Removable Media Action Manager (mockup)

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements

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I've decided to postpone this project for now. KDE4 will introduce Solid, dbus, HAL, et. al., and might improve the existign storage media module. Once KDE4 comes out, I'll re-evaluate the project.

Currently, KDE handles removable storage media in a fashion similar to Windows XP: when you insert a CD or a flash drive, a dialog box pops up with some actions to choose from, such as "Play with Kaffeine" or "Do Nothing". Unlike Win XP, you can add new actions to the default ones by going to "Settings > Peripherals > Storage Media". I've been thinking about how to improve the Storage Media module to make it easier to understand and more powerful.

The first screenshot shows my idea of a better "Storage Media", which I've dubbed the "Removable Media Action Manager". The tree on the left lets you choose whether to assign actions to all devices, a subset such as CD's or USB storage devices, or a particular device, such as your camera or your Ipod. On the right side, you can choose the actions to be performed automatically when the device is detected, and the actions that you would like presented to choose from.

The second screenshot shows the dialog that pops up if the user hits one of the "Add" buttons in the previous dialog. It lets you select actions, create new actions, and edit existing actions. In this case, the dialog shows the actions for the "Ask between these options" list. (Note: The "Mount (Auto Action)" should be grayed out and the little arrow buttons should NOT be grayed out. The inaccuracy was due to prototyping limitations.)

This is my first posting to Forgive me if this isn't the right place to put this; I couldn't find any content guidelines anywhere. These are just screenshots; however if someone is willing to mentor me a little, I could probably turn it into a working app. (I'm a programmer, but have never programmed for Linux.) I used KDevelop to create the mock up.

Edit: I appended "(mock up)" to the title to make it more clear that I don't have a prototype yet.

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Hi William, I think it's a go idea and I will like to work with you to implement your idea. I was thinking myself about writing my own media manager because of all the problems we have with the intregrated media manager in KDE: * At each new release of a new Kde or Hal your are pretty sure that you will get in to trouble. * The floppy mount/umoumt it's not working * etc ... So by joining our efforts will make it easier. Please let me know if you are interested.


I've decided to postpone this project for now for two reasons. First, I've become really busy. Second, with KDE4 just around the bend, the whole removable media situation could improve with the introduction of dbus and Solid. Once KDE4 comes out, I'll re-evaluate the project.


nice work, really. you might try to contact the person who wrote the current auto-action code, and ask him if he is willing to mentor you a bit while you write this proposal. add yourself to some mailinglists and post this proposal here, like on kde-usability and kde-core-devel. it's very likely you'll recieve some comments and offers for info ;-)


I realize, that you are just one of hundreds of posters here who like posting screenshots and label them as if it's actual code. USE "mock up" or "proposal" in the title!


Thanks. I'd based my assumption for posting mockups on the recent "Rotate X window" and "service menu management to kcontrol". I've changed the title now to reflect the mock up status.


the download link wouldn't work :(


As I said, it's only screenshots at this point - the download link just points to the screenshot again. Sorry! It looks like people are liking the idea so far, so unless the Storage Manager is radically different in KDE 4, I'll try to make this.

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