Since I didn't really like the Fedora Core logo SVG Red Hat made. I was like "Oh, why not make a brand new clear and good-looking one with my best friend Inkscape ?".
Here it is. SVG + PNG 32x32 up to 512x512.
Hope you'll like it

Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
April, 30th : New logo added.
Just the Infinite + the F logo put together and of course, in different colours. Looks pretty good as menu icon . Changed the First & Mini preview too and I will put a better Infinite preview later.
April, 26th : New logo added. I promised a mix between the older ones, it's done and I guess it's the final one since I don't really know what to add on it . Oh, it's in different colours, just for the fun
Files are SVG and PNG for all the colours .
Have fun with these . Maybe I'll work on other distributions icons... Why not
April, 24th : FC 5 Mini logo in Green .
Why not making one in Red, White / Grey, Orange, blue. Ah, it's already done for this one . Well you know what I mean...
April, 22nd : New logo. No glass effects and looks more like the original one.
April, 14th : Release
Ratings & Comments
Using it in my icon theme, thanks!
I create new button with you logo:) thanks very good work:)
Thank you everyone :D. Fedorateur : Moi je dis beubeulzes de toute façon :p.
Yes , fedora new logo is the best logo in the Linux/Unix world
Dude, these are freaking nice.. The last ones you released are just awesome..
Alala, on dit Bubbles !!! C'est écrit partout !!
tztztz, toujours les francaises ;)
ups, c'est ecrit comme ca?! francais quelle honte ;)
Very nice... except i your one shot you have Bubbles spelled bubles... don't know if that's intentional though :-)
Arggg I put two "b" but looks like I erased one by mistake r_r. Didn't notice that -_-. Well, then I'll say that it was intentional xD. You know... bubles / bubbles... Well... /me is running away xD Thanks you :).
I prefere the first logo :)
Les goûts et les couleurs... :D. ;). Mais promis, je ferai un "mix" des deux un de ces quatre avec plein de couleurs différentes, ça sera pour la 3.0 ça ;). -- I was just saying that I was going to make a new one which will be a kind of "mix" between the two logo. It'll we released in many differente colors (with Tango colours pattern of course :) )
Nice job..........
Really Perfect, now i want come back on Fedora :-)
Hehe :D
Dude, this icon you did is perfect. I couldnt ask for one better. You Rule..
Thanks a lot :).
This one is really good, I like it. You made it nicer than the original.
Thank you :).