Have Fun

Unpack and cd to the directory
sudo make install
In case it doesn’t work, please try to “prefix” your KDE directory, e.g. for Kubuntu:
./configure –-prefix=/usr
made with DecGen 0.5 http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=28848
Ratings & Comments
I made an Archlinux package named "kdedecor-opak". It's availaible via AUR. http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=17550
Thanks. :) Amazing decoration! Can you make the line with titles to be the system's color? It would be also useful :)
Hi, I've installed opak on a slackware 11, a slackware 12 and a mandriva 2007.1. In all distros, not always but often, a little white line is visible between the iconify and restore buttons, as you can see here: http://img212.imageshack.us/my.php?image=opakissuevn7.jpg Sorry for my poor english.
it's configure --prefix=/usr/kde/3.5 for me on gentoo
"./configure not found"
configure is definitely there. however, corrected some rights/permissions ... maybe this was the reason. please try again ;)
that worked, but it hasn't shown up in the window dec. selection window.
please try to figure out, which path to use with the "--prefix=PATH" option in your distro. I know that it works with ./configure --prefix=/usr for Kubuntu, but for others ... ???
I like it :-). But for any reason, i can't download Colorscheme: You don't have permission to access /downloads/opak_pre.kcsrc on this server. Would you please matching rights. Thanks. Richard
Uuups sorry, fixed that ;)