Splash OpenOffice.org 3.0
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
ver 0.2
some corrections.
ver 0.3
corrected thanks to the commentaries
Suse from Slackware, for example.
ver 0.4
more corrections. Thank you to everybody
Ratings & Comments
Slax->backtrack watch http://distrowatch.com/table.php?language=DE&distribution=backtrack
Great work! Is there a chance to have it in a lossless image format (png etc.)? thx!
This is fantastic, good job! But Zenwalk (from Slackware) is missing! please put it in, it's a top-20 in distrowatch. Also puppy is missing, which is another top-20.
great, but could you also make one for the BSDs? you could just put it below this graph, but keep the difference between distro and derivate in mind ;) thanks
ok. soon begin to make a timeline bsd! Thank you for the comments.
cool! wikipedia has all the info, but to get started (in case you have no clue about bsd): there are 4 free bsd4.4 derivates out there: freebsd, netbsd (the original two), openbsd and dragonflybsd. dragonflybsd is a derivate from freebsd4 and openbsd is a derivate from netbsd. there are many distros of freebsd and few of the others. there are also gnu/kfreebsd distros (debian + ging) and one gnu/knetbsd (debian).
info in ... http://www.scnc.k12.mi.us/websites/bsdtree.html good???
info in ... http://www.scnc.k12.mi.us/websites/bsdtree.html good???
yes that looks good, but it is rather complicated with all version included... and it only contains derivates (i.e. "distros" with modified kernel and base), the "distros" are missing (note that many bsd-usern do not like the term "distro", but i nevertheless use it to describe other os that have an unchanged kernel): freebsd-"distros": -PC-BSD is a FreeBSD distribution designed for desktop use with simplified package management and a graphical installer -BSDeviant is a live FreeBSD distribution that can fit on one Mini CD-R. -ClosedBSD, a distribution aimed at firewall and NAT services. -The FreeSBIE project is producing live CD distributions of FreeBSD, similar to the Knoppix distribution of Linux. The FreeSBIE project also includes a toolset to help you make your own FreeSBIE live file systems and CDROM's. -Frenzy is another FreeBSD based live CD, mainly oriented towards Russian speaking users. -PicoBSD is a one-floppy version of FreeBSD. -m0n0wall is a FreeBSD-based embedded firewall package. -pfSense is a firewall/router based on m0n0wall and FreeBSD. -FreeNAS is NAS server based on FreeBSD/m0n0wall. -DesktopBSD is a UNIX-like, desktop-oriented operating system based on FreeBSD. Its goal is to combine the stability of FreeBSD with the ease-of-use of KDE, its default graphical user interface. dragonflybsd-"distros": -fireflybsd. netbsd-"distros": -NewBIE openbsd-"distros": -Anonym.OS -OliveBSD -microbsd -ekkobsd projects with *BSD kernel + gnu-tools: Debian GNU/NetBSD Debian GNU/kFreeBSD Gentoo/FreeBSD Gentoo/NetBSD Gentoo/OpenBSD you could show the difference of distro and derivate with different colored lines or something like that! thanks for your work!
nice job man! :D
Damn Small Linux's Dates are inverted.
shouldn't "Linux from Scrath" be "Linux from Scratch" ? ;)
Isn't Damn Small Linux based on Debian???
fix it in ver 0.4. Thank you for the information.
Foresight is based out of rPath, once named Specifix, which was based out of Red Hat before the Fedora 'split', and, other than that, Foresight was available way before FoX!!
thank for the information. Fix it in ver 0.4
If we could plot every other Distribution, in the same font size, how huge would the image be?
i think that the size of image will be height 10000 pixel for the same width. But no i think make this. :D Thank you
http://www.vidalinux.com/ I think it should be placed somewhere near the gentoo branch.
try in ver 0.4. Thank you for the info.
Can I use it as wallpaper? ;-)
of course. Thank
The Conectiva 1 & 2 was a Brazilian Portuguese translation of Red-Hat Linux
thank you for the information. fix it in ver 0.4
Could I have some sort of source code (also gpl ;) to translate this to English?