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KDM Theme manager is just what it says a theme Manager for KDM.
This control module allows you to easily add, remove and select any KDM theme you want.

to install:
su -c "make install"

To run kdmtheme simple open K Control Center and go to System Administration
There you will find KDM Theme Manager


Packagers, if you want your package listed here, email me or post the link in the comments.
Please note that only the source packages come from me. I do not know if any of the other ones will work or are valid.
A Kubuntu package is now in "Universe" so look for updates there.
Gentoo ebuilds are in portage.

KDM Theme WILL be included in KDE4!
The integration has been completed and committed! as of 10/16/2006

Theme Designers please make sure to include a KdmGreeterTheme.desktop in your archives. Failure to do so may cause your themes to no longer work in KDE4!!
Last changelog:

2007-09-28 (1.2): Backport of the KDE4 version
2007-10-08 (1.2.1): Fixed a porting bug where the selectionChanged() signal was never connected correctly.
2007-12-16 (1.2.2): Actually save things... (I am quite embarrassed about this one..)
Enable saving when you only disable themes. (emit the changed signal)

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After selecting theme the theme path gets written in kdmrc in a way, that KDM fails to open the theme!


Hello, i'm using kdmtheme 1.2.2 in Slackware 12.1 (compiled from Slackbuilds, I have tried the package compiled from other sites with the same results). When I try to remove a theme, kdm theme manager crashes. It is the same bug as reported in:


Btw I needed to install automake-1.7 also. Even though I had ver 1.10 already installed.


Hi, try edit a file "Makefile" in addr, where you have been configured (./configure) and search for string automake. You will find about line 95 something like that: ..../admin/missing --run automake-1.7 so delete "-1.7" and delete this string about 7 lines above ...../admin/missing --run aclocal-1.7 and try "./make" again :-)


The install annoyed me as hell, but I step-by-stepped through the config/make/make install and basically discovered n packages that were originally missing from my install. I needed to install following packages (OpenSuse names) to build the Theme Manager: libacl-devel fam-devel libidn-devel libart_lgpl-devel libattr-devel I hope it saves someone some time, but I'm not 100% sure they were the only packages I added.


Why does it have to regenerate the autotools' files? Furthermore, is the automake 1.7 dependency strictly necessary? Thanks


It doesn't compile on my Mandriva 2008.0 :-( [zibi1981@localhost kdmtheme-1.2.2]$ make cd . && make -f admin/Makefile.common ; make[1]: Wejście do katalogu `/home/zibi1981/tmp/kdmtheme-1.2.2' *** Creating configure.files make[1]: Opuszczenie katalogu `/home/zibi1981/tmp/kdmtheme-1.2.2' cd . && /bin/sh /home/zibi1981/tmp/kdmtheme-1.2.2/admin/missing --run aclocal-1.7 /home/zibi1981/tmp/kdmtheme-1.2.2/admin/missing: line 46: aclocal-1.7: command not found WARNING: `aclocal-1.7' is missing on your system. You should only need it if you modified `acinclude.m4' or `'. You might want to install the `Automake' and `Perl' packages. Grab them from any GNU archive site. cd . && \ /bin/sh /home/zibi1981/tmp/kdmtheme-1.2.2/admin/missing --run automake-1.7 --gnu Makefile /home/zibi1981/tmp/kdmtheme-1.2.2/admin/missing: line 46: automake-1.7: command not found WARNING: `automake-1.7' is missing on your system. You should only need it if you modified `', `acinclude.m4' or `'. You might want to install the `Automake' and `Perl' packages. Grab them from any GNU archive site. cd . && perl admin/am_edit cd . && rm -f configure cd . && make -f admin/Makefile.common configure make[1]: Wejście do katalogu `/home/zibi1981/tmp/kdmtheme-1.2.2' error: possibly undefined macro: AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow. See the Autoconf documentation. error: possibly undefined macro: AM_CONFIG_HEADER error: possibly undefined macro: AC_CHECK_COMPILERS error: possibly undefined macro: AC_ENABLE_SHARED error: possibly undefined macro: AC_ENABLE_STATIC error: possibly undefined macro: AM_KDE_WITH_NLS error: possibly undefined macro: AC_PATH_KDE error: possibly undefined macro: AC_CHECK_KDEMAXPATHLEN make[1]: *** [configure] Błąd 1 make[1]: Opuszczenie katalogu `/home/zibi1981/tmp/kdmtheme-1.2.2' make: *** [configure] Błąd 2


WARNING: `automake-1.7' is missing on your system. You should only need it if you modified `', `acinclude.m4' or `'. You might want to install the `Automake' and `Perl' packages. So install these packages first and then the kdmtheme


But I have it already [zibi1981@localhost ~]$ rpm -qa | grep automake automake-1.10-2mdv2008.0


I think that this solution could be rigth for you. I grab this from a slackbuild created by Gohanz, the packager of website. Run this before ./configure. ACVER=`whereis aclocal- 2>&1|sed -e 's#.*bin/aclocal-\([0-9.]*\).*#\1#'` sed -i -e "s/am__api_version=\"1.7\"/am__api_version=\"$ACVER\"/" configure Hope this help. If the quoted text isn't readable, search for kdmtheme on and check the slackbuild into download /src directory site.


I am not exactly sure what did the trick, but just after installing automake and running the commands above, everything worked for me. (I just started using kubuntu at home, and man, installing a new set of themes is disturbingly difficult for a noob like me)


I know exactly what you mean! this is why it's so hard for the likes of me to move over to Linux from Windows. You just expect things to work and instead you have to jump through flaming hoops to do thinks like this. We are used to downloading a application and just running setup or install why does Linux make it so hard. This is my 3rd foray in to the world of Linux and things have got much easier but things like this frustrate the hell out of me!. Cue much beration from hardened Linux users :-)


In order to use KDM themes in Gutsy you must do the following: 1: Remove the file located under /etc/default/kdm.d (like an idiot I forgot to write down its exact name.) This file contains information that will over ride any changes you make to kdmrc. 2: Remove the KDM Theme Manager if you have it installed. It is broken in Gutsy and will create all sorts of havoc in your kdmrc file. 3: To specify which KDM theme you wish to use you must HAND EDIT /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc Search for "#UseTheme=true" and remove the leading # symbol, then right above it add the line "Theme=[fullpath to the KDM Theme file]" usually /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/[directoryname] 4: Make sure that the Theme file has BOTH GdmGreeterTheme.desktop and KdmGreeterTheme.desktop files in it. Canonical did something to KDM and it seems to be reading GdmGreeterTheme.desktop instead of KdmGreeterTheme.desktop To use this theme file it is suggested you unpack this file and copy the Liquid_Splashy directory under the KDM directory to /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes and then add the line "Theme=/usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/Liquid_Splashy" to kdmrc. Note: At some point your kdmrc file may get over written by your system. If this happens simply put the full path name back in "Theme=" line Once you have made your changes to kdmrc you must restart your system for them to take effect.


The KDM Theme Manager is not working for me in Gutsy. I can't install new themes and when I try to activate the manager it's complaining about some override files. Has someone a solution?


Hi, I use kde 3.5.7 and kdmtheme-1.2.1. It seems that it can't change the kdmrc file, though it reads it well, 'cause when I change UseTheme= value the Use KDM Theme box in this module changes it's state. Any ideas how to fix it?


First of all I love the theme manager. Its great and you have done a wonderful job. But there is one thing that I think would be great to have as part of the theme manager and as part of kdm. gdm has the ability to have the themes be "selected only" or "random from selected". I personally really like this. It gives me the chance to make some personalized themes and have it be a surprise every time I turn on my laptop. however, gdm uses more resources when running kde under it. I think it would be something worth looking into. At least see what other users think.


Hello my friend. I am using your program on gentoo and its great. Since I upgraded to kde 3.5.8 I cant change the theme on kdm anymore. Is there something I can do? Thanks


I have the same problem. I cannot change theme, I cannot dissable it. I'm not abble to get any error message.


It seems kdm is not storing the configuration in kdmrc. I used a older config file that i know work, located at /etc/config-archive/usr/kde/3.5/share/config/kdm Hopefully, this will be fixed sometime soon.


When I manually changed Theme= row in /usr/kde/3.5/share/config/kdm/kdmrc a new one was used.

$ grep Theme /usr/kde/3.5/share/config/kdm/kdmrc


Any way of getting this to work on Gutsy Gibbon?


I just did a simple sudo apt-get install kdmtheme in the terminal and it works well on my system with Gusty Gibbon


It's not working for me either. I tried purging it and reinstalling but it still doesn't work. I think the problem might not be kdmtheme manager related because I added the settings manually in kdmrc but the theme didn't work (I got the default non-theme prompt). Any ideas?


kdmtheme-1.2.1-1.lotus.i586.rpm at


Debian Sid package kdmtheme 1.2:

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version 1.2.2
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pageviews 24h 3

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