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so, the first version of this is already works in the blackPanther OS: http://www.blackpanther.hu/modules/xcgal/displayimage.php?pid=415&album=29&pos=24
Mistaken? This an optional service only then can be reached if necessary. If this is feature available in the systemsettings then is not needed other, neither Yast, neither MCC, neither somebody else.. KDE4-systemsettings would provide place for (only *.desktop files of) external programs etc. nvidia-settings, ati-control or grubsetup or ...
I mostly agree with Rahul. However, the convenient functionality you have in the screenshot for running any program as root really needs to be re-added to QuickSand in my opinion (as it was found in the Run As... option in Run Command under KDE 3), along with the "Add to Run Command Dialog" option that was found by right-clicking any applications in the KMenu.
If the distros feel like it, they should be more than welcome to patch systemsettings for KDE (this is what open source is for) but I hate to see a redesign of systemsettings at the current stage. In my opinion, it has a very good arrangement of options right now. If I get you right, you also intend for the distros to patch systemsettings,
Some distros, Fedora at least, doesn't like arbitrary patching of upstream. So passing the buck to distros to "enable" this won't fly.
All YAST stuff could be there.
Really great idea with this import thing. It can clean up menu from apps that should be in systemsettings.