Dyntaskbar and System tray

Karamba & Superkaramba

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to use with Dynbar. telme what you guys think.
help needed with stability of taskbar and i what to had auto recise option to systray, but dont know how.
Last changelog:

0.0.2 just some minor changes

0.0.1 new glassbar.theme it goes a lot more like the dynbar

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I'm having some trouble getting all of the icons to work on these widjets. All of the paths seem to be set right... Any ideas? Other than that i LOVE the widjets. Exactally what i was looking for!!


Hi, maybe someone cah help me with my problem: I downloaded and untarred Dyntaskbar. When I load it into Superkaramba, nothing happens! I already tried to edit the gTaksBar.theme file (W [=Width?] and H [=Height?]). Now I've got a small grey dot on my Desktop. Not really looking like the screenshot :). Must I edit another file? please help... greets pase


I'm also having the same problem. For starters, in the python script ("gTaskBar.py"). The constants the are used to locate icons are not correct. The default directory is iconRoot = "/usr/share/icons/crystal", but on my machine it is iconRoot = "/usr/share/icons/crystalsvg". I also do not have the icon left and icon right and icon middle icons. I'm assuming that this is the problem for both of us. Where can I get these middle, left and right icons?


Well, it's one of the best design i seen so far, clear and clean. Also I like a lot the sysbar U have. Fix the problem with the icons, and it will be almost perfect ...so far ;)


Hi, the link to the background image you provided above doesn't work, could you please post the correct one? Many thanks


http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=3863 the name is blauwelt asuming you are talking about barracuda the one i have in the screenshot up there is an other one.


Thanks for the answer. Yes, I'm talking about the red/white background in the screenshot....


hi, if i start gimp the gTaskBar theme crashes immediately its running superkaramba instance. i have no clue why... other apps work perfectly, only gimp seems to fail. anyway, what sort of transparent bar do you use (i mean the launcher in the mid-bottom of the screenshot)?


well that crash i alsso have :) gess i am not the only one about the bas is dynbar or dynamic bar http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=5862 the crash to me is also wen i dowload something. if any one knows wi this apends please hellllllp


hi, unfortunately i am no python programer but i will try my best to figure out what is going on. actually one more thing about the bar with the applets. if i start multisync (gtk2 application) it does not appeare on the bar, have no clue why. with kicker i had recenty no such problem. anyway, thanks for the nice piece of work.


the problem is not with your theme/script, the karamba.getTaskNames() function crashes if gimp is running. i have no clue why. i will submit this bug to the superkaramba developers.


one good thing is that the bug does not ocour whith new gimp but it still does with the dowload.


Sorry, but the link to the wallpaper you already provided doesn't work... Can you please check if it's the correct one? If not, please add the correct link... Many thanks.


what win deco are you using? i havent seen a blue mac osX deco on kde-look.org before


well the windeco is Acqua i got it from plf. but i tink it is here some were. PS the preview is wrong kde-look takes a lot of time to update.


How bout a small drop shadow behind the bars. It would match the drop shadows in window decorations better.


Hi! I love the wallpaper you have in your screen, can you tell me where can i fins it, i follow the link above but i cant find. Thanks


Good theme, I got it ;) I know it is not the subject, but what is the name of the application that looks like a sound icon in your systray bar ?


If your talking about the blue speaker thing that is kmix


I really like this but I can only get the System Tray theme to work. The taskbar wont display at all, yet I get no error output.


I think you need to check the path specified for the icons in the script file. If your path is alright then everything will be ok. Take care that, icons size specified should have the folder of that size Regards.


I likey the background ... can you tell me where i can get it?


here on kdelook.org http://www.kdelook.org/content/show.php?content=3863 only 63% aproval is this fair on barracuda? :)


here on kdelook.org http://www.kdelook.org/content/show.php?content=3863 only 63% aproval is this fair on barracuda? :)

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