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After AeroSys, Aero-G, another full set of widgets with a new style. I wanted to have a nice theme with a new style and to be free to move my widgets everywhere I want.
I also wanted it to be user-friendly.

Every comment will be welcome!

Note: I removed my Soundmania and Liquid Weather links because my backgrounds are now integrated in these themes.
Last changelog:

Release 0.8:
- updated calendar: now it whould work every month
- improved mail configuration window and added GMail support: just type gmail instead of a pop server.
- updated ACPI code
- changed font

Release 0.7:
- added a calendar
- updated Aero-G-ACPI so that it can be customised now

Release 0.6:
- added Aero-G-Clock

Release 0.5:
- CPU theme monitors frequency and you can choose the interval between updates with the configuration menu. "0" means: no update, checks only at startup.
- the swap and ram monitors now show percent of memory used.
- added two configuration menus to set the bar and text colors in all Aero-G Main themes! (I will port this feature to my other themes soon...)

Release 0.4:
- added CPU Monitor with frequency thanks to "screemo"
- added Aero-G Amarok 0.1

Release 0.3a :
- added CPU Monitor with temp
Release 0.3 :
- added a network monitor thanks to rbb
- cleaned Aero-G Mail code, now it won't freeze superkaramba when it will check your mail
- added Aero-G Mail Mini which is a simple theme to check one mail account (instead of two)
- re-coded Aero-G ACPI, the code is now far cleaner

Release 0.2 :
- added Liquid Weather Plus and Soundmania with Aero-G style

- General system information

Ratings & Comments



Thanks for this theme. With a few simple modifications I am using it to monitor all 4 cores and 5 partitions.


Hi, terrific theme I must say, but I have a couple of teething probs with it. 1) No configuration menu options on CPU theme 2) ACPI theme content is not visible at all (and no options, as above, if there are meant to be any). 3) net and net-wlan themes don't register any traffic. I run Gentoo and extracted the AeroG base tarball into ~/.kde/share/apps/superkaramba/themes and opened each theme through the sK applet. I put the aerog-acpi contents inside the previous folder. Any of this wrong/bad, and how to debug? Thanks, Robin


Hi, veri nice work. I want to ask how can i watch another PC on my lan whith Aero-G tool for CPU, NET and RAM?


Net and Net-WLAN don't seem to be working :( I love this theme isn't my favourite!! :D


How can i configure the net?..


What exactly you want to configure?


hi first of all the theme looks great but the call doesnn't work very well the bar changes the days but the day.png always stays at the position x=0 y=0


I have this bug too =((


Yes it's a bug I corrected in Aero-AIO... I will correct in Aero-G too as soon as I will have some time...


SWAP doesn't show anything, i suppose i have to change an entry in script but i don't know what and where exactly.


It also never worked on my computer... The code is good. It might be superkaramba SWAP sensor that do not work with your swap or that your swap is not used as I suppose for mine...


in the file you have: karamba.setBarSensor(widget, ghost_bar, 'sensor=memory format="%fsb"') to my knowledge, %fsb is not a valid sensor: memory Measures memory and swap values. interval - The update interval in milliseconds. The first specified interval parameter will be used for subsequent memory sensors, although each sensor may still have it's own interval parameter. default: interval=3000 format - The specification of the displayed text. Possible values are: %fm - Free memory in megabytes. %fmb - Free memory in megabytes (cache and buffers excluded). %um - Used memory in megabytes. %umb - Used memory in megabytes (cache and buffers excluded). %tm - Total memory in megabytes. %fs - Free swap in megabytes. %us - Used swap in megabytes. %ts - Total swap in megabytes. default: format="%um" example: format="Free memory: %fm MB" maybe you want %ts? I also noticed that if you launch the swap theme from a command line (with %ts) the percentage works (the total is still off) but if you launch it through superkarmba gui it does not. hope this helps.


Thank you, just replace "%fsb" with "%fs" and tell me if it works...


Hello, First: This Superkaramba-Theme looks awesome! Second: When i start it via Superkaramaba 0.35 all my themes are allways on top.:-( If I start only Liquid Weather++ there is no problem. But if any of the Aero-G-Themes is started too, all Superkaramba-Themes shines through the windows. What can I do? PS: Sorry for my poor english. I hope you unterstand me.;-)


A restart solves the Problem.:-) Thanks anyway.


Can't get to work it with FC 3. acpi binary is not part of FC3 install. There is acpid and acpi_listener but not acpi. Is there a way to make it work for FC3? By the way, awsome theme


Sorry I don't know since I am not a Fedora user...


Search for a rpm on, or maybe have a look on your FC3 Cd's.


Hi Adrian, Could you change the color of the "charged"-bitmap from red to something more neutral ? (something greenish / black maybe) -stefan


Actually i mean "plug.png" should be another not-red color... :)


No problem, in the next release!


Hello, I have a problem with the mail module : it tells me the total number of messages (unread and read) I have in my mailbox. Is it possible to have only the number of unread messages ? thank you, Rolland.


Sorry but the poplib python module can't recognise unread messages from read messages...


oki that's a detail. I found that the design of your theme is great, and it's the only one giving me the temperature of my CPU !


Ok that's a detail. I love the design of Aero-G and it's the only one giving me the temperature of my cpu !

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version 0.8
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