BlueIce kwin decoration w/ color scheme

KDE 3.x Window Decorations

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BlueIce v4 is a modified kwin decoration based on jrch2k's Advanced Kwin Decoration Client. Thanks jrch2k!


BlueIce contains everything used in the original nvidia kwin decoration, excluding the images that are used and the name displayed in the control center.

I have also included a color scheme which works well with this decoration. It can be found in the color scheme folder.

BlueIce version 4 has now been added replacing older versions of BlueIce.

BlueIce, Dark BlueIce v4 fix the config part of this decoration so that it now fits the screensize better. v4 also includes a few minor bug fixes.

debian .deb and mandrake .rpm now available.

Thanks to korrel from for the RPMs!

Note : BlueIce v4 will not conflict with the AKDC / nvidia kwin decoration.

Last changelog:

11.05.04 - Mandrake .rpms are back up, sorry for the long wait.
09.13.04 - fixed some broken links. Mandrake .rpms are not available due to server maintenance, sorry. I'll get them up as soon as possible.
08.22.04 - rebuilt .debs, fixed Dark BlueIce conflict issue.
08.21.04 - replaced BlueIce and Dark BlueIce v3 with version 4. released .deb and .rpm of each decoration.
08.14.04 - added BlueIce v3 and Dark BlueIce (including .debs), removed old BlueIce packages, updated screenshots to resemble new decorations.
06.04.04 - added BlueIce .deb
06.05.04 - rebuilt .deb ; package now works when nvidia kwin decoration is also installed
06.05.04 - added color scheme download
06.07.04 - added BlueIce version 2
06.07.04 - replaced BlueIce version 1 with BlueIce version 3 containing smoother edges like the nvidia kwin dec.

Ratings & Comments



Looks great, but why is the config/install page so long that I can't see the bottom half on a 1280x1024 monitor? screen shot:


This is my favourite, but sort of unusable due to the help button position (over the window title most of the time) and the fact that it can only be removed, not relocated, in the KDE Control Center. I was even considering proposing it as default kwin theme for Vector Linux, replacing the current Plastik. Hopefully this can be fixed in the next version.


I installed it on PC-BSD but when I select it from the drop-down menu in the Control Center, it crashes...


I finally found a replacement for the Linspire window decorations that I had been using. Thanks!


ya i like it too. But two things that i don't like is the position of "help button". And There's no "keep above other button" too. sorry for my english. my OS : SuSE 9.3 my kde : kde 3.4.2


Can someone make a suse rpm. I like the theme very mush, but just can't get it installed. notf


I compiled blue-ice on SuSE9.3 and it works, but the top-right edge is messed up: titlebar-center doesn't match titlebar-right. It happened also with AKDC Nvidia.


Sorry, but i am really new in all this linux stuff, does this Window Decoration works with SuSE 9.1?


I love this theme! Installs perfectly and looks beautiful! Keep up the wonderful work!


Very nice, one of the best I have seen here in a long time! Keep it up! :p


In some programs there is a small 'question-mark' icon in the window decoration. It doesn't look like the rest of blueice. i can't find an option to turn it off.. Anyone know how to fix it?


You can disable the small 'question-mark' by going to: > control center > window decorations > under the buttons tab, select "use custom titlebar button positions" > drag the ' ? ' button that you see down to the available item list. > Click "apply". > The ' ? ' help button should no longer be showing.


nice and easy to install with .deb but it would be greater : - to be able to set more parameters, like colors and height - to put icons at the extreme left of the window thanx.


Yes. i had to recompile the window decoration. Using the new qt compiled conflicted with the theme cause it was compiled with the old qt. Good thing too, cause i LOVE this theme ^_^


I just recompiled kde, with immqt as my use flag (for my japanese text support) But when i did that and restarted. The theme did not work at all on my computer. IT took 5 minutes to load up kde, and the theme bars didnt exist, so i couldnt even move the windows around. i hade to delete my .kde3.3 folder. This happends also with the nvidia theme as well. Just to let you know. I will try re-compiling the theme.


Scheme go? Your link isn't working. Nice Kwin!


Color scheme link is now working again. Sorry for the inconvenience.


im just telling you that after installing em both, the dark one didnt work. thats k though, i prefer the regular. just thought youd like to know. i used the deb's BTW and kpackage.


Thank you for the report. I was just wondering why dark blueice didn't work for you. Did you restart kde after installing the decoration? I found that some kwin decorations tend to not work properly until kde has been restarted. Please let me know any more information that you have on this issue. Thanks!


The Dark BlueIce .deb issue has now been resolved.


how can I put that moon on my run command?


You can put that moon on your run command by acquiring the kmoon.png icon from the apps folder of the nuvola icon theme (I used nuvola-1.0b) and adding it to the apps folder of your icon theme with the name kmenu.png instead of kmoon.png. Simply re-install your theme, and the moon will show up in your run command window.


Hello, the config part of the deco is way too big, at least in KDE 3.2 at 1280x1024. Same problem with nVidia deco, though.


be nice if didn't hide messages like that.. or at least just show the last x many threads. this will fix your problem ;)

smileaf this patch arranges all your configs so they work on a 1024x768 screen.

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