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Ratings & Comments
it says: kerastik.cpp:77:24: kerastik.moc: No such file or directory and stops...
You really should demonstrate this style using a partially attractive setup, to be honestly brutal, it's absolutley awful, show some screen shots using a higher resolution (if you have the hardware capabilities that is) and not the nasty colours and reduciously nasty kicker config, then maybe more people will try it/vote good....
I think one of the reasons why this theme does not have a good rating is that you have not presented much description here. Some more information would be nice. From the screenshots it looks very much like Plastic and Keramic. But what is hardware shading? Etc.
I havent seen anyone run 800x600 in a looooong time.
800x600 are the HIG guidelines for KDE. a minimum, that is.
At first when I installed this I said o myself this is not any different than plastic. Then I saw the hints of keramic and put 2 and 2 together. Kerastic? Cute.