beauty has a name. KDE lime
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
It's images like this that remind us we are a part of something larger than ourselves. Keep up the good work!
Could you please provice a link to the original image or tell us how it was called?
I searched the nasa site, where I originally found it, but i wasn't able to locate it again. Fortunately, some other guys implemented this pic in their homepages. You can find them here: east globe can be found here... west globe can be found here...
it's almost KDE 3.2 now ;-) can you make one for 3.2 (with a 2 instead of the X in 3.X)
Could you provide the link to the original nasa picture?
You can find many many earth pics here .. although you have to search the correct picture yourself among hundreds of pics.