Polish News Module

Karamba & Superkaramba

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Well, it seems that i would have some time to continue this project. All contributors are welcome.
Please leave comments and wishes for features.


This is the news theme for SuperKaramba 0.29 and up.
There is NO just-KARAMBA support.

To install this module, follow exactly the steps described in INSTALL file.

"Polish News Module" includes in default:

This version of PNM is ready for ANY web site publishing news in xml format (and not only!), so if you have any wishes about new plugin - just EMAIL me - maciunio(at)wp (dot)pl, or do it yourself and send it to me to be published.

All screens are of PNM 4.00 (FINAL).

Thanks all authors of original themes and scripts for their job.



Last changelog:

Still to come... but it will happen soon.
This is just notification that it is under fire again!

Ratings & Comments



Hi. (Sorry, for my english...) How can I make fonts bigger? It's to small to me (http://tinyurl.com/2s7eub) :)) Is anywhere parameter to change this? PNM4.theme - no PNM4.py - maybe (font_s = "10px" font_s2 = "20px") but when I make changes, it's not work (no changes...)


well, maby it depends on font type? as i remember there was a topic within these comments about that.


nie rozumie jednego jak wielkim trzeba byc peda?em zeby robic cos nie po polsku b?d?c polakiem ? czy tak trudno napisa? cos po polsku ? czy my naprawde jestesmy 100 lat za murzynami kurwa


przepraszam, ale czy chcesz mi powiedziec cos 'osobistego' ?


i can't get any news in this module from http://www.kde.pl/, http://www.7thguard.net/, http://www.jabberpl.org/ and http://www.gazeta.pl/. The second problem is browser. i had changed line 24 in PNM4.py to browser = "mozillafirefox-bin" and PNM still opens pages in Konqueror. Any ideas how to solve this issues ?


URLs of xml/rss files have changed so they don't work just right from the beginning. you have to dig a little bit to make it wornikg. the browsers were always problematic, and as i remember, i've never sovled it.


forgot to remove .decode along with the iso-8859-2), now it works brilliantly...


It is nice to hear that you like it ;)


all I get is these boxes on each plugins feed....


Hi. Theme is great but I can't change the size of fonts (they are tiny). I tried to change variables font_s and font_s2 in PNM4.py but it doesn't work. So how to change their size? Regards


I can't change the size of font too. Why? Can anybody help me, please?


Just leave a message.


Can't believe it's suspended but I understand work constraints. Thanks for you contribution to the open source community!! cheers, -p0z3r


Yes. It is really suspended. But all are welcome to participate and continue our project. Maby after June i'll find some time to develop... don't know yet.


Hi! I've superkaramba 0.32 on a RedHat Severn machine and I've found two problems with the theme. The first one is with plugin instalation, there is a line in python script... string.split(test[1],"\n")[1] and I've to change it to string.split(test[1],"\n")[0] because it says that the array doesn't have this element (1). Any ideas?? but finally it work The main problem is the character I see, because I've a letter and a "square character" for example K(Square)D(Square)E(Square). Thanks


I don't know about that theme install problem, but I fixed the text problem by changing line 299 where it says text.decode('iso8859-2') to just text Now it works beautifully.


same here, before that I've seen only squares, now it's ok, although without pl characters;(


Upgrading to Superkaramba 0.32 did the job for me. I'm using SuSE 8.2 Pro and had the scroll-bug. Thanx a lot for the tip...


Hi, "Gentoo" problem again, to remind - after clicking on ony place in your theme all possible actions are triggered and it cycles trough all elements, hides and shows options to remove/add new plugin. Similar problem is in liquid_weather_theme but it looks like author of liquid_weather was able to correct this. I don't know python enough to understand how he did it but maybe it will help you to correct this in your theme. Start looking from menu position: "Enable if details cycle trough all days". regards Artur Hefczyc


Hi, I've found that and this is what the author said: "This is caused by a bug in the meterClicked callback in superkaramba, which seems to affect certain distro's (ie Suse 8.2 and Gentoo). [...] you will not get a hand when you hover over the weather images. This is because, in order to fix the bug, I have implemented the click mechanism without using the meterClicked callback." Well, i'm not planning to implement my own clicking mechanism. Sorry. If it is a bug - go to the SuperKaramba authors, which probably already know that bug, and (probably again) will fix it in future release.


erm... ok. So I guess Gentoo and SuSE users are out of luck :( Too bad, I was really looking forward to using this.


SuperKaramba 0.32 fixes this "cycling" problem. Upgrade your SK to version 0.32 and let me know if it is ok now.


Hi, I am happy to see you take care of Gentoo users, thanks. However I regret to say I can't enjoy it yet. When I try to load theme I get this error: File "PNM4.py", line 270 if meter == menu_img && auto_add_remove_plugins == 1: ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax I don't know how to correct this, because I don't know python yet, se please help me to make it working.


Hm, hopefully I corrected this: instead of '&&' there should be 'and'. Wow, I have started to learn python! Anyway now it starts but when I changed value of 'auto_add_remove_plugins' to 0 the only change I have noted is that it does not hide after cick on it. But the efect of scrolling through all plugins and displaying dialog 'add new plugin'/'delete plugin' is still active. It looks like clicking on it trigers all possible actions. The more this is not only problem for this theme. I have very similar efect with liquid_weather_plus_theme and have seen discusion about this on other forums for other themes. Maybe this comments will be helpful for someone familiar with karamba/python API. Artur


I can't seem to get it working properly. Whenever i left click in it, it starts scrolling though every newschannel then minimizes and i get the Add/remove channel dialog. System setup: Gentoo 1.4 python-2.2.3-r1 kde-3.1.2 The debug info contains nothing interesting either (as far as i can see :P) --DEBUG OUTPUT-- window_pos[0]: 841 window_pos[1]: 40 resX: 1253 {'y': 31, 'x': 29, 'arr': '01_www.kde.pl', 'size': 'max'} {'y': 77, 'x': 29, 'arr': '02_www.7thguard.net', 'size': 'max'} {'y': 123, 'x': 29, 'arr': '03_www.linuxnews.pl', 'size': 'max'} {'y': 169, 'x': 29, 'arr': '04_www.jabberpl.org', 'size': 'max'} {'y': 216, 'x': 29, 'arr': '06_www.openoffice.pl', 'size': 'max'} {'y': 262, 'x': 29, 'arr': '07_www.linux.pl', 'size': 'max'} {'y': 309, 'x': 29, 'arr': '12_www.rp.pl', 'size': 'max'} {'y': 355, 'x': 29, 'arr': '13_www.gazeta.pl', 'size': 'max'} deleteRichText Reloaded: www.gazeta.pl Not enough plugins to scroll: 8 Not enough plugins to scroll: 8 --/DEBUG OUTPUT-- Any ideas?

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version 4.22b
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mediaviews 24h 0
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