Simple Acpi
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The screenshot are old, i can't change it
IIt is my first contribution. it's trying to be the simple acpi monitor which I was loking for.
Old Features (from Acpi monitor):
"Displays your acpi status, the charge of your battery and the time remaining until it is (dis)charged.
You have a choice of 4 flat themes in the configure menu".
Features Add:
"skz" pakage.
All features configurable trought superkaramba menu.
N thermal monitors in image tooltip in order to keep it simple
write your own skins
work on all computers that run acpid
HOW TO CHANGE IMAGE/skins/write your own:
If you want to package in the .skz your theme, you only need to run make in the directory.
1.0: 26/11/07
· NEWs configurations menues
· Easy Skineable.
· Skin-howto added
· Configurable number of thermals monitors, show in tooltip to not loose simplicity
Configurations menu:
· NEW ITEM ADDE Number of thermal to be monitored
· NEW ITEM ADDE Default acpi comand
· ITEM Changed: Skin load. to automaticaly load your skins
· Generals re-arrenge
· Some minors positions change
· End to re-write the code
0.2: 14/11/07
function acpiMonitor re-writen.Mayor change are:
· The data colection now is from an only from the acpiComand(/usr/bin/acpi -t).
Thats mean, no need any more to change paths to /proc and that it SHOULD WORK FOR ANYONE.
· Data re-writen is all togheter at the end
· Global variable for the images. That give flexibility to change it as you want.(READ README)
· Lot of dead code out.
· Some optimization
Change Alert status to 25%, and Warn status to 40%.
Change to some image.
Change the position of txtTime
Changelog, README, added to the package.
Makefile to make the package skz from the source.
Change to the code from acpi monitor v1.1. Now works, it was too old.
Some arrenge to the structure, and lots of comments whith useful notes, FIXME's to fix and ideas to future develop.
"Keep it simple"
Ratings & Comments
how did you get that wonderful kicker?
i'm planing to work on it also, but not for now. It has 3 diferents things. Glasstaskbar from john16384. I have change a little to fix my own necessities, but not to much. http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/GlassTaskBar?content=31806 WheelLauncher from gotem. It is wonderfull, but a bit limited in configurations.I'm also plan to extended it in the future. http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/WheelLauncher?content=19297 The system try is the original one from kde. Non of the one's which I tried works ok, so I clean the original kicker for all the components and only let the system try, set it transparent, small, and auto hiden. Bye
Can ya hook a bruffa up with the wallpaper please.
I can't understand you well. If you are looking for the wallpaper, I don't remember where I found it, but googel say http://images.google.com.ar/images?ndsp=20&svnum=10&um=1&hl=es&rlz=1B3GGGL_esAR177AR229&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=linux+fueled&spell=1 That was what you asked?