Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Google translate service through a KDE plasma runner.
This is a fix-fork of Javier Goday's work at http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/google+translate+runner?content=105459 and https://github.com/jgoday/googletranslaterunner
How works:
- Install by command in README or by "mybuild" script (you will need qjson as dependency).
- After install restart krunner by:
kquitapp krunner; krunner
- Then call the krunner interface (Alt-F2 by default).
- Goto settings and enable the "Google Translate runner"
- Now type your search. The syntax is:
Use 2-char ISO codes for "from" and "to" language.
So if you want translate the word "table" from English to German then type:
You can see the syntax in action by clicking to screenshot. Last changelog:
This is a fix-fork of Javier Goday's work at http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/google+translate+runner?content=105459 and https://github.com/jgoday/googletranslaterunner
How works:
- Install by command in README or by "mybuild" script (you will need qjson as dependency).
- After install restart krunner by:
kquitapp krunner; krunner
- Then call the krunner interface (Alt-F2 by default).
- Goto settings and enable the "Google Translate runner"
- Now type your search. The syntax is:
Use 2-char ISO codes for "from" and "to" language.
So if you want translate the word "table" from English to German then type:
You can see the syntax in action by clicking to screenshot.
- Forked googletranslaterunner 0.0.1 by Javier Goday
- Fixed json parsing.
- Fixed language detection, so it will not query when term is not complete.
- Results now splitted to krunner rows.
- Renamed to krunner-googletranslate
Ratings & Comments
It would be awesome if you could bring this to Plasma 5!
now the same to Plasma 6 ;)
It would be great to have the option to specify the original language for those cases in which a same word (with different meaning) exists for different languages
Thanks, I put as download button
Super awesome :P Great work :)
Works nice. One question: if there is more than one translation option before second and next item shows up vertical rectangle or - [] - signs (not sure) is it some kind of bug or translator option?
It's not a bug. Google's answer contains the most relevant translation (that is the first row) and additional words. While the most relevant word comes alone, the additional words have extra info such as lexical category: noun, verb, participle, interjection, pronoun, preposition, adverb, conjunction. So I prefixed the words, maybe helpful for someone. All other info is numeric. Well, yea, if you copy words to clipboard, that is bug, because you will copy the prefix too. I'll fix it.
Hey, you just made my KRunner even more useful, great addon! :)
how do I use it?
Oh, sorry, I explain in description...
Can't wait to get package for OpenSUSE :)
I guess you can install to Suse without package. Just unpack, get a console, change directory to unpacked source, and run the mybuild script as root: sudo ./mybuild However, I guess, you will find Suse package soon.