Desktop Gmail
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* NEW: The theme is now skinnable, skin artists have to just create the background images for the three modes and put it in a new directory inside the theme's main directory. The name of the directory would be the name of the theme.
In gmail.py, you just have to enter the name of folder containing the images.
Open gmail.py and enter your username and password.(see readme for details).
P.S.:Requires wget
NOTE: If you get "Not connected" and are sure that you are online, add '--no-check-certificate' after wget command(See README for more info).
This is my first ever superkaramba theme
and first ever python program so suggestion are always welcome!!!!!!!!!
Added 'laguna' skin to existing 'blood'
It is now easier to skin the theme.
Now clicking on the gmail logos does not change mode (as requested by mkoljack)
Aargh!! Sorry!! The bug due to which the messages were not being updated has been fixed. There probably are no more bugs(and i can have a good night's sleep :-)).
The theme can now be expanded upwards or downwards (as requested by loenen).
There are two new modes (see the 3rd image) apart from the normal interface.
You can also scroll to view upto twenty messages (5 at a time)
I noticed google now gives the no. of unread messages within new tags, this removes the 20 messages max. limit.
Google has made a change to the gmail atom url, which has been incorporated.
The bug regarding the tooltip has been removed.THANKS TO ogetbilo.
Ratings & Comments
is the best gmail superkaramba theme is it possible to change the encoding so i can read the greek letters in the subjects ? thank you
Hi, I loved this idea. I downlaoded, installed and added my username and password. I get the theme running but it is blank. Nothing atall on it. Any ideas what it could be? I have checked the requirements and i think i have all that is required. Please guide! regards
great idea and the same problem... there is a blank table. what can i do?
Great work ! very usefull theme. I love it.
Ok, it works. I'll see what I can do on some themes.
Hi. I love your work. Great job. The only question I have is where can I get a transparent theme like you have on one of your screenshots? I can't find themes for Desktop Gmail. Thanks in advance...
For the transparent skin, open gmail.py and in line 24 change the skin variable to trans, i.e. skin=trans.
I tried the setting skin="trans", but couldn't get it to work. The actual command is theme="trans".
When I set upwd=1 to have the widget expand up instead of down I encountered a bug. When cycling through the modes it moves up the screen but doesn't return. last time I clicked it moved completely off the screen and now I can't get it back. I've tried reloading and closing and re-opening the theme but it doesn't come back in a visible part of the screen. Now what do I do?
I am not sure if it is a bug. I just tried it and it works properly. You can try removing the config file, ~/.superkaramba/gmail.rc. Then keep the theme in the centre of the screen and see if toggling works, if it does, move it to the bottom.
First of all thanks for your nice theme. It has great potential.Please add support for UTF-8. When I have emails with non-latin characters the atom rss feed is encoded using UTF-8 () Make the default theme more transparent and with less colors. White fonts with a grey background would be great because the theme would look more consistent with the desktop (it would blend with the wallpaper).
Sorry for the late reply... I didnt have access to a computer :-( . Regarding the Encoding, I think that's how the ATOM feed is, but I will look into it, and if there is something I can do, I'll definitely do it. WRT to the appearance, I had almost finished writing a PyQt configuration dialog, but I was distracted by another theme that I have been making. (I'll try to finish both as soon as I can) So when the config dialog is incorporated, you should be able to change the text font, colour, size et all.
I am also getting the Question marks, instead of. When clicked to launch FireFox, everything works. I am running skaramba 0.37 and KDE 3.4.2. Also have wget functioning properly
Sorry, I wrote in the wrong post. My appologies.
I love the idea, but the interface is too clumsy for my desktop. The text is just too colorfull and most of it runs off of the widget, so it dissapears. I admit it would be fairly easy to fix, but I just don't have the time.
Hmmm... You have any ideas for the interface ;-)? Actually you could start of with one of the other two modes, and if you have new mail, you can switch to the normal mode(if the normal mode gets in the way). Regarding font colours, you have to change that manually for now :( ; however, i'll add a config dialog soon. Text spilling off is an issue i have faced too, but it depends on the message... eg. if a message has a lot of fat chars. it does spill off(Otherwise the '...'s come into place), i'll try to find a nice uniform width font and fix this issue in the next release.
Actually, I only get spill off text when it says 'no new messages in your inbox'
Which version do you use? I think the message would be more like "0 new messages...", but that too does not spill off for me, is the font you are using the same as the one in the screenshots?( I think it uses 'Sans' and 'New')
gmail.py line 77 and 80. NOW it is mail.google.com it have to be gmail.google.com if you want open gmail in youre web broswer when you click at the little Gmail logo
Google made a change to the url on 21.06.05. It was changed from gmail.google.com to mail.google.com. Are you facing any difficulties connecting? If no, everything is fine, if the theme is not locked, you have to double click on the gmail logo. Is this what you meant, or did you have something else in mind?
ok, but the theme was locked but nothing happened when i click at the Gmail loggo. if i want go to Gmail:s login screen I have to go to http://www.gmail.google.com but when i see the login screen the adress is: https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue=http%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%2F%3Fui%3Dhtml%36zy%3Dl But when i have logged in the adress is mail.google.com A have Opera web broswer and I live in Sweden, But can it be diffrent with Fire fox in U.S.A? i don´t think so.
First of all, did you change the browser variable to "opera" or whatever the executable for your browser is?(See README). If you have, then open the theme through a terminal and post me the output. I think cookies are the issue. If you have "Remember me on this computer" option ticked on the gmail login screen, you dont have to keep entering your username and password. The long link which you posted is unique and changes from user to user and(i think) from session to session, so it'll not be viable for the theme to guess the url and take you directly to your inbox. The method I use, is to call your browser to open mail.google.com which is redirected to your inbox if you have cookies enabled and have checked the "Remember me on this computer" option. If you feel the long link you posted directly takes you to your inbox, you could replace the link in the gmail.py with that. I dont think the issue is with the browser or the country ;-). And, I dont live in the USA :-)
abatttoir--Nice idea with the skins. I wish I had some programming knowledge. So, unfortunately I can't make a contribution in that way. Just a plug for myself and probably many others with blue desktops -- something to match blue would be really great. I'm really enjoying the theme and again thanks for your excellent work.
As i said before, i am not a pro at making them, so dont expect them to be like some of the other skins ppl post here.I'll try to make something similar to mine with blue.
Mark(if i can call you that ;) ), your wish is my command. I didnt know which shade of blue to make, but i think it looks nice. Tell me if you like it