RoundBar for SuperKaramba

Karamba & Superkaramba

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As you can see this is a replacement for the kicker(well almost) in the future i will implement a volume slider (as soon as i figure out how to do it keeping karamba from crashing... my skills with python is around "Hello World...") Any C&C is wellcomed and also any Idea to improve the bar...
Last changelog:

First Public Release

Change in v0.3

repaired some little error at startup in the Pager

Totaly NEW Zoom effect it's so new that even I don't know How i made it... but it's cool i think ^^

The K menu appears in a fixed position to chance te position just tweak the last parameter in the dcop call in the widgetclicked function

Change in v 1.0
well thre is no real improvement in the look of the bar, but now it's totaly _DYNAMIC_ you just had to edit a little file and in theory the theme should do the rest the original idea for a dynamic bar is of wizzard so "blame" him :-DDDDDD (i'm kidding^^

Change in 1.1

Now the RoundBar try to identify your icon themes and search the specified icon in your icon's Theme directory, if it does'not find it it uses a default path (under the Pics dir in the tarball)

Change in 1.2
Now when you click an icon it will go bach to the default size, so you can know that you have actualy clicked an icon

corrected some little problem in the pager(now it should upgrade the change of desktop even if you don't use it to make the change)

Extended the use of the keyword Icon in the config file : now it can specify a path to an icon you want to use.

added the ability to open the RoundBar.conf file just by doing a middle click on the Bar

Changes in 1.3:

I've found the source of the problems some ppl had with this bar...i've corrected them, now it should be all right, also, i've reimplemented the way the bar handles the click, let me know what you think of it

Changes in 1.5:

it's better if you use Superkaramba 0.24 for this theme

I've practicaly rewritten the code, now it should be much more simpler to modify it, and/or reuse the code, i've also changed the configuration file, now Roundbar search for a file .roundbarrc in your HOME directory the sintax isn't changed much by the way there is my .roundbarrc included so for the sintax of the configuration file use it. I've tried to introduce the tooltip, but probably i'm still missing something 'couse i can't see them... I've also remade the "click Notification" i think it's muck more stilish and now the Zoom function use the resizeImageSmooth so it's much better to see (i've decided to use the resizeImageSmooth becouse i've noticed that it's not so CPU intensive as i could think...)


- A TaskBar (i've the graphics all made but i can't figure out hoe to create two different widget...)
- An XmmS control system (it seems that all the Docker made with Karamba has one and is useful)
- Maybe a Menu parser to allow the user to replace totaly the kicker

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I am trying to get it into work, but it only shows me black rectangles, and the regular k kicker is still remaining. what should I do?


I have superkaramba 0.33 installed (latest version, right?), and I tried to use this theme. Installing it via superkaramba yields the following: RoundBar.theme creates an empty transparent area in the top of the screen. Taskbar.theme shoves my taskbar about 20% up the screen and shortens its width. No appearance change at all.


I get the same thing.


TaskBar doesn't appears, and I get this message: superkaramba: TaskManager::TaskManager() ImportError: No module named TaskBar If someone can tell me because it occurs... because it's molto bello...


really? I would think that it would have been for the regular version. Thanks.. By any chance, is there an RPM version of super karamva?

ZIOlele There are link to rpms


im having problems making this work. I changed the path to the theme; but when I try to run it all that happens is the KDE startt menu moves to the center of the screen. I tried to run thr script in python and it said: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/elias/Programs/KarambaStuff/RoundBar-1.3/", line 5, in ? import karamba ImportError: No module name karamba. The funny thing is, is that I have karamba installed....please help.


wich version you have? the RoundBar is for SuperKaramba


The theme is up and running, but from the last icon (gimp) to the right most of the bar, the area is completely black behind the bar...any ideas?


hey, just installed RoundBar, it starts but no icons appear; just a tranparent box, which was very hard to find ;) konsole gives the following output: ------------- Call to widgetUpdated failed dcop kicker kicker popupKMenu 0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 447, in widgetUpdated Initialize(widget) File "", line 209, in Initialize elif os.path.exists(os.path.normpath(iconPath+'/'+string.strip(line[strPos:-1])+".png")): UnboundLocalError: local variable 'iconPath' referenced before assignment ------------- This message is repeated 18623... times, let's just say: very often. I'm using KDE 3.11a and Debian Woody.. Any ideas? regards christian


I never actually see anything. When I start it from the command line, I keep getting the following error: NameError: global name 'kdePath' is not defined This is with the latest version, downloaded May 2, and using super-karamba 0.17-1.


It's better if you use the latest superkaramba's version available , because i tend to use all the capabilities of the API as soon as they are available, btw I've found the problem and now it should be been corrected , i'm going to upload the new version, so please redownload and let me know


Okay. So, I downloaded and installed superkaramba 0.2.1 today and got the latest version of RoundBar (both today). It takes up some screen real estate (I know because kicker gets moved up) but I don't actually see anything there. When I look at the command line, I see this error: File "", line 140 'openProfile', 'webbrowsing') elif Position == 5 : ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax Failed to load a python module for RoundBar


Have you read the Docs and edited the config files accordingly to your configuration??


In answer to your last question: Yes. I get a somewhat different response if I type "superkaramba" at the command line instead of "karamba" but it doesn't show up anywhere either way. It just moves klipper up and occupies a blank space on the screen. If I right-click in the area where it opened, I get the expected karamba menu, but there is nothing visible otherwise.


I love the look of this sucker, and its on my desktop now. One thing i dont like is that it seems impossible to remove that "chose desktop" thing (the one with the 4 desktops) i think its called pager or something like that. I tried changing the variable "PagerYes" to 0, but it doesnt change anything. Any ideas how to remove it?? Also i suggest you add more comments to your python code. This makes it much easyer to modify it to fit your own desktop. I know the code might be simple, but i dont know any python, i only know java, so i can pretty much understand all the code, but its still hard to know what relates to what. Took me ages to edit the way the clock shows time. Other than that, it looks great!


well if you have changed the source code (which contains the default value of the variables) it's normal that you see the pager^^ infact to make the pager disappera you need to change the PagerYes in the config file to 0 (the config file will popup just by middle clicking on the bar) for the comments you are right i should add them... as soon as i can i will do it, also if you have any ideas to make this better let me know..


Such a great Theme, congrats. However... Sorry, Ziolele, but I tried both ways (yours and the other guy's). Neither of them worked for me. Doing like you said, I ended with a multiplied "bar" on my desktop. And all I wanted was hiding/taking off that icon for the 'virtual desktops'. Can you help me on that? Thanks for your attention


Have you modified the file to point where is your config file?


I got the same "multi-bar" when i changed the value to 0. The thing I did was to out-comment (#) line nr. 210 in the file. its the line with "PagerCreate(widget)" (just in case i moved some lines). add a "#" in front of it and it wont be created. The problem now is that it leaves an emply slot with no icon. I dont know how to remove that, but i simply moved it to the end position before the clock. This way you get a nice blank spot between your last icon and the clock. You can move the pager/blank spot at line 28 (PagerPos = "insert position here"), that linie actually works unlike the one above... (PagerYes=x).


Just got this installed, and it's awesome! I was wondering how difficult it would be to implement an idea of mine. How bouts when you click on an icon, it gets depressed for a second, and then becomes zoomed again. I would find this helpful just so that I know it was actually clicked, so I don't open two konqueror's when I only wanted one.


ummm... i will try to implement it, it' shouldent be so dificult, i think


when i load it after changing the line: RoundBarConf="/home/vicky/RoundBar-1.1/Files/RoundBar.conf" i still dont see the bar i just get no icons on it? can help on this one?


uhmmm i don't understand, you see the bar, but you don't see the icons?? If it's so then try to execute the bar in the konsole it should print some output (the path of the icons and the command it will execute on click)


here is what it say: NameError: global name 'kdePath' is not defined Call to widgetUpdated failed

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