Let me say it like this: adding options for everything that *could* be usable for once at some day is not worth it to add an option for. And if options like these are allowed, more and more people will ask for such options, and the final run dialog will have at least 20 check boxes, 10 input fields, 6 push buttons and 4 combo boxes. Well, that's nice..
We're talking about this option!!! Not a million other options! Besides, this won't be used by someone some day, this is a very essential feature related to the Run Command and useful to a large number of people.
I dont see why the option should not be added. I think it would be a nice conveinence especially for KDE newbies. Now if you are refering to the advanced options, take a look at your run command....its already there. I had to go and look myself because I had never noticed them before and I will now use the run command more now that I see an easyer way to run programs as root when needed. All the user is suggesting is to add a box for makeing a desktop short cut.
I have to agree. One of the main pushes in KDE at the moment is to remove options in menus and dialogues that are unecessary because they are duplicated elsewhere. Since it is already easy to add a shortcut to the desktop, the panel or anywhere else in KDE, you don't need it in this dialogue. It may be handy for some, but it is unecessary for most people, and is just another option that will confuse many.
NO, i bet, many people find it handy. Too many Options, really now.. what about other Desktop Managers.. think about Icewm, or any others.. it's the same. definitly, KDE has got many Usability Problems, but the Problems should not be the reason, why this handy feature should not be added. WHY people using "Run Command", because they didn't find the tool in the Kmenu, or it is not present anywhere.. so starting the application for the first time, makeing an Shortcut on Desktop can't be easier ! it cant't be easier (twice). When i have a look at the Settings Dialog of Konqueror, i could just "through up"! it is so easy, to put some things together, that belong together. but no, You can find the "Cache-managing" as a single section on the left site. but, why not put it together with "Behavior-Section" and History-Section ?! i could tell you many things.. to reduce the "OVERLOAD-Feeling" in KDE ! and IF people really want to hide options.. then, it is also ok to put the "Create Shortcut on Desktop" into the "Advanced Settings"-Option of the Run-Command Dialog !. Some People really have got a problem with Usability, that's why KDE is still like it is ! PS: should i tell you, how many Times i already used the "Advanced-Settings" Options in the Run-Command Dialog ?! Exactly 0 times ! (i should think about a wishlist-report to remove the Advanced-Settings Options from that dialog, and if it is not done, i'll patch it for myself). :)
I agree with you. One of the strengths of Gnome is that they focussed on essential functions instead of overloading them. IMO KDE should be an "Advanced" and a "Beginner" setup that affects applications (especially konqueror) and the desktop.
The run command needs this option, it is not very hard to implement and I don't think it will confuse anybody, I've showed it to all 5 of my family members and not one was confused by the "Create desktop shortcut" command, they understood it perfectly and thought it useful. Now, the problem is now with options in themselves, the problem is when those options are not implemented well and when they are in places that they do not belong. Usability != Fewer features It simply means that the features present are well implemented from both the user and developer perspective and that they are where they belong. I am a strong supported of usability, check out my comments here: But, I really don't think this would be a problem. Furthermore, this would do more than make a shortcut, it would make a shortcut, it would make one with the options from the run command.
yes, agree. i just thought yesterday. if the "Create Shortcut on Desktop" should really be a shortcut, or should it actually be a "Create Icon on Desktop" i think, maybe "Create Icon on Desktop" would be more appreciated, since, Shortcuts (with little arrow) are looking not so nice like Icons! and, i also notice a problem now.. i can't edit the "shortcut's Permission tab". (i can only set a diffrent Ownership!).