MacOsX hadzaj
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Ratings & Comments
"Macintosh CEO" ?
well, looks like someone at M$ got to this one and forced it off the site?? Link gives a 404 error...
THe link is here: It appears that the uplaoder forgot the http:// before the URL
Thanks for all the feedback guys. Actually, the article from sptimes is not posted in their archives, but I found a similar article here: I was inspired mostly by Steve Jobs' quote, but the implementation of the filesystem was about how they're going to use a "UNIX-like" filesystem called WinFS. Again, thanks.
Can someone post a link to this article or email it to me at i'm quite curious to read this.
Have they really implemented ext3? Isnt that licensed to Open sofwtare licenses?
Great! I'll show that to my friends who are using microsux winblows. Great idea!
Some one needs to hack Microshaft and post this ;)
LOL! I knew somethign was going to do somehtign with this.