Christmas Tree+Jingle Bells Song
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The theme shows a big Christmas Tree on your desktop and when you click on it twice the amaroK or XmmS start to play jingle bells.There is a readme in the theme how to make the amaroK and XmmS playing the song.It is my artwork. Last changelog:
Version 1:Theme Created for amaroK
Version:Added XmmS theme,amaroK theme still standing,fixed the quality of the Christmas Tree itself-a little bit more transperant and removed the white outline around it.
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A new version is now available to download now.Changes in the chanenelog.
Well i have fixed the xgl&compiz-fusion,my gnome is working perfectly fine,mine kde too and they both have compiz-fusion.Well i had to write a shell script to make them work but i mange fixing it.Tomorrow i will write a new theme with xmms instead on amarok and there will be also a few more fixed bugs.I hope you will enjoy it.
Well,amaroK is my favorite audio player that is why i put it.I have an idea of making this with XmmS,because i really like it.Soon i will make the xmms version,but now i haven't got any time,because i screwed up my KDE with Xgl and try to disable it for KDE and use it only for Gnome.When i fix that i will make a xmms version.
Great idea! Though a suggestion would be to use something lighter than Amarok to play it (maybe Mplayer or Noatun?).
I am glad to tell you that one more mirror from My Free File Hosting is ready.This is probable gonna be the last one.Hope you will have no problems with downloading it.
happy christ-mas thnx a lot ssuuddoo Slovakia
a new mirror from filekeeper is ready,enjoy it.
So,do you like it.And by the way sorry for the mirror from rapidshare but i am out of time now and this is the easiest way to upload it.Soon i wall make a new mirrors.