(excuse my English diction)

It's optimized for use in a 1152x864 resolution, but it shouldn't be hard to edit it so that it can fit even in other resolutions (from 1024x768 up to 1600x1200).
I originally designed it with a separate image for every icon in the theme, but this way the CPU load was simply too high; I found that grouping more elements into one single image made the theme a little lighter: if you need, it won't be difficoult to separate them with your favourite image editor by yourself!
Hope someone will like it, let me know!
Ratings & Comments
Its very pretty, i like the look alot. Would it be cpu intensive (or possible) to add meters for cpu and bandwith using same style gfx?
Mmmh, as you see, the theme is quite big and complex and not exactly "light"... Surely it won't be difficoult to improve it a little by adding some meters here and there: I haven't done it yet because I wasn't sure that people liked to spend such as 20% cpu on a 2Ghz processor... Personally, I like it anyway and I'll do soon a little change, and as you ask for it I'll upload a second version of the theme next week (now I have to study...). Thank you very much, come back next week, bye!