1.0 - Original version
2.0 - Added others stickers than Fedora
2.1 - Added Mac OS X sticker
2.2 - Added Slackware, Arklinux and Archlinux stickers + New .psd* and .xcf* sources
2.3 - Added fedora 8 + fixed .xcf
2.4 - Added fedora no-version + Mac OS X black
* Some problems of shadows, probably because of the export from Fireworks
Fedora Userbar
Ratings & Comments
Just awesome!! :D
Where can I get the stickers to make these and then when I do how would I print them, or where can I purchase any of these. I want the Ubuntu one.
Can you put BSD logos too? Freebsd, NetBSD, etc... Thanks! Good job!
hi can you create it with the kubuntu logo?
I would like that for kubuntu too. Would be really cool if you added it for kubuntu.
nah,KDE sucks.
I guess that Slackware Sucks too then, right? Pat long ago stop putting gnome onboard!
added PCLinuxOS : http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=73059
added a svg template too :)
could you add one pc linux os ? it would be wery nice .
nice, creative, gross. :) thnx
C'est jouli ;) J'aime bien. Nice. I like it.
Very nice ! The Debian sticker is for me !!! :-) Vista Incapable.
I use the idea and the background in my own sticker: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=70976 Thanks! :D
You can update you sticker with the new Gimp source ;)
I don't know why you put "Vista Incapable", as it's meant to show Vista being inferior, perhaps something like "Too good for Vista" or similar.. :)
put it on my blog! http://www.red91.com you rock!
Français toujours... Je pense qu'il y à plus de Fr que ça sur ce site, mais le site stipule "uniquement en Anglais" donc.......... Sache juste que tu n'es pas seul :p I'm going to print those right now and stick them on all my machines !!
"Merde, j'en ai rien à foutre" Super, un autre francais sur ce site! C'est la première fois que je vois du francais sur ce site. pas étonnant que tes stickers soient si géniaux! ;-) Great work!
Quoi parce que c'est un français c'est forcément bien ? Et ben drôle de manière de juger ;-)
Yes ... but I'm not french :) I come from Belgium Si j'ai écrit en francais c'est pour pas me faire banir :)
Euh... le ;-) c'était un genre de lol, si tu veux. Je ne suis pas de ce genre là. Pour moi, il n'y a pas de peuple meilleur qu'un autre et ça vaut aussi pour le mien. Je suis désolé auprès de ceux que mon "humour" aurait choqué. Err... the ;-) was a kind of lol. I'm not like this: to me, there's no people better than another and it's the same for mine. To all the people shocked by my "humor", I'm sorry.
I am assuming you used SVG's to make these. Could you provide the SVG files?
The rollover hint in Konq. says the generic 'made for linux' image was made with Macromedia Fireworks 8. Does that run on Vista?