the version 4.1
Similar to Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, Intel SSD Hard drives Sticker and Intel Main Boards New Generations ...Download
to 16 ditros:
* Ubuntu ** Kubuntu
* Xubuntu ** Lubuntu
* Linux Mint ** Debian
* Arch Linux ** Open SuSE
* PC Linux ** Chakra Linux
* RHEL ** Fedora
* Sabayon ** Mandriva
* Slackware ** Gentoo
Enjoy its
the version 3.0
Go to back in desing, powered THE GIMP 100%, i Draw in my New PC... With UBUNTU 10.04 LTS
I am Free, Using Ubuntu right now !!!
the version 2.2 you can find the following Distros Stickers with old Style type Intel Micro- Core i7 or 5 or 3 is funnies draw

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Kubuntu 10.04 LTS
Xubuntu 10.04 LTS
Lubuntu 10.04 LTS
Ubuntu Studio 10.04 LTS
Linux Mint 9
++++ Good Points ++++
Enjoys All's Stickers
the version 2.0 you can find the following Distros Stickers:
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Kubuntu 10.04 LTS
Xubuntu 10.04 LTS
Lubuntu 10.04 LTS
Ubuntu Studio 10.04 LTS
Enjoys All's Stickers
the version 1.0 you can find the following Distros Stickers:
* Ubuntu
* Kubuntu
* Xubuntu
* Ubuntu Studio
* Fedora
* SuSE
* PC Linux OS
* Linux Mint
* Mandriva
* Frugalware Linux
* Debian
* ArchLinux
Classic Tux - LINUX
Tux 2G - LINUX
Atte. JMMING Hackers
Ratings & Comments
I might be late, but can you re upload this? I want to print it on my laptop and friends computers.
Amigo!!, estas muy xeveres, podrias resubir las fuentes a otro Servidor, como sabras cerraron a MU. :( Saludos
I really like this stickers, can you upload them somewhere else? for some reason mu seems to be down for quite some time XD also are this .svg?
Hi man, I would like to ask you if you will upgrade stickers to actual OS versions or not.. I would be very happy of that! Thank you, see ya!
What keeps changing with these stickers? I've seen them at the top of the list as "updated" about three or four times now, but I'm sure it has always been v4.1.
version 2.2 is down ;-(
The version 2.0 also.
The next version of Mandriva Linux is 2011.0 rather than 2011.1.
And sticked for Unity Linux please? Nice!
could you create a sticker for the chakra distro?? thanks a lot for any answer best regards, daniele antelmi
ya esta chacka disfrutalo friend.
hi jmming thanx for ur great job its Very nice But I can not download files because the Telecommunications Authority in my stupid block most of the sites Can you upload files on any other site such as ... i'm wating
What program do you use?
la verdad Use photoshop para los ultimos que hice ya que el netbook que tengo no soporta ninguna clase de linux .... por lo menos en graficas ... Ironias compro una netbook para usar Ubuntu ... y por error no me fije en la tarjeta de Video ... es la Acer Aspire One 751h con la tarjeta de graficos GMA 500 ... si a alguna persona la despcione por este comentario les doy la razon... los demas Stickers si los he hecho con GIMP, pero los ultimos 2.2 no.... Saludos
The new Version 3.0 is Only GIMP in my new PC Friend .... Enjoying ...
Gracias por otro gran diseno..
In the screenshot the new kubuntu logo doesn't seen circular... The right half doesn't create a circle with the other two ones...
Español : :) Gracias por tu comentario es bien recibido, lo acabo de corregir ... tambien agregue Linux Mint 9 Sticker Disfrutalo !!!!! ************************************** Italiano: :) Grazie per il tuo commento è il benvenuto, ho appena corretto ... Linux Mint anche aggiungere 9 Sticker Godetevi !!!!! *************************************** English: :) Thanks for your comment is welcome, I just corrected ... Linux Mint also add 9 Sticker Enjoy !!!!!
Thanks! :)
The Kubuntu logo will be changed for Lucid onward (and I never cared for the old "huddle-of-gearheads" logo anyways). The new one looks like the "Circle-of-Friends" rendered AS a gear, instead of the gears where the friends' heads were in the old logo. An article showing the new branding, with the new logo to the right of the word "Kubuntu," may be found here:
wooow the new kubuntu logo is so amazing (; much better than the other one :P
Gotta agree with that! The new one is a _lot_ more professional.
Thanks for the Information've been fixed in both packages will both 2.0 and 2.1! and change the Logo And the update !!!!! now
Buena hermano =)