Description: Here is a version of the offical Ubuntu default wallpaper (original by ngnr) for Kubuntu lovers.
I adjusted the colours in photoshop to blue, and replaced the Ubuntu logo with Kubuntu's. Sounds easy doesn't it, but it was trickier in practice without the original art layers to work with. The size, colour and positioning of the Kubuntu logo is very simpathetic to the original layout.
The original Ubuntu version was created by ngnr and released under the GPL.
My feeling is that Kubuntu doesn't look as good as Ubuntu. Maybe Kubuntu should always have the same artwork as Ubuntu, but altered to reflect Kubuntu's characteristic blue look, and showing the Kubuntu logo. Just an idea.
Ubuntu has Human
Edubuntu has Human
Xubuntu has Human
Kubuntu has ... Crystal? WHY!?
Ubuntu has orange and brown
Edubuntu has red and orange
Xubuntu has purple and orange
Kubuntu has ... blue and ... blue ...
All that Kubuntu shares with the rest is the mouse pointers... so yeah, let's have either blue-to-fit-KDE human artwork, or make Kubuntu orange as well!
Ratings & Comments
YES! Ubuntu has Human Edubuntu has Human Xubuntu has Human Kubuntu has ... Crystal? WHY!? Ubuntu has orange and brown Edubuntu has red and orange Xubuntu has purple and orange Kubuntu has ... blue and ... blue ... All that Kubuntu shares with the rest is the mouse pointers... so yeah, let's have either blue-to-fit-KDE human artwork, or make Kubuntu orange as well!
Kubuntu in orange? KDE looks ugly with orange :/. Better is blue, but violet for Edgy Eft (next release) is really bad idea. Look in Ubuntu Wiki.
3 out of 4 freakin coulor schemes are blue. Variety is good.
No! Ubuntu is orange, will be more glassy. Xubuntu is... hmm... grey-blue? Kubuntu i now blue, will be violet.