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my first karamba. comix style like.

- time/date
- cpu-information
- memory-information
- network-information
- hdd-information
- system-information

at the moment there is no readme and help file.

i am open for suggestions
Last changelog:

-[version 1.1]-
- shows new kmail emails
- panel for juk
- network in-/out-put
some graphic improvements...

-[version 1.2]-
i have started a secound theme, because the first is too high. the new is a "thin" bar (2nd screenshot).
it's not finished yet.
the mail checker and the juk panel will follow.

-[version 1.3]-
there are some more modules for the horizontal theme (screenshot) it's a clock, a cpu/ram/swap display, a amarok panel, a xmms panel, a jukpanel and a noatun panel. you can choos the modules one by one what you want.
1.3 includes also the 1.1 theme and i fixed a small problem with the kmailpart.

Ratings & Comments



would be a little bit nices if i could configure it to my preference.


very nice theme, however, the cpu use is much too high because of the default intervalls. If you adjust it, the theme will be perfect. Thank you.


I really like your work and like you said that you accept suggestions it would be very good if you add a battery meter to your system. Thanks in advance!!!


There is no system.png, though it is referenced in the .theme


Hey! I've added the xmms modul in the theme... heres the code ################################################# # systemtux SuperKaramba Theme # ################################################# # made by tux.code under gpl # # i want to thank all the people, # # which programmed the other nice # # karamba scripts, from which I took # # parts and which helped me to write # # this script. # ################################################# ## general settings ## karamba x=500 y=50 w=200 h=402 ontop=false locked=true interval=1000 defaultfont fontsize=10 color=0,0,0 font="nimbus sans l" shadow=0 bgcolor=100,100,100 ## module_background ## #image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-tux.png" ## module_top ## x=0 y=0 w=200 h=10 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-top.png" ## module_clock ## x=0 y=10 w=200 h=32 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=20 y=0 path="image/clock.png" # time text x=60 y=3 align="left" value="time:" text x=180 y=3 align="right" sensor=time format="hh:mm:ss" interval=1000 # date text x=60 y=17 align="left" value="date:" text x=180 y=17 align="right" sensor=time format="dd-MM-yyyy" interval=1000 ## module_hr ## x=0 y=42 w=200 h=10 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-hr.png" ## module_cpu ## x=0 y=47 w=200 h=32 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=0 y=32 path="image/bg-module16.png" text x=180 y=3 align="right" sensor=program program="echo `grep 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo| sed -n '/: /s/.............//p'`" image x=20 y=14 path="image/cpu.png" # cpu speed text x=60 y=17 align="left" value="cpu speed:" text x=180 y=17 align="right" sensor=program program="cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'cpu MHz' | sed -e 's/.*: //'| sed -e 's/\..../ MHz/'" interval=1000 # cpu load text x=60 y=31 align="left" value="cpu load:" bar x=110 y=32 w=70 h=11 path="image/bar.png" sensor=cpu format="%v" interval=1000 graph x=110 y=32 w=35 h=11 SENSOR=CPU POINTS=35 COLOR=80,80,160 INTERVAL=60000 text x=180 y=31 align="right" sensor=CPU format="%v %" interval=1000 ## module_hr ## x=0 y=95 w=200 h=10 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-hr.png" ## modul_memory ## x=0 y=100 w=200 h=32 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=20 y=0 path="image/memory.png" # ram text x=60 y=3 align="left" value="ram:" bar x=110 y=4 w=70 h=11 path="image/bar.png" sensor=memory format="%umb" interval=1000 text x=180 y=3 align="right" sensor=memory format="%umb / %tm MB" interval=1000 # swap text x=60 y=17 align="left" value="swap:" bar x=110 y=18 w=70 h=11 path="image/bar.png" sensor=memory format="%usb" interval=1000 text x=180 y=17 align="right" sensor=memory format="%usb / %ts MB" interval=1000 ## module_hr ## x=0 y=132 w=200 h=10 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-hr.png" ## module_eht0 ## x=0 y=137 w=200 h=32 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=0 y=32 path="image/bg-module16.png" image x=20 y=0 path="image/network.png" # name text x=60 y=3 align="left" value="name:" text x=180 y=3 align="right" sensor=program program="uname -n" # ip text x=60 y=17 align="left" value="ip-eth1:" text x=183 y=17 align="right" sensor=program program="/sbin/ifconfig ppp0 | grep 'inet addr' | sed -e 's/.*r://' | sed -e 's/ B.*//'" # in&out text x=60 y=31 align="left" sensor=network device="ppp0" format="in %in K/s" interval=1000 decimals=1 text x=120 y=31 align="left" sensor=network device="ppp0" format="out %out K/s" interval=1000 decimals=1 ## module_hr ## x=0 y=185 w=200 h=10 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-hr.png" ## module_harddiskdevice ## x=0 y=190 w=200 h=80 interval=1000 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=0 y=32 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=0 y=64 path="image/bg-module16.png" image x=20 y=0 path="image/hdd.png" # hdd root text x=60 y=3 align="left" value="root" interval=1000 bar x=95 y=4 w=85 h=11 path="image/bar.png" sensor=disk mountpoint="/" interval=1000 text x=180 y=3 align="right" sensor=disk mountpoint="/" format="%u/%t MB" # hdd home text x=60 y=17 align="left" value="home" interval=1000 bar x=95 y=18 w=85 h=11 path="image/bar.png" sensor=disk mountpoint="/home" interval=1000 text x=180 y=17 align="right" sensor=disk mountpoint="/home" format="%u/%t MB" # hdd files text x=60 y=31 align="left" value="files" interval=1000 bar x=95 y=32 w=85 h=11 path="image/bar.png" sensor=disk mountpoint="/home/ultra101/Files" interval=1000 text x=180 y=31 align="right" sensor=disk mountpoint="/home/ultra101/Files" format="%u/%t MB" interval=1000 # hdd video text x=60 y=45 align="left" value="video" interval=1000 bar x=95 y=46 w=85 h=11 path="image/bar.png" sensor=disk mountpoint="/home/ultra101/Video" interval=1000 text x=180 y=45 align="right" sensor=disk mountpoint="/home/ultra101/Video" format="%u/%t MB" interval=1000 # hdd winc text x=60 y=59 align="left" value="winc" interval=1000 bar x=95 y=60 w=85 h=11 path="image/bar.png" sensor=disk mountpoint="/home/ultra101/winxp" format="%u" interval=1000 text x=180 y=59 align="right" sensor=disk mountpoint="/home/ultra101/winxp" format="%u/%t MB" interval=1000 # # hdd others # text x=60 y=73 align="left" value="others" interval=1000 # bar x=95 y=74 w=85 h=11 path="image/bar.png" sensor=disk mountpoint="/mnt/others" interval=1000 # text x=180 y=73 align="right" sensor=disk mountpoint="/mnt/others" format="%u/%t MB" interval=1000 ## module_hr ## x=0 y=270 w=200 h=10 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-hr.png" ## module_kmail ## # x=0 y=275 w=200 h=32 #image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-module.png" # # image x=20 y=0 path="image/kmail.png" # # # check kmail # text x=60 y=17 sensor=program program="dcop kmail default checkMail; sleep #5; echo 'You have ' | #tr -d '\n'; dcop kmail KMailIface getFolder /inbox > /dev/null; #dcop 'DCOPRef(kmail,FolderIface)' unreadMessages #| tr -d '\n'; echo ' new e-mails'" #interval=1000 # # # ## module_hr ## # x=0 y=307 w=200 h=10 #image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-hr.png" # ## module_xmms ## x=0 y=275 w=200 h=64 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=0 y=32 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=0 y=64 path="image/bg-module16.png" # XMMS Panel image x=20 y=0 path="image/juk.png" clickarea x=20 y=0 w=32 h=32 ONCLICK="xmms" image x=60 y=5 path="image/player-start.png" image x=86 y=5 path="image/player-stop.png" image x=112 y=5 path="image/player-pause.png" image x=138 y=5 path="image/player-play.png" image x=164 y=5 path="image/player-end.png" clickarea x=60 y=5 w=24 h=24 ONCLICK="xmms --rew" clickarea x=86 y=5 w=24 h=24 ONCLICK="xmms --stop" clickarea x=112 y=5 w=24 h=24 ONCLICK="xmms --play-pause" clickarea x=138 y=5 w=24 h=24 ONCLICK="xmms --play" clickarea x=164 y=5 w=24 h=24 ONCLICK="xmms --fwd" # Currently playing text x=60 y=40 w=108 h=14 sensor=xmms format="%title" interval=1000 align=left bar x=60 y=55 h=10 w=47 max=47 sensor=xmms format="%ms" path="image/bar.png" text x=60 y=65 format="REM: - %remain" sensor=xmms color=0,0,0 # XMMS Title text x=20 y=40 align="left" value="XMMS" color=60,80,150 ## module_hr ## x=0 y=355 w=200 h=10 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-hr.png" ## module_system ## x=0 y=360 w=200 h=32 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=20 y=0 path="image/system.png" # systeminfo text x=60 y=3 align="left" sensor=program program="uname -m -r" # programinfo text x=180 y=16 align="right" value="tux.code" color=80,80,80 clickarea x=140 y=20 w=40 h=10 onclick="konqueror" ## module_bottom ## x=0 y=392 w=200 h=10 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-bottom.png" how can I scroll the title bar?


Is there a way for this theme or any theme for the matter to check gmail accounts?


good news!!! i found the cpu problem (it's the kmail and the juk module i think)... so i'll work on a new version that inclueds the best things and maybe kick some less parts, but it'll take a while... please send me a mail what you like on systemtux, so i can do that inclued the parts the you want and kick the parts nobody need :D


i still have the same cpu problem after removing them. heres my code. it uses about 10% on my comp. ################################################# # systemtux SuperKaramba Theme # ################################################# # made under gpl # # i want to thank all the people, # # which programmed the other nice # # karamba scripts, from which I took # # parts and which helped me to write # # this script. # ################################################# ## general settings ## karamba x=500 y=50 w=200 h=283 ontop=false locked=true interval=500 defaultfont fontsize=10 color=0,0,0 font="neuropol" shadow=0 bgcolor=100,100,100 ## module_top ## x=0 y=0 w=200 h=10 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-top.png" ## module_clock ## x=0 y=10 w=200 h=32 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=10 y=0 path="image/clock.png" # time text x=50 y=0 align="left" value="time" text x=180 y=0 align="right" sensor=time format="hh:mm:ss" interval=1000 # uptime text x=50 y=11 align="left" value="uptime" text x=124 y=11 align="left" sensor=uptime format=%dd:%H:%M # date text x=50 y=22 align="left" value="date" text x=180 y=22 align="right" sensor=time format="dd. MMM yyyy" ## module_hr ## x=0 y=42 w=200 h=10 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-hr.png" ## module_cpu ## x=0 y=47 w=200 h=32 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=0 y=32 path="image/bg-module16.png" text x=170 y=3 align="right" sensor=program program="echo `grep 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo| sed -n '/: /s/.............//p'`" interval=90900 image x=10 y=14 path="image/cpu.png" # cpu speed text x=50 y=17 align="left" value="cpu speed:" text x=180 y=17 align="right" sensor=program program="cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'cpu MHz' | sed -e 's/.*: //'| sed -e 's/\..../ MHz/'" interval=20000 # cpu load text x=50 y=33 align="left" value="cpu load:" bar x=110 y=35 w=70 h=11 path="image/bar.png" sensor=cpu format="%v" interval=1000 graph x=110 y=35 w=35 h=11 SENSOR=CPU POINTS=35 COLOR=80,80,160 INTERVAL=500 text x=180 y=33 align="right" sensor=CPU format="%v %" interval=500 ## module_hr ## x=0 y=95 w=200 h=10 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-hr.png" ## modul_memory ## x=0 y=100 w=200 h=32 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=10 y=0 path="image/memory.png" # ram text x=50 y=3 align="left" value="ram:" bar x=89 y=4 w=70 h=11 path="image/bar.png" sensor=memory format="%umb" interval=10000 text x=180 y=3 align="right" sensor=memory format="%umb / %tm MB" interval=10000 # swap text x=50 y=17 align="left" value="swap:" #bar x=110 y=18 w=70 h=11 path="image/bar.png" sensor=memory format="%usb" interval=100000 text x=180 y=17 align="right" sensor=memory format="%usb / %ts MB" interval=900000 ## module_hr ## x=0 y=132 w=200 h=10 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-hr.png" ## module_eht0 ## x=0 y=137 w=200 h=32 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=0 y=32 path="image/bg-module16.png" image x=10 y=6 path="image/network.png" # name text x=50 y=3 align="left" value="name:" text x=180 y=3 align="right" sensor=program program="uname -n" interval=900000 # ip text x=50 y=17 align="left" value="ip-eth0:" text x=183 y=17 align="right" sensor=program program="/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr' | sed -e 's/.*r://' | sed -e 's/ B.*//'" interval=600000 # in&out text x=50 y=31 align="left" sensor=network device="eth0" format="in %in K/s" interval=1000 decimals=1 text x=120 y=31 align="left" sensor=network device="eth0" format="out %out K/s" interval=1000 decimals=1 ## module_hr ## x=0 y=185 w=200 h=10 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-hr.png" ## module_harddiskdevice ## x=0 y=190 w=200 h=80 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=0 y=32 path="image/bg-module16.png" image x=10 y=7 path="image/hdd.png" # hdd root text x=50 y=3 align="left" value="root" bar x=89 y=4 w=85 h=11 path="image/bar.png" sensor=disk mountpoint="/" interval=90000 text x=195 y=3 align="right" sensor=disk mountpoint="/" format="%u/%t MB" interval=900000 # hdd home text x=50 y=17 align="left" value="home" bar x=89 y=18 w=85 h=11 path="image/bar.png" sensor=disk mountpoint="/home" interval=90000 text x=195 y=17 align="right" sensor=disk mountpoint="/home" format="%u/%t MB" interval=90000 # hdd win text x=50 y=31 align="left" value="win" bar x=89 y=32 w=85 h=11 path="image/bar.png" sensor=disk mountpoint="/mnt/hda2" interval=700001 text x=195 y=31 align="right" sensor=disk mountpoint="/mnt/hda2" format="%u/%t MB" interval=900000 ## module_hr ## x=0 y=238 w=200 h=10 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-hr.png" ## module_hr ## # x=0 y=291 w=200 h=10 #image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-hr.png" # ## module_system ## x=0 y=242 w=200 h=32 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=10 y=0 path="image/system.png" # systeminfo text x=180 y=4 align="right" sensor=program program="uname -m -r" interval=60000000 text x=153 y=19 aligh="right" sensor=program program="kde-config --version | grep KDE | sed -e 's/.*: //'" interval=6000000 text x=50 y=4 align="left" value="Kernel:" text x=50 y=19 align="left" value="KDE:" ## module_bottom ## x=0 y=274 w=200 h=10 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-bottom.png"


Hi guys...i'm a slackware user from italy. I've tried systemtux for a few days and i really like it!!! I used to have Ubermon workin' on my system but I really prefer systemtux...but i've got a BIG problem. When I open systemtux my cpu use rise up to 15/20% when only superkaramba is running...nothin else...only superkaramba 0.35 + liquid weather + systemtux + kroller. I controlled those values with top...also my used ram really rises up...only 200mb free on 751... Closing systemtux everything turn back normale. I've got a athlon xp 1800+, 750mb ddr 166. Hope u can help me or maybe fix it on next release :)


- ok... so i see i'm not the only one you hase such a cpu load ;) i'll see, what i can do ;) - For all the people who want an other playermodule: download 1.3 there is the code for xmms,amarok,juk,noatun. you only have to change the commands (but superkaramba is very easy ;) ) - And another small info... theas days i have some problems with my server... if you cant download the files don't worry... try it at least sunday. i think than the server will be running around the clock again.


cpu problem here too.


i modded it to use amarok, removed the mail, got a better font, show uptime, kde version, removed a couple harddrives and added vol up/down for amarok. i also changed the clock icon. if anyone wants it... right now im going to try and add network graphs as well.


I'm also an amaRok user. I would love to get this mod.


I've only been using systemtux for half an hour, but I'm already in love with it. It blends very well with my KDE desktop! I tweaked it a bit so the "music player" icons will invoke XMMS. Thanks for making such a great applet, and making it so easy to customize it!


I am a stickler for network stats also used the horiz. theme bar for CPU load and memory loads..... ## module_eht0 ## x=0 y=170 w=200 h=32 image x=0 y=0 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=0 y=32 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=0 y=64 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=0 y=96 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=0 y=128 path="image/bg-module.png" image x=0 y=160 path="image/bg-module16.png" image x=20 y=5 path="image/network.png" # name text x=60 y=3 align="left" value="name:" text x=195 y=3 align="right" sensor=program program="uname -n" # ip text x=60 y=17 align="left" value="ip-eth0:" text x=195 y=17 align="right" sensor=program program="/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr' | sed -e 's/.*r://' | sed -e 's/ B.*//'" # broadcast text x=60 y=31 align="left" value="broadcast:" text x=195 y=31 align="right" sensor=program program="/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'Bcast' | sed -e 's/.*t://' | sed -e 's/ M.*//'" # subnet text x=60 y=46 align="left" value="subnet:" text x=195 y=46 align="right" sensor=program program="/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'Mask' | sed -e 's/.*k://'" # MAC address text x=60 y=61 align="left" value="MAC:" text x=195 y=61 align="right" sensor=program program="/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'HWaddr' | sed -e 's/.*r//'" # RX packets text x=60 y=76 align="left" value="RX packets:" text x=195 y=76 align="right" sensor=program program="/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'RX packets' | sed -e 's/.*ts://' | sed -e 's/ er.*//'" interval=1000 # RX bytes text x=60 y=91 align="left" value="RX bytes:" text x=195 y=91 align="right" sensor=program program="/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'RX bytes' | awk '{print $3 $4}'" interval=1000 # TX packets text x=60 y=106 align="left" value="TX packets:" text x=195 y=106 align="right" sensor=program program="/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'TX packets' | sed -e 's/.*ts://' | sed -e 's/ er.*//'" interval=1000 # TX bytes text x=60 y=121 align="left" value="TX bytes:" text x=195 y=121 align="right" sensor=program program="/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'TX bytes' | awk '{print $7 $8}'" interval=1000 # collisions for network trouble shooting text x=60 y=136 align="left" value="collisions:" text x=195 y=136 align="right" sensor=program program="/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'collisions' | sed -e 's/.*s://' | sed -e 's/ t.*//'" color=126,0,0 interval=1000 # in&out text x=60 y=152 align="left" sensor=network device="eth0" format="in %in K/s" interval=1000 decimals=1 text x=120 y=152 align="left" sensor=network device="eth0" format="out %out K/s" interval=1000 decimals=1


thx 4 this ;) i'm hardly working on the next update... but there is also many work at school and so on :(


4all waiting for the next version :( i'm very busy at the moment (school, etc...) i have some improvments and some ideas, but at the earliest next week comes a new version...


I like the Comix-Style. Please work on..


i'll do ;) thanks 4 your post... i think the next version will be ready this week. (modules you can select and arrange for yours require)




*arg* sorry... there was a / too much. i fixed it ;) thx skullbooks

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version 1.3
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