Description: I was playing around with Gimp and popped this puppy out. it uses transparencies and goes well with most themes. There's blue, green, yellow, red, grey and metallic in the package.
Each one has a lil 16x16 tux stamp to show my TRUE colors. ENJOY!!
First install "KBFX".
If you use "Debian"=
Right click your kicker "add applet"- select "KBFX" open up your file browser, browse over to these button images and simply drag one over TO the kbfx button. KBFX will automatically use it. these buttons look best if you set the button tabs to hide and use one with a color corresponding to your theme.
open kicker config, set your tile or transparency and the height you want. I find a custom height of 29-30 works best
First install "KBFX".
If you use "Debian"=
Right click your kicker "add applet"- select "KBFX" open up your file browser, browse over to these button images and simply drag one over TO the kbfx button. KBFX will automatically use it. these buttons look best if you set the button tabs to hide and use one with a color corresponding to your theme.
open kicker config, set your tile or transparency and the height you want. I find a custom height of 29-30 works best
KBFX is an alternative startmenu for KDE 3.2+. It improves users' experience by replacing the Win95-like K-Logo button and menu with a larger and thus more visible start button and menu. Wikipedia
Ratings & Comments
I like very much your button! Could you make a bigger version for the ones using kicker at its "normal" size (height 46 pizels)?
I'm working on a couple more ideas... I just wish people would vote more favorably... :/
Finally something that doesn't look like XP or Mac woooooo Hooooo! and kudo's for you big time!
Hey if u dont mind could you please tell me what exactly is this kbfx theme and how do i install this... Sorry yaar.. But i am new to linux na..
First install "KBFX". If you use "Debian"= Gentoo= SUSe RPM= Right click your kicker "add applet"- select "KBFX" open up your file browser, browse over to these button images and simply drag one over TO the kbfx button. KBFX will automatically use it. these buttons look best if you set the button tabs to hide and use one with a color corresponding to your theme. open kicker config, set your tile or transparency and the height you want. I find a custom height of 29-30 works best
First install "KBFX". If you use "Debian"= Gentoo= SUSe RPM= Right click your kicker "add applet"- select "KBFX" open up your file browser, browse over to these button images and simply drag one over TO the kbfx button. KBFX will automatically use it. these buttons look best if you set the button tabs to hide and use one with a color corresponding to your theme. open kicker config, set your tile or transparency and the height you want. I find a custom height of 29-30 works best