Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Thanks to Jens Luetkens for ideas, code and the config stuff. Based on dotNET. Many code from Konx. Menu color idea from dotNET2.
The translucent menu works except for "Software Tint".
Please tell any inconvenience you find. Then I can call it 1.0 and go for effects and eye candy.
-Updated link
-Fixed kaffeine top line
-Fixed menu check mark not properly painted
-Tabs code full rewrite. Left aligned.
-Removed menu color option.
-Little menu highlight make-up
-Tabs are centered
-Better focus positioning
-Tabs labels polished
-New items added to configuration. Now you can select a color for the scrollbars
-Dark frame problem resolved.
-New menu look, configurable. See screenshot
-Configuration dialog
-Fixed line edits in html pages
-Translucent menus
-Many fixes and performance improvement
-All kicker applets flickering problem resolved
-File transfer and cookie dialogs issue resolved
-Many tabs issue resolved
-Drawing routine reimplemented, faster and nicer
-KNewsTicker should not flicker
Ratings & Comments
http://dotcurve.usefularts.org/ --> "This IP address cannot be used for browsing." Has the downloadlocation changed?
finally solved the problem by downloading a source-rpm from ftp://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/pub/Mirrors/Mandrakelinux/official/2006.0/SRPMS/contrib and using rpm2targz to get the sources
rc1 is very nice. I still have a few problems with some text fields in Konqueror rendered webpages always having a white background but the foreground color is still whatever the CSS specifies. Make it hard to read what is being typed in some fields, but the only one I remember off the top of my head is at the World of Warcraft forums. Still, great looking style and good work! Thanks. :D
i've created ebuild for this nice style. here: http://radon.chytrak.cz/files/ebuilds/x11-themes.tar.gz drop me a word if anything goes wrong - this is first ebuild i've ever made and i'm still bit surprised it didnt blew my system to pieces :-)
Just one sentance to say.......... Keep it up man............. .................
cd . && /bin/sh /home/vadim/BUILD/dotcurve-1.0b3/admin/missing --run aclocal-1.7 cd . && \ /bin/sh /home/vadim/BUILD/dotcurve-1.0b3/admin/missing --run automake-1.7 --gnu Makefile cd . && perl admin/am_edit Makefile.in Can't open perl script "admin/am_edit": No such file or directory make: *** [Makefile.in] Error 2
May be this is because your files are in *my* local time, and are newer than the generated Makefile. Over a fresh unpack run: $ find . | xargs touch $ ./configure && make I love these build reports :)
Thanks! Nice style!
Very good style. Excellent.
I use kaffeine to play my video's, but with this style enabled, fullscreen video leaves a white line on top of the screen. I've not seen any other style do this... I hope you can fix it?
I can't reproduce the bug. This is debian, kde 3.3.2 and kaffeine 0.5. Can you provide a screenshot?
I really like this style. But there are some things I'm missing. The first is highlightning of buttons as soon as the cursors enters the widget. The second is more a bug. The progressbar works when you use QProgressBar with percentage values. But when the progressbar is in 'busy' mode (step value is 0), nothing appears. Kepp up the good work :)
I do not know if I'll implement highlight on mouseover because the the main target of the style is to be fast and with clear and simple code. But may be i'll do because I'm already adding more code than I'd like. Well, what do you espect when a progress bar is at 0?
> Well, what do you espect when a progress bar is at 0? I've seen two variations how this might look. One is like the blinking you see in Knight Rider ;) A width limited bar moves a bit from left to right and back everytime the bar is updated. The other example is from Plastik2. The bar has full length, but every time and update is done, something like an animation starts. I don't know how this is implemented. But it seems a regular image pattern is shifted to the right, giving the impression of animation. From my point of view I prefer the second implementation. But this is no proposal, how you should implement it in your style. These are just suggestions :)
I love the theme as well. I have also written a bit of code that will make a "busy" progress bar basically scroll. A little round rectangle will go from the left of the progress bar until it gets to the far right, then it will start over at the far left. Let me know if there's any intrest in this.
On SuSE 9.1 My automake (1.9) version is too new. KDevelop and configure mention that. And: admin/Makefile.common is missing - hence I can't run automake tools. Hint: If you want to minimize the tar archive size, just remove the configure script (make distclean) and leave the admin directory intact.
ACK - working on...
another problem with the style: make the kicker translucent and watch the buttons... let konqueror show close buttons on the tabs, and watch (evil SQUARE wite space surrounding button...). I hope you can fix these...
... dotCURVE!!! Great job! But I have only a request: please add an option to re-enable the not-centered tabs :)
and maybe, could I get rid of the lines in the progression bar? Imho they are ugly... they mess up the look, especially if there are numbers in them (like in qtorrentgui).
Looks very clean and tasty. Great. My new favorite............. Thank's
Ah. Cute! I like it. However, there still a "rectangle background color" bug. For instance, the Konqueror web page has a white background color but on the borders of the rounded area there still some gray lines. Is it possible to know the background color of the content area (here, white) and paint the widget with this color, then add the black 1px rounded border AND paint the 4 rounded corners with the parent widget background color (here, gray)? Even on Plastik we have the same problems: QLineEdit (and others) have the 4 corner pixels gray even if the background color of the parent widget is white (eg. when the LineEdit is embedded in a web page...). Is it possible to fix that or will it be possible with Qt4 ??
>However, there still a "rectangle background color" bug. Can you give a page for example. Right now the style detects khtml and switchs to sharp corners to avoid the ugly effect (wich I hate especially). BTW I'll say in KDE 3.4 seems it is a resolved issue.
I like the general roundness :-) of the theme, menus, textboxes, icon areas, etc etc, the theme is amazing fast, but I'll prefer a more polished and good looking one (my actual default style is lipstik) so those features with a little more of eye-candy could make a great theme