I dont really get the point of creating a new content for packages of other stuff found in the site. Don't get me wrong, is great that you are providing a pkg for slack but couldn't you (or other people who do the same) just submit it to the creator of the style, windec or whatever... instead of just creating new content like this.
Also, I believe the source package comes with its own slackthingie.
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I dont really get the point of creating a new content for packages of other stuff found in the site. Don't get me wrong, is great that you are providing a pkg for slack but couldn't you (or other people who do the same) just submit it to the creator of the style, windec or whatever... instead of just creating new content like this. Also, I believe the source package comes with its own slackthingie.
I know what you mean, but it doesn't seems to me that PaT wants to add the packages to her submission, and i really like to share my packages... so...
I don't think that's a problem. It's often made this way and it's quite allright.