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Switch between the open user sessions or start a new one!

It's a small applet, done as proof of concept for KDE 3.5, but not ready in time for the feature freeze. So hopefully it will make it's premiere with 4.0. It differs from the "Switch user..." submenu in the K menu that for each session it displays the full name and the kdm icon of the user. And it includes the control on the current session, see also in the RMB menu.

Already works like a charm, but does not cooperate too much with the other session controls right now. Should be stable but is alpha code featurewise.

Still it is usable on its own. Please try it and comment on it.
Last changelog:

0.3.2 - minor fix
* corrected button effects
* no unsermake
0.3.1 - minor fix
* calculation of left/right menuposition corrected
0.3 - initial distribution

Ratings & Comments



the download link seems to be broken :(


I installed the sessionapplet under Mandriva 2006 (KDE 3.4.2). It worked fine except the following issues: 1. Clicking on another user did not result in switching to this user. 2. I could not Login more than 6 users. Is there a way to Login more than 6 users? TNX...


It's just what I needed! Can it work with KDE 3.3 ? Suggestions: - Switches like for switching between desktops for access without using a menu - let the tool remember for which sessions a lock is normally used, for which sessions to ask for a lock and for which sessions there is normally no lock


Hi, no idea if it really works with KDE 3.3. It is prepared to, but I did not test it lacking a 3.3 on my machine. Please try and tell us. What do you mean by "Switches"? Keyboard Shortcuts? About how to lock: This is planned for 3.5. But will not be implemented in this preview (at least by me ;) Friedrich


Thanks for doing this! KDE really needs a well-thoughout session manager if it is to become a functional multi-user desktop. Following are some suggestions for how to make the session manager easy to use: 1) Split the dropdown list vertically into two sides: the left side contains the user's icon (or photo!) and the right side contains the user's full name (not username, that's too cryptical). 2) The first item in the dropdown list contains the key-lock icon on the left side and "Lock Session" on the right side. 3) Remove the "Log In" item since all users of the system are already listed (see #1). All that needs to be done to log in as that user is to click on the appropriate user. 4) Remove the "Other Sessions" and "Current Sessions" labels since they are not needed. It is already understood that the "Lock Session" will lock the current session. 5) Remove the "Lock Current Session on Switch" item since it doesn't belong there: that option should be turned on by default and configurable from the Control Center. 5) When the mouse is over a user, the right side (which before contained the user's full name) will be split horizontally into two pieces: the top piece will contain the user's full name, and the bottom piece will contain the username. You might be asking where the Shutdown item went. Well I think it deserves an applet of its own since it itself has multiple options: Logout, Turn off, Restart, Suspend. The two applets (Switch User and Shutdown) can be stacked on top of each other in the panel very nicely. When the icon of one of the applets is clicked, a dropdown menu will appear containing the appropriate options. Please let me know what you think of these ideas - I'd be happy to clarify them if needed.


Thanks for your comments. 2) The idea to show the status of a session (un-/locked) is good, will think about picking it up. 3) For now only running sessions are shown, due to kdm missing support for a call to start a session with a given user. Might change for 3.5, but no promises. 4) Well, I myself don't like the extra titles too much, but they help visually, really. Play with the code :) 5) Sometimes you might want to change this setting on the fly. I did ;) But there might be an option to suppress this setting. The default will be customizable, of course. 5 #2) too much visual noise I think. On the removal of shutdown: These actions are usually used once upon a session so I think they do not deserve too much screen real estate on their own. And they all operate on the current session, so they should be available together. Friedrich

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