Bible Runner
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Provides a runner to quickly look up verses from the Holy Bible. Selecting a matched verse will optionally both copy the verse into the clipboard and studylight.org or biblegateway.com to facilitate further study. Additionally, a user-defined URL can be opened but no attempt is made to pass in the verse number.
At present, this runner only supports the English Standard Version (ESV) but both New American Standard (NASB) and King James (KJV) versions are intended to be included in a future release .
cd /where/your/runner/is/installed
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` ..
sudo make install
Restart krunner
kquitapp krunner
krunner Last changelog:
At present, this runner only supports the English Standard Version (ESV) but both New American Standard (NASB) and King James (KJV) versions are intended to be included in a future release .
cd /where/your/runner/is/installed
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` ..
sudo make install
Restart krunner
kquitapp krunner
Added custom icons
Changed copy verse to clipboard into two distinct options to copy verse number and/or verse text to clipboard
Added user defined URL to open upon verse selection to study
Divided coded to better add additional translations
Added configuration dialog
Ratings & Comments
How difficult is it for the user to add his/her own preferred translations? For example, as a Roman Catholic I prefer to use the NJB (http://catholic.org/bible) for devotional use, as an amateur Bible scholar I tend to use the NRSV (http://www.devotions.net/bible/00bible.htm) or the NAB (http://www.usccb.org/nab/bible/). All of them have licensing restrictions that prevent them from being used directly by FLOSS software like the Sword project but would be useful to have in this kind of lookup tool.
I am considering the inclusion of a configuration method that allows you to enter the URL of the site that you would like to study selected verses in. With that, you can pick any site that you prefer.
...but to answer your question, I don't believe it will be terribly difficult. I'm working on an HTML scraper now for the two other translations that I'd like to include; I'll see what I can do about the configuration dialog too.
Thank you!