Description: I'm using kdes' composite manager from kde 3.3 with xorg 6.8. One of the annoying things using drop shadows is applications like Super Karamba themes, dockers like KXDockers are giving wierd shadows with current composite manager. So I wrote this simple scipt to remove drop shadows from what ever the kde apps that does not fit to drop shadows.
Usage: 1. Execute the script (either double clicking or in command line). 2. When the cursot pointer become crossed, click on the application that you want to remove drop shadow.
(Special thanks to Thomas, author of Baghira theme for his hints on this)
BTW: If you want to know about my desktop setup refer:
PLEASE don't ask me for my Amarok super karamba theme...unless you are sure that Apple will not sue me...:-)
Great script :)
I found that I have to click on each superkaramba window for this to work.
Here is my modification to make it de drop shadow all superkaramba themes/windows
Tell me if it works.
(script follows .. put 7 whitespaces before the [^d] because the comment box removes duplicate whitespaces. I marked it in bold)
ITEMS=`xwininfo -root -tree -int |grep " [^d]* \"superkaramba\""|cut -c 12-19`
for item in $ITEMS
dcop kwin default setUnshadowed $item
exit 0
If only kxdocker is the problem, the script could be executed automatically without even clicking by using xwininfo's "-name" option:
dcop kwin default setUnshadowed `xwininfo -int -name kxdocker | grep \
"xwininfo: Window id:" | cut -c 22-29`
I start it this way via autostart with a 10 seconds delay before execution to make sure kxdocker is already loaded.
Your missing execute permissions on the script. By default, the script does not have execute permissions. Make sure you run the following as the owner of the file (ls -l)
run the following at the command line:
1. chmod +x scriptname
2. ./scriptname &
3. click on window you want to remove the shadow from.
The script works with kompmanager which is really just xcompmanager with a few kde mods.
Hope this helps.
look at your desktop, you have apple logos and apple artwork everywhere. so far, they havent said anything to the peple that created them, i doubt they will do anything to you if you submit that karamba theme. the worst taht could happen is that they send you an email to delete it.
Ratings & Comments
Great script :) I found that I have to click on each superkaramba window for this to work. Here is my modification to make it de drop shadow all superkaramba themes/windows Tell me if it works. (script follows .. put 7 whitespaces before the [^d] because the comment box removes duplicate whitespaces. I marked it in bold) #!/bin/bash # ITEMS=`xwininfo -root -tree -int |grep " [^d]* \"superkaramba\""|cut -c 12-19` for item in $ITEMS do dcop kwin default setUnshadowed $item done exit 0
Thanks very much for this script, i put it in autostart with some sleep time -> no more shodows on superkaramba widgets after login.
You're welcome.
If only kxdocker is the problem, the script could be executed automatically without even clicking by using xwininfo's "-name" option: dcop kwin default setUnshadowed `xwininfo -int -name kxdocker | grep \ "xwininfo: Window id:" | cut -c 22-29` I start it this way via autostart with a 10 seconds delay before execution to make sure kxdocker is already loaded.
Your missing execute permissions on the script. By default, the script does not have execute permissions. Make sure you run the following as the owner of the file (ls -l) run the following at the command line: 1. chmod +x scriptname 2. ./scriptname & 3. click on window you want to remove the shadow from. The script works with kompmanager which is really just xcompmanager with a few kde mods. Hope this helps.
i cant seem to get this to run even in a root konsole. it tells me permission denied everytime.
look at your desktop, you have apple logos and apple artwork everywhere. so far, they havent said anything to the peple that created them, i doubt they will do anything to you if you submit that karamba theme. the worst taht could happen is that they send you an email to delete it.
Hello, how did you got that sidebar on konqueror?
All about it here:
I've had no problems in the past running xcompmgr with SuperKaramba and having no "odd" shadows. Just run it like this: xcompmgr -CcFf
Hi, I'm using the composite manager that comes with KDE instead of xcompmgr. Thanks for your tip, I appreciate it..
I'm sure there's an option for configuring this in kcontrol centre. I don't have any issues with superkaramba themes, or kxdocker. Matt
Could you share your config file with us. That will be a great help. I'm aware that I'm not the only person having this issue.
I just put the dock window size slider down to 0 in the shadow tab. Matt