Linux Questions Syndicated
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
*** New ***
Each listed thread now has it's own click area to take you directly to the thread instad of to just linuxquestions.org
1) Fixed the rdf.pl issue. It can now reside in theme directory.
2) Fix weird scripting issue that wrote to whatever directory called lq.theme. All tmp files now live in LQ/tmp
3) Added an $LQ variable to script to allow moving LQ to a location other than $HOME/.superkaramba
*** New ***
Each listed thread now has it's own click area to take you directly to the thread instad of to just linuxquestions.org
*** Note ***
To move LQ from $HOME/.superkaramba please read README
Ratings & Comments
Being the type of person that can never leave enough alone with an already good thing, I made a few modifications that might make for a good update, abeight a slighty more complicated one. Essentially, all I did was remove LQ from calling the linuxquestions script. Now, all it does is read the input from the tmp/text file. Then I added a line in my crontab file to execute the linuxquestions script every ten minutes, thus updating the text file. The only real reason to do this is so there is no pause in the program while it updates, and you never have the periods where all the text disappears for a few seconds. I know, it is only a minor convenience for a great deal of work setting it up (well, not unless you know what you are doing), but I think it is a nice enhancement that might warrant some interest. Also, I looked at the URL that the scripts download the information from, and found that the text there only updates every ten minutes. I was rather disappointed by this, and also the fact that I'm limited to only ten threads (maybe I want 15?). I found that with the server only sending updated information every ten minutes, there are quite a few threads that missed. I'm not sure how one would go about changing this. In contrast, when I first downloaded LQ, it was updating constantly, something like every ten to fifteen seconds. The only reason this mattered was because the hard drive on this old POS is noisy and the sound of it working every short bit got annoying. I love the idea for this theme, it has already been very helpful to keep me updated on some of the linux questions and solutions that newbies like me want to know.
Thank you so much for the revisions. Sadly, I don't have access to my Linux box anymore and haven't been able to do anything with this theme. If you'd like you can post the revisions under your name, call it an update, and tack your name onto the credits list. Again, thank you so much for using this theme and I'm glad you found it useful. Roberto
Thanks for the permission. Maybe once I've figured out how to automate the setup with some sort of script, I'll get it posted.
I'm putting KDE back on one of the machines around here to try this theme out. Cheers, Finegan
Thanks Fin!!!
you get the posts listed underneath the title bar like in your pic? All I have is that and nothing else and the script files are all empty.
If the titles aren't showing up, it most likely means that my linuxquestions script isn't getting called or the script can't find the other files it's looking for. Make sure you have LQ/ in $HOME/.superkaramba. If you put your themes elsewhere, you need to change the path to linuxquestions in lq.theme, the path to the scripts/ directory also in lq.theme, and the LQ environment variable in the linuxquestions script. Hope that helps This reminds me I need to rewrite those scripts so LQ can be placed in any directory.
I'm beginning to work on a theme and i'm wondering if you can tell me where i can find the email part in the screenshot... i assume it's reading email from a Mailbox... thnx
The actual e-mail script is called mail.pl and can be found on karamba's homepage. A google search will find that fast. My mail theme is on my website. http://www.calpoly.edu/~rmartine/screenshots.html Since it's so simple I didn't bother posting it here. Thanks for reading!!!!
nice. i were just wondering how you deal with seeing what windows/apps are open? leading to the question do you know of a cool Karamba taskbar.
Thanks for looking over here!! I keep a taskbar on autohide on the top center of the screen. If I knew where I could find information on coding a taskbar I would defintately make one. Kicker needs to go.
hey, i like it! its very good, especially for a first try. i also like your background. can you tell me where i can get it?
Since I don't know where I downloaded it from, I placed it on my Linux page. Here you go: http://www.calpoly.edu/~rmartine/screenshots.html
Another question: Do you know how to get the actual Pic of the desktops to the virtual desktop switches right in kroller ? THX for the theme !
Thanks a lot! I don't think I quite understand what you're asking?? You want which pic and you want it where?? Thanks for downloading. I'm updating this thing right now :)