FakeBold Font patches for QT 4.5.x
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
just upload a screenshot
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Sorry... I was write only...
Hi, I think this han been already developed. Look at: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=14865 ("Other" section) Bye, ßingen.
thx for the info. Kompose is really great !
i think kompos? has this functionality, check that app out. its on this site.
I don't mean to be annoying, but is anyone really working on that (the SF page shows no activity, neither do the forums, or anything...) or is it just another abandoned project?
http://sourceforge.net/projects/ekspose/ there is the page where it looks like development will mainly take place.
...but where's the hard ware (not hardware). I hope to see it soon.
dude this tool is already finished... it's called expocity for metacity! juste search "exposé for linux" on google! cya
Looks great. Where can I get it?
I've dreamed of an app like this. Now that you got me drooling all over my keyboard clicking on the download link gives me a screenshot. Please save my keyboard! Where's the source?
WAHOOO can't wait for the source too :o) pascal
There is a whole wm based around this idea. Which you could expose a little bit more here, as i had to google to understand what you were talking about. btw it's exposé not expose.
It is a very good mark for a screenshot ! :-P
why did you need the kde 3.2.x to develope this feature ?
Don't you know that Kwin (which he is probably hacking on) was redesigned greately in KDE 3.2?
Hey ! This is just a screenshot ? The download link point to the screenshot :-(
read the description... "under heavy development" there is nothing to download yet because it's being developed too much right now.
This is one of my favourite features in OX X 10.3 =) It would be nice if this made it into KDE 4 or 3.3. BTW: I think it's actually worked on, not just a request.
Is this in the process of being made or is this just a request? I would love this feature.
coolks very cool, ah can't wait anymore. Must have this =)
when? I tried expocity, that didn't seem to work very well because I didn't very well want to replace my window manager with its window manager.. If theres a KDE one coming out I'd love to have it
Is it real animated as in osx, fast and flicker-free?
All though I havent seen the KDE version it probably doesent have the same quality the MAC has. On the other hand the MAC Exposee on older MACs doesent run super smoth einther(on G4's with 32MB ATI Grafik Cards). My Guess is that there must be more perfomence in the grafik server(x.org, xfree86, xWhatever). But don't get me wrong I cant wait to have that feature and I love it. Keep up the good work. Belze
most excellent just one question... when?