Quick File BrowserMenu applet

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements

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In KDE 3, the Quick File BrowserMenu applet extends the possibilities of the Quick File Browser built-in applet for Kicker:
- enable, modify or disable up to three commands to open folders;
- filter files and directories with regular expressions.

EDIT: As I don't use kde3 anymore, I will not add new features, which could be:
- enable the commands and/or others MIME associations and file operations in context menu or on mouse buttons.
- translations.
Last changelog:
- Fix limitation in number of filterable items.

- Fix the tooltip button data.
- Fix no menu in "More" popups.
- Fix filtering with "More" popups.
- Fix bad update of command's names and path.
- Fix filtering either files or directories.
- Fix no filtering if non-valid regular expression are input.
- Fix trying a non-existent button path, with an error message.
- Update ChangeLog, NEWS, THANKS, TODO files, according to GNU Coding Standards.

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everything compiled fine but when I try and add the applet kde gives me this error: "The Quick File Browser + Applet Could Not Be Loaded. Please Check Your Installation."


Is there any way to add a Quick File Browser to a konqueror file browser, specifically to the Bookmark Toolbar? It would be awesome if there were or if there is some other way to get that functionality.


It's not possible, this applet works only with kicker. The bookmark toolbar reads and saves its content in a xml file (~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml). A way to have a "file" browser in the bookmarks (just links towards files) would be to write a script that creates a bookmarks.xml which lists the content of a directory.


Any chance of KIO support? (system:/, media:/, smb:/, etc.) :)


Good question. The built-in applet does not support KIO slaves (its code only looks for files and folders). So adding this support needs a almost whole rewriting of the built-in applet's code. I think it's not worth doing this with the current development of Plasma for KDE 4. Moreover I have no time anymore untill the end of the year, PhD ending... I don't know who is currently coding a quick file browser plasmoid, if there is someone for the moment. I hope this applet will be soon available in Plasma, with filters, KIO slaves, choice of commands, context menus.


yes both are installed, just checkedit..


make error on Kubuntu hardy 64bit Quote:

.libs/browserbutton_a.moc.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTV18BrowserButtonMieux[vtable for BrowserButtonMieux]+0x228): undefined reference to `PanelPopupButton::slotExecMenu() ' .libs/browserbutton_a.moc.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTV18BrowserButtonMieux[vtable for BrowserButtonMieux]+0x22c): undefined reference to `BrowserButton::slotDelayedPopup( )' .libs/browserbutton_a.moc.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTV18BrowserButtonMieux[vtable for BrowserButtonMieux]+0x244): undefined reference to `QPaintDevice::setResolution(int) ' .libs/browserbutton_a.moc.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTV18BrowserButtonMieux[vtable for BrowserButtonMieux]+0x248): undefined reference to `QPaintDevice::resolution() const ' .libs/browserbutton_a.moc.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTV18BrowserButtonMieux[vtable for BrowserButtonMieux]+0x24c): undefined reference to `QPaintDevice::handle() const' .libs/browserbutton_a.moc.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTV18BrowserButtonMieux[vtable for BrowserButtonMieux]+0x250): undefined reference to `QPaintDevice::x11RenderHandle() const' .libs/browserbutton_a.moc.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTV18BrowserButtonMieux[vtable for BrowserButtonMieux]+0x254): undefined reference to `QPaintDevice::setX11Data(QPaintD eviceX11Data const*)' .libs/browserbutton_a.moc.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTV18BrowserButtonMieux[vtable for BrowserButtonMieux]+0x258): undefined reference to `QPaintDevice::cmd(int, QPainter* , QPDevCmdParam*)' .libs/browserbutton_a.moc.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTV18BrowserButtonMieux[vtable for BrowserButtonMieux]+0x25c): undefined reference to `non-virtual thunk to QWidget::me tric(int) const' .libs/browserbutton_a.moc.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTV18BrowserButtonMieux[vtable for BrowserButtonMieux]+0x260): undefined reference to `QPaintDevice::fontMet(QFont*, in t, char const*, int) const' .libs/browserbutton_a.moc.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTV18BrowserButtonMieux[vtable for BrowserButtonMieux]+0x264): undefined reference to `QPaintDevice::fontInf(QFont*, in t) const' .libs/browserbutton_a.moc.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTV18BrowserButtonMieux[vtable for BrowserButtonMieux]+0x270): undefined reference to `non-virtual thunk to PanelButton ::updateKickerTip(KickerTip::Data&)' .libs/browserbutton_a.moc.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTI18BrowserButtonMieux[typeinfo for BrowserButtonMieux]+0x8): undefined reference to `typeinfo for BrowserButton' .libs/browserbutton_a.moc.o:(.data.rel.ro+0x4): undefined reference to `static_QUType_int' .libs/browserbutton_a.moc.o:(.data.rel.ro+0x14): undefined reference to `static_QUType_int' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make[2]: *** [browsermenu_panelapplet.la] Fel 1 make[2]: Lämnar katalogen "/media/Lagring/uppackning/.untarred/browsermenu-" make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Fel 1 make[1]: Lämnar katalogen "/media/Lagring/uppackning/.untarred/browsermenu-" make: *** [all] Fel 2
and thats only the few last lines but it goes on about undefined reference ...


Have you got the kdelibs4-dev and libkonq4-dev packages ? There are required to compile the applet. Sorry I haven't stated in the description.


yes both are installed and the latest vers..


Sorry if I make this question. I'd like to make an applet. I searched over internet but I didn't find information. I'd the like to create a applet composed by 3 buttons that each open an application.For example(firefox, amarok , kaffeine). I know that I can add it one by one but I'd like an applet. If you can help me (tutorial ... piece of code).... Thanks


Hello, at the beginning, I started with the Kicker-applet template in KDevelop (proposed by the wizard of KDevelop). Also I downloaded the source of kicker (for kubuntu, it's in the kdebase package) to read the code of the Browser applet of kicker. For what you want to do, you may read the code of the Quick Launcher applet (at kicker/applets/launcher in the source). Contact me if you need more details (but I'm not an expert, browsermenu is my first applet).


I'd love to see a "browse directory only" mode, which shows only directory the best would be to show subdirectory if available when the mouse is over the item, and open the directory in konq when one click on it (or double-click but I don't know if it is possible to react differently to different mouse input in a menu)


hi, I think I found a bug I have added a filter "Expressions to show only" with something like "fgdgzgzkl" applyed to files only (well, my goal was to hide all files and keep directory) It seems to work but when I want to show the content of a subfolder, it crashs (kicker and/or the applet)


Thank you for your comments. Indeed, I forgot to check the case when all the files of a "More" popup are removed by a filter. Therefore, filtering in the 0.3.4 version is limited to 30 (the max number of entries, mutable in the Kicker configuration) filtered entries per directory. Actually, in the released versions (0.2 to 0.3.4), I subclass (C++) the built-in Browser button of Kicker, i.e. the classical browser menu is firstly created and, before being shown, I modify it in adding/removing commands and filtering items. The other method is forking the built-in Kicker applet. For just modifying commands, the benefit of the subclass method is to obtain a short and simple code (cf v0.2). But the add of the filtering feature with this method requires a difficult coding (due to the removing the "More" popups) as compared with the fork method because, in the fork method, items are filtered during the popup creation, not after. Therefore, for next versions with non-bugged filters and other more features, I will fork the built-in Kicker browser button.


The version is still a subclass method, I like the difficulty. Forking the built-in will able to correct some kicker bug such as drag&drop a file in the highlighted folder instead of in the highlighted popup (= one-level up folder).


Please please porting this applet to KDE4 and rename it to kickthekickoff :) I want my old XDG Tree Menus in KDE4. It was so match faster and quicker then fu... kickoff. :-(


I will see this with the next kubuntu, in April. I have not already seen whether Plasma has a Quick File Browser built-in applet.


This is just what I needed for a long time, thank you :) Hope to see this kind of applet in KDE4 one day ;)


I love it! It makes file browsing more intuitive. Really good addition. It would also be nice to be able to apply a filter, based on a regex, filetype or simple string to determine what should be shown or not.


Indeed, I forgot to write the regex filter in the TODO list, it is intended; particularly for hiding backup files with "~", system folders like "lost+found" and "Recycled".


I don't use Ubuntu/Debian... how can i install this ?


You can either dowload the source package browsermenu_0.2.orig.tar.gz and then compile it if the building tools are installed (autotools, g++, ...) ; or use alien to convert the deb package in your package format. I have just added a rpm package, alienized from the deb one. If someone can confirm its validity, it would be great.

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