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Ratings & Comments
I am not a fan of huge distracting background pictures and big headings.
Nice shot, well i did had the same idea as you did when i started packagekit, but i found out that the way it works to be implemented makes it a bit weird. To understand what i mean use the oxygem style and open sound settings, there you will see exactly the same thing you did, but if you take a closer look at the borders you'll notice that they are squared. If someone some day fix that i'll be happy to add it to kpackagekit :D
This is a tool for packages managing http://code.google.com/p/kleen/ it's still uncompleted but you can try that :)
WoW Its Beautiful
yeah, kde-look is the correct place. Anyway, it's a great idea.
I think this should go on kde-look, not on kde-apps...
May be that would be better there but KPackageKit is here effectively