Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
NOTE: Works best with a spare mousebutton and imwheel: http://imwheel.sourceforge.net/
INSTALL and README should cover all (well, most) questions.
UPGRADE FROM VERSION 0.1.x: please read INSTALL on how to go on using your custom settings (hope it was the last time I broke the configfile...)
UPGRADE FROM VERSION 0.3.0 or below:
The config file was put to the default kde config directory, read INSTALL for further informations
VERSION 0.5.0:
This version introduces several changes. First of all the kded patch has been made official, because i was tired of maintainig two branches and of course because I think it is a nice feature. Along with this Kommando is now configured through KControl. Just head to the section Desktop to find the config menu. These two patches have been created by Sergio Cambra. Thanks for your help!
Another neat thing are context sensitive menus. To see what they are good for, copy the included kommandorc file to the Kommando dir under ~/.kde/share/apps
Tested on SuSe 10.1 with KDE 3.5.5
In the tarball I provided a patch (thanks to Sergio Cambra), which lets you run kommando as a Kded module, so it runs in background and you are not bothered by the tray icon any longer. Informations can be found in the README.kded file. Thanks for testing!
There is a Gentoo ebuild by Baldrun Orv available. I put it on rapidshare and made an md5 hash available for the ones like me who don't trust hosting services...
21.08.2007 Kommando v0.5.2:
-clicking with the middle mousebutton excutes commands
16.11.2006 Kommando v0.5.1:
-added a "add menu from kmenu" feature (again a patch by Sergio)
14.11.2006 Kommando v0.5.0:
-added context sensitive menus
-running as kded module (huge thanks to Sergio Cambra)
-configuration via a KControl module (again thanks to Sergio)
-fixed button drawing code and eliminated flickering
-code cleanups (myself and Sergio Cambra)
-major refactoring of the menu code
-fixed some of my own most hated bugs
20.01.2006 Kommando v0.4.1:
-fixed a compile bug
-corrected the application type to KUniqueApplication to make dcop work "properly" again
-automatically move config file to the new location (initial patch provided by Sune Vuorela)
17.01.2006 Kommando v0.4.0:
-added the possibiliy to customize the size of the buttons and the menu
-fixed buttons randomly changing their positions
-added controlls to change the order of the buttons
-moved the configfile to ~/.kde/share/apps/kommando, where it really belongs to
-added the ability to take over items from kmenu (thx to Sergio Cambra for the patch!)
-some enhancements throughout the whole code
-included a patch that lets Kommando run as Kded module (patch by Sergio Cambra)
15.11.2005 Kommando v0.3.0:
-improved the configuration dialog
-added the ability to adjust the opacity and the tint color of the background
-added keyboard and mousewheel navigation (read README)
-added new entries in the config file (there should be no compatibility problems though)
-added the dcop interface many people were hoping for
-made the Config class a singleton
30.09.2005 Kommando v0.2.0:
-major visual enhancements (needs testing on slower computers)
-configuration dialog added (click at tray icon)
-ability to remap the global shortcut added
-code restructuring
26.09.2005 v0.1.2
- fixed a really stupid configfile bug, thx to kdt for pointing it out
26.09.2005 v0.1.1
- minor bugfixes
26.09.2005 v0.1.0:
- initial release
Ratings & Comments
Since I wanted to have a wheel type command itnerface again in KDE4 for a long time, I now wrote one myself: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/pyRad?action=content&content=117428
You're in the Gentoo sunrise overlay! -> http://overlays.gentoo.org/proj/sunrise -> http://overlays.gentoo.org/svn/proj/sunrise/reviewed/kde-misc/kommando/
Nice app! I would like to see a way to use Kommando easily out of KDE, I use Fluxbox with KDE apps, and the only way I can use Kommando is starting the service from Kcontrol every time I start fluxbox, very uncomfortable. There is uncomforable the way Kommando exits if you accidentally get the mouse out of the circle. I would prefer Kommando to close only when you click and application or when you CLICK out of the circle, not only getting out the mouse pointer. Do you know about ToEE (Temple of Elemental Evil) radial menu? it's even better than NWN menu, it allows you to return to every submenu when you want only with a click, I like very much the way it shows news subsmenus without erasing the parent menus, but an image will explain it better: http://www.gamebanshee.com/templeofelementalevil/locations/maps/orbofgoldendeath.jpg I know this is very different from what Kommando does actually, but I only drop here the idea and maybe you or others would be interested in develop something like the ToEE radial menu.
Hi, Will Kommando be usable with KDE4.1? It's one of the things I miss most in the beta and the release candidate. Best wishes, Arne
Hi, I just thought I'd tell you that Kommando v0.5.2 is already in gentoo sunrise and will soon be in main portage. Best wishes, Arne
I just downloaded and compiled the source (29514-kommando-0.5.2.tar.bz2) on a Slackware 10 based system. While I didn't get any error messages on the compile/install I don't seem to have the program! I've got the config bit in Kcontrol and a kommando.desktop but there is no kommando command to run. If I copy the kommando.desktop to ~/Desktop I get an icon but when I click on that icon it just opens the configuration window. I can't get the actual program to appear! CTRL-ALT-H does nothing (I tried both cases of 'h') Having updatedb'd a 'locate kommando' returns the following: /opt/kde/lib/kde3/kded_kommandod.so /opt/kde/lib/kde3/kded_kommandod.la /opt/kde/lib/kde3/kcm_kommando.so /opt/kde/lib/kde3/kcm_kommando.la /opt/kde/lib/libkommando.so.1.0.0 /opt/kde/lib/libkommando.so.1 /opt/kde/lib/libkommando.so /opt/kde/lib/libkommando.la /opt/kde/share/doc/HTML/en/kommando /opt/kde/share/doc/HTML/en/kommando/index.docbook /opt/kde/share/doc/HTML/en/kommando/index.cache.bz2 /opt/kde/share/doc/HTML/en/kommando/common /opt/kde/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/kommando.png /opt/kde/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kommando.png /opt/kde/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/kommando.png /opt/kde/share/services/kded/kommandod.desktop /opt/kde/share/applications/kde/kommando.desktop Any ideas?
Same here using opensuse-10.3@x86-32 The dcop call gives a "dcop failed".
Actually it DOES work now after upgrading xorg to 7.3, whyever. But may I suggest to update the contained REAME ? It claims you can use >dcop kommando Menu toggle<RET> That is NOT correct. Google revealed: the dcop calls have been moved to 'kded', so you can do >dcop kded kommandod toggle<RET> I have no idea why it's called "kommandod", though... Apart from that, great app, thanks !
Is there a way to add kommando for KDE4? I just switched up, and the feature I miss the most is my precious kommando-wheel.
Hi, It would be great, if I could duplicate a set from one context to another (means: Have a duplicate button which does the same as the new button, but copies my config over to the other one). Far streched it would also be great, if I could have a minimum config which I can access in all profiles and additional icons which I add there. That way I could work on the minimum profile to have my standard apps avaible everywhere, and a change in stadard apps could be done in only one profile to affect all profiles, while additions in a profile would only affect that profile. And it could be possible to remove it from the minimum profile, but have it stay in all other profiles (by copying it over), so I can then remove it from the profiles seperately. And independent of this wish: Thanks a lot for your great efforts! Kommando is great, and I think it should become a new standard for computers! It became the standard for me...
Hi, It would be great, if kommando would show the name of the application when I hover over an icon for 3 seconds (and then stay in "show text mode" until I leave the wheel for a moment).
Kommando works great in gentoo. You can get it via the sunrise overlay. Steps: emerge layman layman -a sunrise emerge kommando The only problem I get is, that I have to visit the preferences window from time to time, because kommando forgot, that it should bind to my keykombo. (Was a while till I discovered this; imwheel did work flawlessly, but kommando didn't take the keys, and I searched the bug in imwheel) Thanks a lot for kommando! Besides: would it be possible to include a tool to configure imwheel?
I must say that I like both kommando and beryl. They both improve the desktop usability remarkably. However, kommando doesn't pop up when using beryl as the windows manager on an application set to full-screen mode. This only happened when I am using beryl, when I switch back to kwin the problem just go away. BTW, I am using beryl 0.2rc3.
I suppose the reason for this is that KWin manages the global shortcuts used to show Kommando. If Beryl does not support them... An possible solution would be to bind the toggle dcop call to a key using xbindkey (or whatever its name is ;-) This solution should be Windowmanager independent.
Kommando does work with Beryl, except when I try to press the hotkey over an application which has been set to full-screen mode. I later found out that the hotkey does activate the wheel, but the wheel is hidden below the full-screen application. The wheel can be brought into view by pressing the Alt-Tab combination several times. This a focus issue and not a key binding issue. It only happens with Beryl over an application set to full-screen mode.
Is there a way to change the X-icon (the red circle with a white cross)? Its ugly / low resolution... Other than that it works great :)
Just uploaded to debian experimental Good luck ;) /Sune Maintainer
Hi, I recieve this error when running ./configure: checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! I also recieved this same error when trying to install KSmoothDock. I am running Mandriva Free 2007. Could anyone help me out? Thanks!
[SOLVED!] After much googling, I learned that I needed the dev files, and after installing the files, it installed! Only thing is, I have no idea how to use it... It shows up in the Service Manager, but that is the only sign I see of it, anywhere.
ups, wrong codes, anyway, here are the url's: http://img216.imageshack.us/my.php?image=7390zl5.png http://img225.imageshack.us/my.php?image=3781rb0.png http://img209.imageshack.us/my.php?image=stage3ex6.png http://img297.imageshack.us/my.php?image=stage4bi0.png
The name of the app to be launched could be written on the icon. Here is the screenshot: http://bugs.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=18624&action=view Alse a better highlighting of the selected item should be used (like underlining the app name )
It's really how I like using my system. Only imwheel makes a few problems... just ate my keyboard and I had to kill it from vt1 :) And it is some work to find out how to use imwheel... Maybe you could include an option to catch mouse-events from the program. I'm using button 9 :) Thanks a lot for your program! I don't want to go without it anymore!
Thanks. Its a great feeling to know that people like one's application :-) For catching mouse events: I am sure if you have enough knowledege of x11 it's not that hard...
I'd be glad to be able to do that, but I can't. Maybe we'll see someone drop by who can supply a patch for that, if you time's too short. Thanks again!