(updated) moved the UT logo to the chest
Gangsta Tux (Ubuntu)
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
(updated) moved the UT logo to the chest
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i play UT2K4 (native) openarena (native) and World of Warcraft (wine) :)
I currently play UT99 through Wine because it glitches when i play it natively on Ubuntu.
Where did you get UT99 navite for linux? I play it through wine without any issues but i would like to run it natively.
STEP 1: Download the Linux installer for your version of UT99. (put it in home) STEP 2: Insert CD STEP 3: Launch the Linux installer through terminal. sh unreal.tournament_436-multilanguage.run or sh unreal.tournament_436-multilanguage.goty.run STEP 4: Install STEP 5: Play!!!!
I was asking for a url where I could download it ¬¬
u can download the installer but u need the cd to install. http://www.liflg.org/?catid=6&gameid=51
Which CD? The windows one?
I've got Warsow. :D http://warsow.net
...I am too waiting for UT3 :) There will be a native Linux version, as usual.
Me too ! But for the clipart , I would say : the UT logo should be at the chest , not at the head .