Aero AIO
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Ratings & Comments
Thanks for this tool, my wifi crashes often, so this tool tells me when internet is going to crash
I've changed the text color, but i don't know how to change the color of the background, exactly i want it black.
very nice. But when i load this theme i can not see any thing. Only i see the shadow when i move this theme. why??? thx
Exactly what I needed I've just add a link to a help box when clicking on the WiFi logo to explain in a few words how to wake up wifi (iwconfig etc..) Thx man
I like the look of your entire desktop, I'm new in Karamba, could you please let me know how to have the same look in my desktop....
No problem. First I removed all kicker's applets but the tray dock (white background with 20% opacity) and put an external task bar centered at the bottom. Then I use ksmoothdock as bottom bar. My karamba themes are xmms-fullbar from "light 'n crisp" (with a home made background: white at alpha=20%), tuxmon with my background and some modifications, liquid weather plus with "plain white - flat 2" background and my WiFi and ACPI monitors. The desktop background is a picture (taken by a friend) from 3 Cap10 planes on the Carcassonne-Salvaza airport (France).