GNU/Linux distro timeline
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This page is no longer maintained, see http://futurist.se/gldt for updated versions.
*** *** *** ***
This is a timeline/cladogram of GNU/Linux distributions.
Check the README (available in SVG link) for details.
Want to help out? Get in touch:
Web: http://futurist.se/gldt
E-mail: andreas@futurist.se
Based on "Línea del tiempo Distribuciones Linux" by A. Sandoval (alexdark).
7.6 (2007-06-21)
* Added 50 distros: Armed, Asianux, Momonga, Berry, Bogus, Tao, Aurora, Backtrack (WHAX, Whoppix, Auditor Security Linux), BeatrIX, Shabdix, Bioknoppix, Linux Universe, eIT easyLinux, Bayanihan, MINI, Monkey, Ututo, AnNyung, BU Linux, Voltalinux, DOSLINUX (DILINUX), Bluewall, BinToo, LinuxPPC, Eridani, blackPanther, Happy, grml, BioBrew, Miracle, Kondara, Immunix, ELX, LinuxInstall, HP Secure, EvilEntity, SuperRescue, AUSTRUMI, BOSS, Bluewhite64, Trans-Ameritech, WGS Linux Pro, Xdenu, Craftworks, Linux-FT, AsianLinux (Thanks Andrea, Henrik, D. Gimpelevich, M. Prokop, D. Hill)
* Fixed Progeny, KANOTIX/Sidux, DeLi, Fedora (Fedora Core), Annvix (OpenSLS) (Thanks D. Gimpelevich)
* Renamed to "GNU/Linux distro timeline" and licensed it under GFDL.
* Finally a SVG version, thanks to the very helpful A. Urošević.
7.5 (2007-05-0
* Added 34 distros: gNewSense, Linux Mint, Sidux, How-Tux, Skolelinux, e-smith/SME Server, Eurielec, SmoothWall, IPCop, Ulteo, Impi, Trustix, Elive, ALT Linux, Annvix, ATmission, Kurumin, Aurox, StartCom, Caixa Mágica, DARKSTAR, NimbleX, Sauver, DeLi, DeMuDi, GoboLinux, Parsix, Gnu-HALO, DSL-N, KnoppMyth, ZoneCD, nUbuntu, Oz. (Thanks janet, maco, B4ShHK, Thomas Bliesener, Tsunemi, tarumbar, Smarter, Líus F. Carneiro, Jake Neumann, REVTUX)
* Fixed Turbolinux/United Linux, Ubuntu/Freespire, Damn Small Linux, PLD, Stampede based on Slackware, Astaro based on SUSE, SLAX (Thanks duder, David Orban, Dylan Griffiths, Lars Strand, Mariusz Mazur, Jake Neumann)
* Removed SELinux (Thanks Graham White)
7.2 (2007-02-2
* Added 16 distros: Pardus, Linux From Scratch, SELinux, EnGarde, TAMU, DLD/Delix, LST, Yellow Dog, Turbolinux, Rock Linux, Freespire, openSUSE, United Linux, PLD, Kate Linux/KateOS. (Thanks Pawel Michalik, B. Kandemir, T. Ainsworth)
* Fixed MCC, SLS, Slackware, Libranet, Arch, Frugalware. (Thanks D. Gimpelevich)
6.9 (2006-09-25)
* Added 3 distros: Ekaaty, Virtual Linux, Beehive. (Thanks tosta, nightwriter)
6.8.4 (2006-08-30)
* Added 11 distros: Caldera/SCO, Redmond/Lycoris, Libranet, Peanut/aLinux, Scientific, BLAG, dyne:bolic, Symphony OS.
* Fixed PCLinuxOS, Source Mage. (Thanks ruskie)
6.8.3 (2006-08-26)
* Added 3 distros: SimplyMEPIS, Storm, Progeny. (Thanks D. Gimpelevich, Moises, Jeff Self)
* Fixed Vector, Damn Small Linux. (Thanks J. Grindstone, D. Gimpelevich)
6.8.2 (2006-08-20)
* Added 14 distros: MCC, Yggdrasil, Stampede, Yoper, Sorcerer, Lunar, Source Mage, Enoch, Jurix, Specifix, Guadalinex, Edubuntu, RR4/RR64/Sabayon. (Thanks nightwriter + others)
6.8.1 (2006-08-16)
* Fixed SUSE, removed openSUSE until its official release. (Thanks M. Schlander)
6.8 (2006-08-14)
* First one.
Ratings & Comments
verry nice...and i like it
Congratulations! Go on with the excelent job.
I vectorised LDT and put SGVZ on http://www.kde-files.org/content/show.php?content=59416
...which has now been implemented in this version (7.6). Thanks Urke!
That's really neat! Thanks for all the hard work.
------------------ -More info source: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=elx http://www.elxlinux.com/ ------------- Project ELX was started in February 2000 in Hyderabad, India. ELX Linux is a product of Everyone's Linux Pvt. Ltd (formerly known as 3T Solutions Pvt Ltd)
Thanks for the date!
Main source www.linux.org http://www.linux.org/dist ----------------------------- Language > English Category > Debian based Platform > intel compatible ---------------------------- Debian GNU/Linux http://www.debian.org/ floppyfw http://www.zelow.no/floppyfw/ Gibraltar http://www.gibraltar.at KNOPPIX http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html Xandros http://www.xandros.com Linspire http://www.linspire.com/ Damn Small Linux http://www.damnsmalllinux.org Morphix http://www.morphix.org/ MEPIS Linux http://www.mepis.org/book/view/1 FREEDUC http://www.ofset.org/freeduc-cd/ Quantian http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/quantian.html Adamantix http://www.trusteddebian.org Ubuntu Linux http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ ASLinux Desktop http://www.activasistemas.com/exec/men=aslinux/modulo=Publico/sc=aslinux LinVDR http://linvdr.org/projects/linvdr/index.en.php Santa Fe Linux http://www.santafelinux.com Symphony OS http://symphonyos.com/ Kanotix http://kanotix.com Elive http://www.elivecd.org/ X-Evian http://www.x-evian.org/ Pioneer Linux http://www.tapioneer.com/ Ulteo http://www.ulteo.com/ 64 Studio http://64studio.com/
Main source www.linux.org http://www.linux.org/dist ----------------------------- Language > English Category > Fedora Core based Platform > intel compatible ---------------------------- Fedora http://fedora.redhat.com/ Aurox Linux http://www.aurox.org/en/ PCQuest Linux http://www.pcquest.com/ Berry Linux http://yui.mine.nu/berry/ FoxLinux http://www.foxlinux.org/
Main source www.linux.org http://www.linux.org/dist ----------------------------- Language > English Category > Mandriva Based Platform > intel compatible ---------------------------- Annvix http://annvix.org PCLinuxOS http://www.pclinuxos.com/ SAM http://sam.hipsurfer.com/ Mandriva http://mandriva.com/
Main source http://www.linux.org/dist ---------------------------- Language > English Category > Slackware based Platform > intel compatible ----------------------------- PKLinux http://linuxpakistan.sourceforge.net/pklinux/info.html BasicLinux http://www.volny.cz/basiclinux/ ZipSpeak http://www.linux-speakup.org/ftp/disks/slackware/zipspeak/ TopologiLinux http://topologi-linux.sf.net/ DeLi Linux http://delilinux.berlios.de/ Austrumi http://cyti.latgola.lv/ruuni/index_en.html Zenwalk http://www.zenwalk.org/ GoblinX http://www.goblinx.com.br/en/ VectorLinux http://www.vectorlinux.com Arudius http://arudius.sourceforge.net/
Main source www.linux.org http://www.linux.org/dist ----------------------- Language > English Category > Red hat Based Platform > intel compatible ---------------------- Mandriva << http://mandriva.com/ >> Red Hat Enterprise Linux << http://www.redhat.com/ >> Trustix Secure Linux << http://www.trustix.net/ >> ASPLinux << http://www.asplinux.ru/en/ >> K12LTSP << http://www.k12ltsp.org/ >> LinuxInstall.org << http://linuxinstall.org/ >> Ark Linux << http://www.arklinux.org/ >> Fedora << http://fedora.redhat.com/ >> BU Linux << http://www.bu.edu/computing/linux/ >> CERN Linux << http://linux.web.cern.ch/linux/ >> blag << http://www.blagblagblag.org >> Insigne GNU/Linux http://www.insignesoftware.com/produtos/gnu.php Lineox Enterprise Linux << http://www.lineox.com >> White Box Linux << http://whiteboxlinux.org/ >> StartCom Linux << http://www.startcom.org >> Fermi Linux http://www-oss.fnal.gov/projects/fermilinux/ Pie Box Enterprise Linux << http://www.piebox.com/ >> CentOS << http://www.centos.org/ >>
http://www.linux.org -click- Distributions << http://www.linux.org/dist/ >> -select- Language > English or All Matches Category > Mainstream/General Public or All Matches Platform > intel compatible or All Matches
check ELX Linux http://www.elxlinux.com/
Wow, this shows exactly the problem with Linux. You may say that there's a distro for every taste, but over 80 distro's developed from plm. 3 or 4 strains has more to do with the desire to expose one's individuality then anything else :-)
Yeah, probably. And still, this is just a tip of the iceberg. It's hard to set restrictions to which should or shouldn't be added as it's difficult to find info on a distro's real significance. It's easy to set up a website which gives the impression your distro is the worlds most important one with a large user base. :) Checking repositories and community forums is very time consuming. My priority is to improve the early years. I wasn't around back then so I have to rely on feedback and the few traces I can find on the net. So... any help appreciated!
I think you did a pretty thorough job though. My first edition was Slackware, beginning 1995. You couldn't get Redhat from a store back then. I only knew of Slack, debian and Suse :-) Remember "www" is from 1992, Mosaic from 1993 and people still had direct and free access to the NSF backbone, up until 1995... This world is as young as it gets.
You forgot Ulteo(based on kubuntu).
Will add. Thanks. Just reached 10 000 downloads! \o/
Hello, what is the significance of the position of each distro's bullet? Question posed over at Edward Tufte's design forum: https://www.edwardtufte.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00018e&topic_id=1&topic=
Hiya. The bullet marks the date, the 45 degree angle is just a design thing (even though it's not consistent). Derek is right, it's confusing. I'm working on a different layout which will hopefully look better.
Have another look, it's already there. :)
hi, as i remember first it was called SOT linux, but then these finnish guys had some collaboration with some swedish people and they decided to make the distro together. But in swedish language "sot" means "sick" or something like this. That's why they renamed it to "Best Linux". Later the collaboration ended so they became again "SOT" and after that the renamed the distro to "LBA" or "Linux Business Alliance". SOunds messy, and at that time I was a real noobie to linux, so it is very hard for me to tell you the history of LBA-linux, because I switched to Linux few months before the project was announced dead. ,-) may be you can just list the info you get from distrowatch. I think, just the name changed over time. I hope some Finnish or Swedish people who were involved will read this post and tell the story... ,-)
hi, you can include also LBA-Linux: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=sot This is its entry at distrowatch, because the distribution is no longer active. This was my first Linux distro I tried ,-) It had the easiest installer ever. Now I use Slackware ,-) PS Great work!!