Second part of the Revelation suite which will contain :
- a color scheme
- a dekorator theme
- a wallpaper
- a kbfx theme with buttons
- a kdm theme
- a moodin theme
- a domino theme
Revelation - Domino Installation
I. Requirement
This theme requires the domino style engine you can find here
There are several packages for distributions on for the i386 architecture rpms and deb.
II. Installation
1. Open kcontrol.
2. Appearance & themes > Style and select "domino".
3. Press "Configure" and then switch to the "Load/Save" tab.
4. Then click the "import" button and browse to domino_revelation_0.2rc. Then push "load" and "ok"
5. Just apply then and enjoy

6. Tell me if you see anything strange or bugs
Ratings & Comments
This theme will lock up the control center like a be patient...its worth it.
You've done something wrong then, "Level2Tech". It is completely stable on Hardy, AND it's changed all the font colors and other aspects to make a complete and excellent style. But the catch is, you've got to have a stable distro to begin with, and you've got to follow thibaut28's instructions, installing the four facets. Only a few adjustments were needed as I've detailed above. Only issue for me is that web pages that do not specify background color are all black. I can't find a way to fix this.
Got the web page thing fixed now too. Just two adjustments in kcontrol|Appearance|Color: Standard Background #333333, and Window Background #111111. What a beautiful Style!
Thank you really much for your support ;) You may want to check my other creations and ideas over there
This theme is ok for a start, but it has potential. Somewhat buggy...this theme doesnt change any of the fonts or font colors...very hard to see what your doing while trying to configure everything. Might as well just install Domino and create your own theme because thats basically what youll have to do with this. To the creator: Keep plugging away at it and dont give up. Youll get it.
Don't worry Dude, I got it !
I am completely digging the Revelation Suite. It is just what I was looking for, and I have all the components and settings as recommended. I think that the frames, panel, etc should not distract from the work at hand, and so this understated elegant look is just the thing. Pretty radical... black for black is blacker-than-black, tho the shiny buttons really look great! Of course I had to adjust KonqiFM's background color, and that of OpenOffice. A bit hard to see items checkmarked, and I expect I'll have to adjust the background of KonqiBrowser, but text and controls are very clear and otherwise this looks like just the thing. Major Props to thibaut28, and thanks!
OK, I find there are adjustments for just about everything, in Domino|Configure. Checkmarks & radios are now brighter, scrollbar groove is visible, and konqifm background is light. What a beautiful style! Gee, if I have to rebuild how will I get this all back? Only thing left is that the active tab in Konqi does not stand out. The active tab is perfect in kcontrol, but in Konq it looks just the same as the others. Any way to address this?
OK, I find there are adjustments for just about everything, in Domino|Configure. Checkmarks & radios are now brighter, scrollbar groove is visible, and konqifm background is light. What a beautiful style! Gee, if I have to rebuild how will I get this all back? Only thing left is that the active tab in Konqi does not stand out. The active tab is perfect in kcontrol, but in Konq it looks just the same as the others. Any way to address this?
This theme is the most beautiful, thank you very much!
This is beautiful, but unusable as of now. A color scheme is needed. Please make one soon!!
You can find the color scheme there ;)
Hi, i downloaded the Domino Package for Slack 12 an tried the revelation Theme, but i had the same probs at the other Poster below. I juste get the buttons in black! I tried two times with blank Slack 12.0 and Slack-Current Installation but it didn't work. I looked also in the file but line 82 was perfect. What am I doing wrong?
I've applied the config file but don't look like yours, i can't make the dark blue look in the windows, just in the buttons, why i need to do??
Line 82 should be replaced: “name=Revelation 0.2” by: “name=Revelation” and curiously it works! ;)
when I load this theme, nothing happens. :( I get back to load/save tab and it says; currently loaded config: unnamed. But I'm sure I imported the right file, domino_revelation_0.2rc.
I've got the same problem... But I've tried to apply the Kore Domino Config ( I love the Kore Suite ;) ) and it works! Does the file have an error?
what 's local address for copy this file into ?
I just get s grsy gui...far from your picture..,os 10.2
my pleasure, you can't imagine how happy I was for knowing that i helped someone :) It feels really good.... You're much more than welcome
now works fine! thx a lot
I opened your config file and set all the values manually and saved it, then when I opened the config file that was generated it was exactly the same as yours, but anyways, it's working now! It looks greate :) I'll email it to you!
Thanx, I've received your mail. I'll post yours. I think the problem was with the "rubberband" option which is desactivated in your version and was in mine. Well thanx for the fix ;)
HI i installed domin 4.0... i applied style domino and configure.. imoprt...load... OK But doesn't look like ur theme :(
Hello, it's me again, I don't know what version of domino you're using but I'm using 0.4, I applied the configs but I got flat controls, without the 3d effects (the gradiants).