- Dekorator windeco : It's actually complete (doesn't mean finished) in the screenshot (Pressed, Hovered and Normal State).
- Some icons I must work on, looks better in 128x128, I really have no idea how to resize icons the good way
- Just a Superkaramba widget displaying current playing song
- A larger kicker, able to contain 3 masked windows in a column and 2 of these "crimped" Systray Icons in a column
Opinion and critics are more than welcome

Ratings & Comments
I like your work, very similar taste as mine, I like this theme a lot. You need a new wallpaper though, I could do some work for you, release it in a creative commons -sa license. If you are interested. Good work, keep it up, the KDE community needs people like us.
Thank you really much for your comments, and proposition. I'm following your work rather closely, and it's always done with quality in mind. I'm confident we could give each other some advice, and you're true I must replace the wallpaper ;) We could work on a project together, I saw you started an icon theme...
Yes, that would be excellent. If you wouldn't mind working on some app icons and maybe a few device icons, here's my e-mail, I send you the source for everything done so far. sci-fifreak@aaahawk.com