Another Alley on another night
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Ratings & Comments
One hell of a picture! The only thing I don't like are the footprints in the snow.. perhaps cropping that out would be a good idea ??? ps where is this ?
Thanks - it's my best one so far:-) I admit removing the footprints would give the picture a more professional look. However I try to leave me pictures as 'untouched' as possible. This picture is taken from a hill called Hohenstaufen located in the southern part of Germany.
i like it, from the preview. but i can't get the full size version.
Seems to work now.
really nice photo!
Thanks a lot!
To add a preview all you need is the gimp, Open the imasge in the gimp, then right click over the image "Image > scale image" If I were you I would scale it between 700 and 900 in width, I use 800 for this. Then you need to save the image,I would use .jpeg since this is a photo. then when you go to submit a photo, click the browse button on the "screenshot 1" section and browse to the location of the saved file. I hate to have to give this howto but people like previews. nice picture btw.
ahh don't worry about it. You have a preview now. again nice photo.
Thanks for your comments! I've just added a preview. It looked really poor without one :-)
Like, I say people like the previews. I have voted good on some things based only on the preview.