Third part of the Revelation suite which will contain :
- a color scheme
- a dekorator theme
- a wallpaper
- a kbfx theme with buttons
- a kdm theme
- a moodin theme
- a domino theme
Revelation - Kbfx Installation
I. Requirement
This theme requires the silk version of KBFX you can find here
II. Installation
1. Open the KBFX Configurator Application
2. "Themes" -> Push "Install Theme" and select Revelation.kbfxtheme.
3. Just apply then and enjoy

4. Set the taskbar background to Taskbar/RevelationKicker.png in Kcontrol > Desktop > Last section (must be something like dashboard) > Appearance tab > check "Use background image" and set it to the RevelationKicker.png
5. Tell me if you see anything strange or bugs
Ratings & Comments
In Kubuntu you can install however by using: sudo apt-get install kbfx I Installed all Revelation pack, which took me all day but finally I got it! Thanks!
Thanks, for that great skin. Your skin is missing the mask.png, that's why the default mask.png is used and that's why there is a painting error at the very top of your skin.
Cool, but it seems like archive does not contain buttons. Will you post kbfx buttons for your theme?
Well well, the buttons are contained in the .kbfxtheme file. The kbfxconfigurator then open it and copy all the content of this kind of archive somewhere like /home/username/.kde/share/apps/kbfx/themes/Revelation so if they don't appear by default in the theme you could still find them there, but I'm sure I packed the buttons in the .kbfxtheme ;)
Thanks, they were there, everything's fine now.
They're there, I got them by default... look in your configurations... in worst cases, you can set the paths manually from the configurations :)
It's greate, I just had to change the size of the button pictures so that they fit on my 38 pix panel :)
works fine thx!