Google Web Search, KDE SC 4.4 style
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
From version 1.4.2 on, this style supports all local Google domains. No need for customizing the CSS by hand any more!
Manual installation instructions
- download archive and extract it
- add google_kde4-4_userstyle.css to your browser as custom style (with Stylish, Greasemonkey, etc.)
Installation instructions for Mozilla Firefox
- install the Stylish addon: https://addons.mozilla.org/en/firefox/addon/2108
- install user style 1/2
- install user style 2/2
Installation instructions for Google Chrome
- install Stylish extension: https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/fjnbnpbmkenffdnngjfgmeleoegfcffe
- install user style 1/2
- install user style 2/2
Extra-gear shown in the pictures
To make your Firefox look exactly like the screenshots, you need to install some extra addons:
- preview shots: SearchPreview (https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/189)
- Oxygen-styled Firefox: Oxygen KDE theme (http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Oxygen+KDE+%28Firefox+Theme%29?content=117962)
1.5.4 - 21th of June 2010
- removed HTTPS support again, causing too much trouble on different secure Google pages
1.5.3 - 12th of June 2010
- fixed Google logo once again, markup changed
- added support for https://www.google.com
- fixed Google product search footer navigation
1.5.2 - 25th of May 2010
- fixed product search
- fixed search mode highlighting
- fixed logo height on main page
- fixed searcbbox borders
- fixed background color of special doodles
1.5.1 - 18th of May 2010
- fixed search form on page bottom
- fixed big Logo again, markup was changed once more
1.5.0 - 6th of May 2010
- initial support for Google markup changes in May 2010
- fixed Google translate
older versions
The complete changelog with older versions is contained in CSS download.
Ratings & Comments
Now that Google changed its appearance, the style is broken :( I would love to use this style, can you please fix it?
http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/4971/snapshot2l.png http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/4130/snapshot3w.png this is what i get with chromium [6.0.472.63] in kde 4.5 did i miss something... i tryed with that: https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/fjnbnpbmkenffdnngjfgmeleoegfcffe?hl=en and that: https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/ojjimgeddgfplbimohnpoijmgjpocaee?hl=en and with that: https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/pabfempgigicdjjlccdgnbmeggkbjdhd?hl=en
It uses mozilla specific properties (properties with -moz-prefix). In order to make it work in chrome it neets to be ported. Some -moz-prefixes can simply be replaced with -webkit- (like -moz-box-shadow and -moz-border-radius), others can simply be deleted (@-moz-document... {, don't forget the corresponding } at the end of the file) and some others I'd have to research myself on how to port.
Hi Andreas! Nice work, but is there any chance you could make a Darker Theme for Google Web Search, KDE SC 4.4 style? I tried editing your code with a darker set it on my own, but I lack the skills :-( Only got half of it to work. Tried to make the certain links, bright gree, bright blue/turquoise. Using Valacar's background, I could only get the background to work. Click on the link to see what i mean. http://userstyles.org/styles/19745 Hoping you or anyone out there can get the Darker Themes to work on either Firefox 3 or Chrome? Thanks so much! - Kayde
Hey, I noticed a serious layout problem when logging in my GMail account: the layout is completely broken, if the custom theme is enabled :( Is it possible to add a config value that disable/enable your theming for mail.google.com, so I can continue enjoying your awesome style? Thanks !!
I second the petition! Even the rendering of gmail.com is not right. Apart from that I take the opportunity to thank you for this piece of software!
Todays version excludes Google Mail again and thereby fixes this issue.
I was about to comment on this too. The gmail-problem exists only in 1.5.3. It worked fine in 1.5.2. Otherwise a great style! A screenshot to show how it looks for me: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1087/4720157235_ccc256bb6d_b.jpg
Todays version excludes Google Mail again and thereby fixes this issue.
please add support for https://www.google.com/
Wish granted, comes with 1.5.3 today.
Here is a link to Google's main page in Chrome 5 http://www.imagebam.com/image/339fba81999203 There is also a problem with iGoogle http://www.imagebam.com/image/7d983a81999785 They look normal in Firefox. Also in some pages the logo has white area around it. For example Google Calendar http://www.imagebam.com/image/3eb0a381999781 This appears in both browsers. Anyway, congratulations for the nice work you have done.
Thx for your report! I'll try to fix this with the next version.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/897356/schermata24.png I've this problem in the igoogle page. the background should be white. _______________________________ http://dl.dropbox.com/u/897356/schermata24_1.png here, i've a problem already reported by Jimmy and also another one: the coulor of the write is too bright, it's difficult to read it
Unfortunally, iGoogle is not supported.
always better! Keep up the great work mate! :D
Thx! I am pretty curious for version 2.0 of your awesome Firefox skin...
it's almost ready :) I'm just testing some things before releasing it !
something wrong http://img.flashtux.org/img132b5a822c4axa77a9fe6.png
Thx for reporting! I'll try to fix this with the next release.
Fixed in release 1.5.2.
I found a mistake on line 61 of 'Google Web Search - KDE SC 4.4, 2/2' causing the logo to somewhat appear twice. http://i48.tinypic.com/dewxoy.jpg On line 61 'height: 103px !important;' 103 should be 93.
Thx for reporting! I'll try to fix this with the next release.
Also, just in case Google decides to change the logo background image like they did yesterday for the Pac Man anniversary you should probably put 'background: none !important;' at line 22-23.