Love it. Had some trouble seeing the dropdowns, since it's true transparency--the text underneath blended with the dropdown text. So, for those with the same issue, here's a simple adjustment:
Open the file with the Gimp or some other editor (I used the Gimp, translate if you prefer another)
Save in the same folder as dd_bg.png (this is for when you click the days detail)
Scale to 210 x 140 or so
Add a layer
Fill new layer with opacity 25-40% with some colour.
Save--export to .png should come up automatically
Save as ddc_bg.png in the same folder (this is the upper left dropdown, where the [sigh] cloud is), scaled to 196 x 136.
Theres another one, hbg.png which is 250x200 but it hasn't bothered me so I didn't include it.
Hope this is useful, even if it is blatantly obvious.
Ratings & Comments
Hey, Love it. Had some trouble seeing the dropdowns, since it's true transparency--the text underneath blended with the dropdown text. So, for those with the same issue, here's a simple adjustment: Open the file with the Gimp or some other editor (I used the Gimp, translate if you prefer another) Save in the same folder as dd_bg.png (this is for when you click the days detail) Scale to 210 x 140 or so Add a layer Fill new layer with opacity 25-40% with some colour. Save--export to .png should come up automatically Save as ddc_bg.png in the same folder (this is the upper left dropdown, where the [sigh] cloud is), scaled to 196 x 136. Reload. Theres another one, hbg.png which is 250x200 but it hasn't bothered me so I didn't include it. Hope this is useful, even if it is blatantly obvious.
see if you can have it included with lw.
I'm glad you like it. I made it awhile ago to match up with the Fantastik theme at http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=17775
Ditto. Very nicely done. Clean, simple and does the trick.
I like it
I was searching old themes for a clear background that would work with LW. Thanks for doing this.