Protect Freedom From Ubuntu


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This is not the end . it's the start. Community! protect freedom from Ubuntu. SAY NO TO UBUNTU!

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Ubuntuworm, I don't see what your gripe is with Ubuntu. Granted, they're GNOME fans, but you must remember that Ubuntu is about promoting OS freedom just like PCLinuxOS, Fedora, Sabayon, Debian, MEPIS, Slackware, Gentoo, etc., etc., ad infinitum. Even though I personally don't care for GNOME, I think it's a wonderful thing how Ubuntu has helped promote Linux like no other distro has ever done before, even if they do mainly owe their success to slick marketing and the offer of free CD shipments. After all, two or three major PC manufacturers now offer Ubuntu as an alternative preloaded operating system, and I don't see how this could be a bad thing. Yeah, Ubuntu might be stealing KDE's thunder and the thunder of a whole bunch of other great distros, but that's no excuse at all for such a rant. After all, if Linux is going to grow in popularity on the desktop, then attitudes like yours have GOT TO GO! If you want an OS to bash, you don't need to look any further than Windows. I'm very spoiled by KDE and as such, even though GNOME is too oversimplified for my tastes, I'd much rather use that any day than Windows. Windows SUCKS! Oh, and as far as I'm concerned, you can take your Ubuntu-bashing and stick it where the sun don't shine.


This is about as funny as all those anti-Windows terrorists... not very funny at all, just plain BORING! I couldn't care less if you hate and want to crusade against the distro that got me into Linux (and the only one I have stuck with), but I figured you ought to know something: While many of us hate Microsoft and using Windows, we still look at those who go on massive crusades as... um... "wanting" when it comes to the love-making arena, and expressing their anger to cover their own frustrations. So now going full force against a Linux distro... could have people shaking their heads with a knowing smile.


Ok I guess you don't understand the concept of free software, that means anyone can take it and use it. WOW I guess it still free but changed, You must be a A+ 5th grade student. If I had the money I would do the same as I love Linux(don't care for distro) so much that I would put it on main stream and fight against M$. I wonder what have you done to promote Linux?


dude quit your bitching, if you dont like ubuntu then use a diffrent OS. there is plenty of people who use ubuntu on this site, probably like 75%. There is also people who used to use suse or fedora and they dident like it, but they dident go and bash it all over the place. I mean if your looking for the lowest rating on your post youve come damm close in just a few hours.


You're a Debian fan, and you feel that Ubuntu is taking credit for someone's else work, and stealing the fame from Debian. Well, the debian developers are to blame actually. It was an almost perfect distro, the choice #1 for a geek. Was. Past tense. They blew their chance, by ignoring their most serious problems, lack of leadership being the most serious. Ubuntu has what Debian lacks: short release cycle, excellent documentation, friendly community (the attitude of some Debian users has become widely known, and often mocked) and sane leadership. Ubuntu is a user friendly distro, with a great repository and an ever-growing community. It has made linux an OS for everybody, not just for some nerds. Of course, Ubuntu made it so far by using what Debian has created, but hey - this is freedom. You can't sue them - for example, Debian uses patches made by Red Hat developers.


I hope you all realize that Mark Shuttleworth was a debian developer... And what can one GPL'd project steal from another? It's like who gives a ***k about a market share on a free product...


You do know that the Dell deal is actually promoting freedom, don't you? Getting GNU/Linux distributions out into the hands of normal users is the best way to move the software freedom movement into the mainstream... which is the only way it will be able to grow. Also, Mark Shuttleworth has said that Ubuntu is a philanthropy project. He has dozens of employees working on it, yet I don't think they actually sell it in any way that threatens freedom at all. The most damage that Ubuntu does to freedom is with non-free drivers, and that is only to make it so that users who learn about GNU/Linux for the first time have an opportunity to use it on their existing hardware. You can troll all you like, but Ubuntu is an ally of freedom, not a threat.


i did not understand why this rebelion against ubuntu, can u explain to me?


Actually Debian and Ubuntu work together and Mark Shuttleworth is a Debian Developer himself ( ). Distrobashing doesnt bring us any further. Besides, i use Gentoo ;-)


Maybe he was. but any more, but he is planing his next mars Journey thanx to stupid users who promote and Dell.


Just STFU and find a different OS to bash. Like SUSE or RedHat. :P


Probably a MS guy. Just ignore him.


NO. I'M NOT A MS guy i'm a Linux Guy Who really love freedom. I'm a true believer . If u want to promote some thing promote Debian. use Fredoa what ever. but not a bad distro that gives a bad name of all the Free projects out there.. not a project that hacks free project to it's end. not a project that kills other projects look at the desktop polls. it's killing KDe. it's killing many other like that. open our eye's open ur mind. see the truth. see the distractions it is bring to all of linux . God help you to see the truth Bye


What has Ubuntu done to you that causes you to hate them so much? I'm curious... I think bashing Linux distros is not a good thing for Linux. We should show a united front against the Redmond enemy!


Nothing at all personally. but I can see it's hurting freedom and the community that was built on blood and sweat of others. I care about that and there should be a end for this viscous evil , Ubuntu daemon


I don't get it - what's wrong with Ubuntu?


Every thing!. Cheap Linux Distro promoted using money power. it's the worst Linux distro ever made. Debian developers Must be crying....


Then just use something else. There are literally hundreds of them. Don't go around bashing distros. If you want an OS to bash, aim your sights at Redmond, WA!

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