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Ratings & Comments
This is the best one I have seen, I hope you get teh text to scroll though, I dont know how to program sorry otherwise i'd try to help. But is there a way to strech it and make it longer? As soon as I put my linux box back together I will install this, my wife (Who hates copmuters) even loves it! Philip
It looks great. Only one problem, long artist/song names don't fit the small square, and make the theme look odd.
i know, im working on it. i need to figure out how to make text scroll.
I tried this once, and it's a bit of a pain. You have to do the trick of - remove one character from the beginning - add one character to the end - redisplay - repeat on a timer It's clunky and I could never get it to look nice. Unless the Superkaramba api has changed that in the last 6 months or so.